Alluring His Wife: The Evil King’s Fifth Consort

Chapter 872: Wei Weiwei is always his weakness

A, the fastest update to attract the account.. Wang's fifth chapter of the new chapter!

The seven hundred and twenty-two chapters of the Weiwei tail is always his weakness.

"You will know how long it will take. Wei Weiwei is always his most deadly weakness, but this weakness is to use the right place. I am telling you that everything is implemented according to your plan and Mu Yu, waiting for the opportunity. It is the death of Mu Yan!" The voice of the man is still low, cold, without the slightest emotion.

"What about the poison on the body?"

When the admiration fell, the man used his fingers to touch the table next to him.

"This is an antidote!"

Mu immediately took the bottle of the bottle on the table, and when he went to see, the man had disappeared.

Everything is as good as Mu and the two people expected. The two men, An Wangye and Li Wang, did not succeed in killing them. They will inevitably force them to take risks and launch a coup in March.

The more they are forced to get harder, the more obvious they are exposed.

Early in the morning, Wang and Wang Wang, both of them, could not wait to play, saying that they would lead the troops to attack the northern desert country.

I feel very clear that my attack on the North Desert is a fake, and it is true to take the opportunity to launch a coup.

It seems that they are really eager to wait.

The comfortable and wide carriage drove past the stone road, and the horseshoe stepped on the slate to make a "beep" sound, which seemed to cover up the lively sound of the market.

The carriage stopped in front of the Jiangnan courtyard, but the Cang who was sitting in the carriage did not mean to go down a little. After a while, he opened the corner of the curtain.

The people around me came and went, and the voice was noisy, but Cangchu always felt that everything was so unusual. From the moment he left the palace, it became unusual.

"Less Lord." The sound of a killer sounded outside the carriage. "These people have followed us all the way, do you want to take someone to solve them?"

Cang Chu's pair of good-looking eyebrows quickly glanced out the window, and then quickly put down the curtain. "They are all dead, do not have to be hard with them."

When Cangchu just finished saying this, the red paint door of Jiangnan Academy was opened, and the soft voice of Suer was heard cheerfully.

"Master, Suer wants to go to the last jewellery shop to see, those jewellery, Su children like it, but the mother-in-law has sent Suer back!"

Cangchu frowned, and once again picked up the curtain, he saw that Mu Yi, who had already been able to accommodate him, was holding Su's hand and walking outwards.

Before I stepped out of the threshold, Mu's face changed in an instant, and the hand that pulled Su's hand was not moving forward.

Suer turned to look at her face and looked confused. She thought that Muxi was unwilling to go, and she began to sell Meng.. "Master, what happened to you? Suer is not paying, Suer has a lot of money. And Suer also wants to pick a few good-looking jewelry for her mother!"

Mu Yan immediately squatted down and took Suer up, and refused to talk. He turned and took Suer into the house.

However, the buddies who were ambushing around at this time have already been dispatched.

The sound of "啪", a sharp blade will be stabbed from behind Mu's body, Mu Hao flashed a hide, then the sharp blade was heavily inserted into the thick red paint door.

The dull sound, and the afterglow of the setting sun, shone on the cold blade, and the cold glow radiated from the cold, and instantly made Suer stupid and shouted. "Mom!"

"You go advanced, here I will solve it!" Cang Chu rushed out from the carriage, came to Muxi, and his hand was already unknowingly adding a soft sword.

"These people are dead, you can't deal with them alone!" Mu Yan looked around, but it was only an instant effort, and the dead men surrounded them.

At this time, the hidden guards hidden in the four places also rushed out.

The biggest difference between a slain and a dark guard is that you don't want to die.

In terms of training, the squad is more cruel than the Guardian, and many swearers take a special medicine when they perform their tasks. Although they have great side effects, they can make their spirits extremely exciting. I can't feel the slightest pain, I want them to stop, only kill them!

Suer's two hands clenched his neck tightly, and the dark dawn looked at a dark-faced Guardian who cut two knives on the dead, but the slain did not feel the same. The dark chest of the dark, the red blood of the moment sprayed a dead face.

Suer scared her eyes and it was really cruel.

Cang Chu and Mu Yu looked at each other, and then the corners of their mouths were pulled into a touch of smile.

The reaction of An Wangye and the prince of the law was overdone, and they even sent the dead directly to kill them.

"Is this in your plan?" Cang Chu turned his face and looked at Mu Xi.

Those swearers obviously take two to three times the general dose, or they can't be cut so many knives, and they don't feel anything.

"No!" Mu Yan tightened Su's hand with one hand, and the other hand was hidden behind him. Looking at the imposing warrior in front of him, he said very frankly.

"That's the case, Qingshui Shui's death is very heavy. When they kill them all, we are both estimated to be falling apart!" The splashing blood suddenly flew in the direction of the celestial direction. Hey, just a little bit of a head, he avoided the drop of negligible blood.

"I mean, I didn't think they would send a dead man!" Mu Yan said lightly. "This way, they are too unwise!"

After finishing the admiration, he went to the ear of Cang Chu and said lowly. "Try a word against the sky and see if there is any miracle happening!"

When Mu Yan said this, he said with a smile, very black belly.

When Cang Chu heard this sentence, he laughed again. In the face of the dead man who was almost killed, there was no worry at all.

Then raise his hand and make a crisp sound in the killing.

In less than a few seconds, a group of people appeared on the roof and on the wall. The number was small, only five or six. They did not take a sword in their hands, but a container with things.

These people put their hands into the container and grabbed a large amount of yellow powder from the inside and sprinkled it into the air.

When the yellow powder fell on the dead man, the dead man was like a curse, the expression on his face began to change, and finally the body began to become stiff and the action slowed down.

The dark guard, who was going to be unable to support it, seized this opportunity and immediately launched a big anti-kill.

"Suer, the master took you to the jewelry store, are you still going?" Mu Yan looked at the **** scene in front of him, bowed his head slightly, and said in the ear of Suer in a soft tone.

Suer raised his throat, and the dark bottom of the darkness shimmered with a bit of panic and fear, but when he saw the faint but warm face of Mu Xi, the panic and fear disappeared, and then nodded hard. Look at the refreshing to the apex O

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