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Eighty-seventh chapter

"Well... I am not a young master. The young master took his daughter out to play. It is estimated that he will be back soon! I faked him according to the requirements of the young master!" Cang Chu directly said that he was a fake, he There is really no way to act in front of Xuanyuan.

He can not care, but he is afraid that after he knows the truth, he will kill him!

Xuanyi stunned, immediately converge on the face of the excited look, stood up and recovered the cold.. "You are getting the moon? Cold month?"

Cang Chu shook his head.

After the two are not, Xuanyuan seems to be a little angry. "If it is not, why not say it earlier, I will kneel down, you will tell me!"

Cang Chu just smiled and just got ready to stand up from the chair.

The mysterious side over there has already said coldly. "Get up!"

Cangchu stood up.

Xuanyuan reached out and pushed Cang Chu to the side, then said to the jade behind him. "You sit here, you are thirsty, I am going to pour some water for you?"

Cang Chu’s eyes glanced at Xuan’s face, his face softened a lot, and his eyes revealed full of concern.

Then Cang Chu glanced at the body of Meiyu, as if the belly was pregnant again.

"It's a bit thirsty, but I want to drink!" Mei Yu said when she sat down, the tone is not as gentle and euphemistic as a girl, but it is very real, and a little bit pungent.

Xuan's face is black.. "With pregnancy, what kind of wine?"

Then I turned to look at Cangchu, and Cangchu immediately understood. "I am going to pour tea now!"

"It's water, not tea, pregnant people can't drink tea!" Xuanyuan corrected one more sentence.

Cangchu nodded his head and went out. As soon as he walked out of the door, his footsteps went fast.

Xuan looked at the back of the celestial, once again frowned, the figure is indeed similar to the body shape of the master, but obviously much thinner than the body shape of the master, the white robes on the moon are worn on his body. There is no feeling of flying dust, but it makes him feel a little casual and uncomfortable.

"Hey, Xiaorui wants to go outside and see!" At this time, Xiaorui said with a stern look, his face was rigorous, but the little eyes sold him.

This place is much better than his home, big and beautiful.

"After half an hour, I must come back!" Xuan nodded. After he married Meiyu, he opened a small hall in a simple town, teaching people to learn, not being rich, and living a simple life.

Although Jiangnan Academy is not luxurious, it is much better than the museum where they live. It is big and beautiful, and children will certainly be curious.

When Xiaorui went out, Meiyu took the mysterious hand and just got ready to talk. When he left, he took his hand back and said it seriously. "How do you tell me along the way? Don't be too with me here." Intimate! The woman under the broad public will have a woman!"

Meiyu is not happy.. "Can't you pull your hand?"

"It's not impossible. There are dark guards everywhere. People are not good at seeing it! Anyway, wherever there is someone, don't pester me!" Xuanyuan said it seriously.

Meiyu stood up unhappy and walked up to the door and looked at it. Then she looked back and looked at Xuanyuan. "Which is this, we have a dark guard all the way!"

"The reason why it is called the dark guard is because they are hidden, how can you see it?" Xuan Li is quite helpless.

"Then how do you know that there is a dark guard?" Meiyu went back to the seat and sat down.

"The breath, I didn't understand it with you!" Xuan left to sit on the other side of the jade, and looked nervously. "This time the master asked me to come back, it must be something, I can't always be with you." By the side, so you have to listen to Xiaorui’s words, don’t run around, mess around, and have a good fetus. Don’t fall up once, throw it down and drop the child!”

The more Xuan Li said, the more heavy the tone.

The beautiful character of Meiyu is born. When she is pregnant with Xiaorui, she is very restless, but under his supervision, she is still born safely. In the third year of giving birth to Xiaorui, she is pregnant again. As a result, he thought that Meiyu was a mother and should converge.

As a result, a child who did not look at it, fell in the stomach.

"I know, I will listen to Xiaorui's words!" Meiyu lowered her head and gently touched the slightly raised belly with her hand.

Su Er and Mu Yu went around for a while and returned with a lot of victories.

Just walking to the door, Su Er immediately found a little boy wearing blue and white clothes, "sand" in her usual practice place.

So Suer’s hand was not needed, and it was directly sent to Mu Xi, and the light work was carried out toward the little boy.

After waiting for a long time, Cangchu saw that Muxi had returned, and immediately rushed over.

Mu Yan heard the mystery coming, his face smiled slightly, and then he also knew that the child in the yard was a mysterious child.

After reading the child's posture, the merits and merits were also good. It should not be bullied by Suer, and then he walked with the Cangchu to the hall with confidence.

When I walked in, Meiyu, despite wearing a woman dressed in a plain flower dress, but the posture of the legs and the seeds, is somewhat contradictory.

While sitting on one side of the mysterious, although the cold makes Meiyu pay attention to the image, but while peeling the melon seeds to the jade.

Until Mu Yi and Cang Chu walked in together, Xuan was able to see the face of Mu Xi’s demon beauty, first stunned for a few seconds, and his eyes were full of strangeness.

Then slowly stood up and tempted to say something. "You are the master?"

Mu Yan reached out and patted Xuan's shoulder, then turned his face to look at the side and continued to lick the beautiful jade of the seeds.. "Xuan Li, Mei Yu is still the same!"

Xuanfen heard this, the excitement on his face bloomed again, and then he gave a gift to Mu Xi, but he was stopped by Mu Yu.. "Xuan Li, don't take me as the prince, I am now Qing dynasty. The young master, don't have to give me such a big gift." Then he pulled over the side of the sky and said, "This is Cang Chu! I let him fake me, I will dress up like him!"

Xuan Zang once again glanced at the face of Cang Chu and Mu Yan. He looked at the masked Mu Mu used to it. This time, looking at the face with a pair of peach eyes, he was not used to it.

A cold outside heat, the person who exudes the spirit of the king suddenly becomes a gentle and jade-like person, which makes Xuanyuan very unaccustomed.

He always feels that the image of the sky is a bit like a woman!

"Master, is this the lord of the master's hand? Have you ever seen it before?" He knew it in the cold moon and the moon, but he didn't know it.

Mu Yan glanced at the jade that continued to lick the melon seeds, and then said, "Let's go to the study room?"

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