A, the fastest update to attract the account.. Wang's fifth chapter of the new chapter!

The VIIIth chapter of the eighty-fourth chapter Fufu son?

Indeed, at the beginning, he felt that Suer was very clever and very cute. Although he was a little naughty, the more he got along, the more he found the shortcomings of Suer.

Compare yourself and overbearing.

"This can't blame Weiwei. At that time, she must have thought that I was dead, and Suer became her only hope. How dare she discipline her? I am afraid I will be very cautious and dare not be too responsible!" Mu Yu understands This mood, because it is the only one, will be so loved.

"Su Er has been greedy for money since he was a child. From the beginning, he sold the smashing costumes. In the past, he said that it is a lie. It is not a matter of how much mischief, the temper is not small, all you just started to see. It’s the surface. After Suer knows your bottom line, it will accurately hold your position. Do you want to have a relationship with Su’s? Want to let Su’s recognize you? When she doesn’t let you hold her up. By the time, she was you, "Cang Chu accurately said Suer's mind.

Mu Yan looked at the sky, and it seemed to flash a touch of accident. "Suer is not what you said. Today, my relationship with her has eased a lot, and I am willing to be close to me! She is only five years old, you don't want Using adult thinking to say Su Er, in her heart is simply not affectionate to me, but these can be cultivated, and after a long time, she will recognize me."

"Suer is growing up. I know her better than Weiwei. A child does not have such a mind, but Suer is really too smart. It almost inherited the advantages of you and Weiweiwei. And, I told you that children who lost their parents or single parents from a young age are more mature than the average child. They don’t think that children are simple and don’t understand anything. In fact, children are the most sensitive. When Cangchu said this, the color of the eyelids was much less.

Finally, add a sentence at the end: "I am like this!"

"Why do you want to tell me this?" In the eyes of Mu Yan, Su Er is selfish, but still simple and kind.

"I just hope that you are still young, and teach her well and guide her to the right path of life. Otherwise, if you are older, you can't teach too much. I am her master, but I am a master. After all, I am only her master. If I have much control, others will say that I have anything to do with Wei Weiwei, which will defeat the reputation of Wei Weiwei." Everything that Cang Chu said is very cautious.

He can only do what he should do. After he can do more than he can, he can't do anything. It's not that he doesn't want to, but he can't.

"Thank you for thinking so much for Wei Weiwei!"

"I have learned how to look at other people's eyes since I was a child. I know how to protect myself. I understand that things can be done, those things can't be done, and I know how to play my own role. Only in this way can I survive well. I really do. I don't want Suer to be the second one!" The words that Cangchu said are really sincere.

Then went on and said, the tone was already a little tired. "I don't know which one is the real me now!"

Yes, Cangchu has mature and steady with his age, and his mind is very deep.

The age is smaller than him, but the things that the brain thinks may be more complicated than his.

"I understand what you mean, I will teach Suer well, and will not let her be the second one!" Mu Yan listened, and the light and foggy light glanced at the sky in front of him. "You live like that." It’s very tired, it’s time to put down your camouflage!”

"The mask can't be picked up after a long time. I am used to it now. I am confessing to you. I just hope that the two of us don't want to be jealous of each other. I have been helping Weiwei with my purpose, but my purpose is to defend. There is no relationship in Shanwei!"

As soon as this sentence is said, Mu Yu knows that Cang Chu already knows that he was using him to test him.

I always try to figure out the minds of people, and I have to disguise my mind very well, which is really very tired.

However, Cangchu has become accustomed to it. Because he lost his parents and lived in a complex environment, he has lost his sense of security and has no trust for anyone.

"No matter what your purpose is, as long as it does not hinder me and Wei Weiwei!" Mu Yan did not ask what the purpose of the sun is.

People who are generally thoughtful are completely unable to do anything frankly.

Cang Chu is, he is also, but the only difference is that he will still believe in others, but Cang Chu, obviously will not!

Cangchu smiled, a pair of beautiful peach eyes faintly seems to be shining, Mu Yan has not had time to capture, the smudge disappeared without a trace.

"Let's rest early!" After Cangchu finished this sentence, he turned and left, and the moonlight fainted on the back of the celestial, some fascinating feelings.

His hair, like the ink, is clear with the wind, if there is nothing.

The sky is very dark, the moonlight is beautiful, and the back of the sky is picturesque.

Mu Yu always looked at the sky and disappeared in front of his own eyes. When he was ready to fold back, Mu Yan took back the hand that was about to push the door and looked at the direction of the desert, and he followed the past.

Cang Chu had just opened the hollowed out door, and a hand was extended inside the door, pulling Cang Chu into it.

And this scene, just just caught up with the admiration.

After the darkness of the darkness of the scorpion, he turned a little and then jumped onto the roof, carefully approaching the sinister room.

After Cangchu was smashed in, he immediately had to do it, but another strong and powerful hand directly buckled the neck of the neck, and the bell hanging on the waist gave a light touch with the magnitude of the action.哒哒"Sound.. "Do you follow me? En?"

The sound of the gloomy cold charm rang in the ear of the ear.

The tight face of Cangchu, Muir reveals a smile. "It turned out to be Fuchen Gongzi!"

"You and Yu Yue have left the hidden family, what is the purpose?" Fu Chen Gongzi grabbed Cang Chu's neck with one hand, and pinched the lifeline of Cang Chu with one hand.

As long as Cangchu is slightly rebellious, Fuchen Gongzi can abolish the power of Cangchu in an instant.

"Yuyue left the hidden family naturally to find his husband, and as a follower of Yuyue, I will naturally follow!" Cang Chu's lips are slightly raised, it seems that the face is pure and harmless.

"Just these?" Fuchen Gongzi seems to believe.

"The Jiangnan Academy is heavily guarded. I don't know how Fuchen Gongzi came in?" Cang Chu did not directly answer the question of Fuchen Gongzi. Look at the refreshing to the apex O

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