Alluring His Wife: The Evil King’s Fifth Consort

Chapter 888: Put the Fuchen son away

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The eighty-eighth chapter puts the Fuchen son to go

The archers, however, shoot dozens of bows and arrows through the gap.

Mu Yan looked at the thrilling scuffle in front of him, the showdown between the masters, the lethality is the biggest.

Therefore, he will let his men lie in hidden spots dozens of meters away, and he also expected that Fuchen son will definitely use the airflow to rush out when the fire is almost the same.

The fire is accompanied by the powerful airflow, and the bursting out of the brakes is the most lethal.

If you are not prepared in advance, I am afraid that there will be many deaths and injuries.

Xuan was stunned by the sorrow of the past, and came to the high-rise. After he was placed on the ground, he entered his internal force and let Cang Chong wake up again.

Cang Chu lay on the ground, can not see what is happening now, but it is possible to hear the sound of countless bows and arrows, reaching out, and some effort to pull the clothes corner of Lamu.

Mu Yan looked back and looked at the pale pale sky lying on the ground, and the dark enamel reflected the fiery red light.

"Let...he...go!" Cang Chu’s mouth squirmed a few times before he said this.

Let him go? Tonight is not the support of Fuchen, that is, he is dead!

“Why?” Mu Yan wanted to know a reasonable reason.

Cang Chu's slightly open mouth, the throat is rolling up and down, seems to want to talk, but it seems that every word is a torture for him.

Xuan was squatting down, and once again entered a little internal force to Cangchu to ease the pain in his body.

"He is dead, the six Zodiac Lingzhu of the hidden family, you can never find it!" Cang Chu took his abdomen and said the last word, a touch of blood was again left from the mouth of Cangchu. .

Follow the chin and drip onto the clean frosty clothes.

Mu Yu's deep scorpion, slightly shrinking, then turned around and looked at Fu Chen, who was trapped in the encirclement of the red-like demon.

His figure is like a ghost, agility, speed, and can kill a well-trained guard in the blink of an eye.

And his elegant ink fluttered in the air, like a poisonous snake with a snake letter!

The twin-eyed scorpion of Fuchen Gongzi, in the embarrassment, saw the emperor standing on the high building through the darkness of the layers.

The smile that is like a viper-like haze, the evil spirits rise up.

Mu Yan turned and glanced again. I don’t know if I was in a coma, or I closed my eyes and rested.

After a few words of whispering to Xuan’s ear, Xuanyuan flew down from the high-rise...

The light of the fire, Mu Yu and Fu Chen once again met in the air, a dark and dark, a light blue and strange...

When the morning sun shone from the window into the face of the sun the next morning, the long, long eyelashes shook slightly, as the wings of the butterfly shook.

Then, Cangchu sat up from the bed, and Mu Yan held a silver mask on his hand, stood by the bed, and saw the waking up, then handed the silver mask on his hand to the hands of the celestial hand.

"Have you healed me last night?" Cangchu subconsciously used his internal force, although it did not recover as it was, but it was much better than last night.

"Su'er has medicine!" Mu Yan said simply. "You have suffered internal injuries, don't let the end stop!"

Cang Chu looked at Mu Xi, then slowly stood up from the bed, reached out and took the silver mask from Mu Yan's hand, then walked to the bronze mirror and put the mask on.

The bronze mirror has been replaced with a silver-white robes, but his hair is still black, but as long as he wears a wide hat, he can cover his hair.

"Fortunately, you found it in time last night!" Standing in front of the bronze mirror for a long time, the chilly lips like a cherry, the tone, seems to be a lingering fear of what happened last night.

"Will the Fuchen son really kill you?" Mu's hair is also black, but compared to other people's black, it is black and some unnatural.

"Yes, whoever he will kill!" Cangchu answered with all certainty. "Except for the demon!"

"He used you as a demon last night!" They said, they heard it.

"I guess he is poisonous and has an illusion!" Cang said without hesitation.

"From the situation last night, he is not like poison, and with his merits, the general poison has no effect on him!" Mu Yan held a fist in his chest and the other hand was carried by After that, the posture is tall and straight, and it is awe-inspiring. A naturally formed momentum is infiltrated from the body.

"So, do you think that I am a demon? I think I am a demon, so my purpose can be achieved soon!" Cang Chu showed a pure smile to the bronze mirror, and then put on a wide hat. The whole person seems to be shrouded in a white robe, more mysterious.

Just, it seems like something is missing!

"Xiaowei said, no one knows what the demon looks like. Before that, no one knows what the name of Fuchen's favorite woman is. How much do you know about this?" Muxi's dark scorpion looks at the sage in front of him. A faint glance at it.

A little more thin, less a little overbearing momentum.

"The nobles deliberately concealed this matter, want to know the reason only to ask the people in the nobility!" Cang Chu finished, turned his head and looked at the slightly bright sky. "The weather is not too early, I am going The palace is over!"

Mu Yan did not speak, watching the open door of the sky, when the shadow of the body is about to leave their own vision, Mu Hao once again out of the channel. "Today's wind is a bit big, don't show anything!"

"Who wants your hair to be silver, you can't find dye dye at all!" Cang said with a half-joking joke.

Even if the hair is red or green, at least it can be dyed with dye, but this silver is really not able to find such a dye.

Mu Yan stood in the same place, but did not think that this is nothing bad, so no one can pretend to be him.

It’s not the wind!

The front foot of the carriage that Cang Chu took just stepped out of the front door of the Jiangnan courtyard. Not long after the hind foot, a plain carriage drove out from the back door.

"Less Lord, we are going where!" After this simple carriage drove to the country road, Xiaorui opened the curtain, explored his little head, and asked to wear a bucket to catch the carriage. Admiration.

"Go to Cuiyin Mountain!" Mu Yan rushed in the carriage, walking in the mountains without any trouble.

Don't look at the simplicity of this carriage, but this horse is a good good, and the simple one is just outside the carriage. The space inside is not only big but also very comfortable.

"Why go to Cuiyin Mountain? I said that I will go back to Jiangnanyuan to find us!" Xiaorui's childish face is full of doubts. Look at the refreshing to the apex O

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