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Chapter 904 re-recognition

Irene was silent again. Suddenly, she really felt that the name of the face was very sad, just like his people.

"It's too late, go to rest? Tomorrow, we must hurry!" Ning Fenyan naturally reached out and licked the hair of the tail.

Although Irene didn't like to be touched by a stranger, she did not refuse.

"This is a fascinating face..." Xuan can't stand it anymore, just want to stop it.

Wei Weiwei is the woman of the master. How can he be so close to the woman of the master?

"Mu Wei doesn't mind, why should you care?" Cang Chu still stopped Xuan.

These two people can be said that they are already separated by the end of the world. Looking at them, there is already a gap between them.

Xuan looked at the celestial, and looked at Ning Fen, and suddenly the light of the darkness shot a sharp light. "You and Ning Fenyan are the people on the Weiweiwei side, of course you say so, but I am here on the side of my master. How can my master not mind, just don’t say it!"

Cang Chu squinted. "Do you think there is a problem?"

"What problem? Ning Fenyan is true, Weiweiwei is also true, what is the problem?" Xuanyuan did not notice anything wrong.

"Do you think that the wind will be so kind to send Wei Weiwei and Ning Fen Yan all to us?" The tone of Cang Chu Qing Run is quite serious.

"The wind is as deep as the master's mind, it is so easy to guess, or wait for the master to come!" Xuan Li also knows that the wind can not be so stupid.

Cang Chu looked at Ning Fen Yan and Wei Weiwei's figure slowly disappeared into the night.. "Wei Wei tailed the poison, Ning Fen Yan also has anti-drug, this is the most popular, Ning Yiyan may become popular at any time. The people on the side, so Ning Yan Yan is not sent by the wind, but his arrangement, as for Wei Weiwei... I really don't understand, what is the wind that I want to do!"

No one knows more about Mu Xi than the wind, Mu Xi cares about what he is afraid of, and he knows it, and he is also very clear.

Every step of his life is well thought out, not a sudden.

"The wind will be poisonous, and there are many people who will use scorpion under the main hand. The master will definitely find a way to get rid of their cockroaches!"

Cang Chu turned his head and looked at Xuan Li.. "I can't help but say that the people under the hand of Mu Hao don't necessarily win the wind. You don't understand the ability of the wind, you don't know your master." The ability? They are twins, your master is good at tactics, no one can rival, and the wind is good at poisoning. Do you think someone will surpass him?"

The words of Cangchu, although not good, but they are all very reasonable.

After confirming that he is the identity of Wei Weiwei, Irene’s treatment is much better. Is there a wooden tent directly in the coach’s tent?

However, it is a matter of course to stay in the coach's tent as her.

Because this coach was originally Mu Yu, but it is said that Mu Yan is going to find her, so let Cang Chu first replace it.

In this way, Mu Wei still really has a heart on Wei Weiwei. I don't know why she has some faint expectations in her heart, but she is a little scared.

After all, they are husband and wife, Mu Yan knows more about Wei Weiwei's fine details, she is really afraid of getting along for a long time, Mu Yan will suspect that she is not Wei Weiwei.

What do people here say? Really too conspiring, be careful, be cautious, so live is not tired?

Irene thought about it and didn't know how to fall asleep.

And the sleep is still very heavy, stupid feeling that someone is intimately called her mother, then squatting at her, sobbing gently, but for a while, there is no movement.

Eileen turned over and pulled the quilt and went to sleep again.

I don't know how long it took. Irene always felt that someone was squeezing her around her, still pressing her leg, and pressing on her chest.

Although not heavy, Irene is very upset!

Irene had to move elsewhere, but she moved one step further, and the weight was followed by her move. Irene had to move impatiently and finally turned over and was empty.

Irene opened her eyes and did not start to struggle with her hands and feet. She fell into a generous embrace.

"Shantou, you sleep is still not honest!" The sky is very dark, Irene only saw a contour in front of her eyes, the voice is also very good, faint and good with a bit of exhaustion and drowsiness.

Irene was still sleepy, and the first reaction thought it was Ning Yanyan.. "Ning Fen Yan, are you still here?"

The person holding her was obviously stunned, then she put her on the bed and the voice became low. "I am a mah!"

"Ah?" Irene had just lie down in the body, it seems to be suddenly hit by the current, and sat up, some circles said. "You are Mu?"

Is the husband of the original Lord?

what's the situation? Doesn't it mean that you can't arrive in a short time? Why did she just sleep, and people just came to the front?

And it looks like it is still at night?

"Well, Iris, you are a little bit quiet, Suer is asleep, wake her up, you have no sleep!" Mu Yan gently sighed, and then approached Irene's ear and said low. .

"Suer?" Irene understood and came over to the bed, and immediately got a soft and small body. It was this little girl who had been pressing her.

"Well!" Mu Yan sighed again, then the whole person sat down to the bed, tiredly pulling Eileen into his arms, and the chin with a stubble rubbed the forehead of Wei Weiwei.. Fortunately, I found you. If I can't find you, I don't know what to do!"

The voice is low and hoarse, full of magnetism, low and soft, but the exhaustion of the words can not be concealed.

It would be quite touching if it was placed on a TV show, but Irene was numb, especially when her forehead was stabbed by Hu, and I really felt that there were countless currents flowing through it.

Irene was somewhat unnaturally detached from Mu's mind and then yawned. "I am so sleepy, I want to sleep..."

Then Irene lay down quickly, then covered the quilt and slept against Muham.

In this process, Irene can hear the nervous heartbeat clearly.

She didn't know what this admirer looked like now, and he was so intimate with him that she was really at a loss!

Mu Yan sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Wei Weiwei, who quickly turned his back. He sighed, but still reached out and touched Irene's long hair. "Xuan Li said that you have no memory, I don't recognize me." I don't think it's okay, just when we get to know it again!"

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