Alluring His Wife: The Evil King’s Fifth Consort

Chapter 915: The beginning and end of the story

A, the fastest update to attract the account.. Wang's fifth chapter of the new chapter!

The beginning and end of the story of the ninth and fifteenth chapters

Their family was originally in the same position as the high priest in the hidden family, and it was comparable to the nobility.

However, this is all about fifty years ago.

They are not high priests, but wizards, the high priests have the power to be servants, and the wizards have the ability to observe the stars.

It is because of this ability that their fathers found a whirlpool door after the hidden family found a vortex that could lead to the outside world.

However, the door of this whirlpool is leading to another place.

But no one knows where to go, so their fathers opened the door of the whirlpool so rashly, but who knows the moment of opening is the beginning of the disaster.

Inexplicable livestock deaths began in the hidden family, followed by humans. Later, many people realized that it was probably because of the opening of the vortex.

So it didn't take long for the door to be re-sealed, but the matter did not end, but all the people present on the scene had an inexplicable symbol on their body. This symbol was printed in the blood and could not be eliminated for life. And after forty years old, it started to go crazy. During the day, it was a normal person. In the evening, it would become a murderous demon, accompanied by pain in the body and discoloration of the blood.

In the end, the painful death, no one can live forty years old.

The most important thing is that this curse is also inherited, but if the cursed person has the next generation, then the symbol will grow on his child's body. The newborn child does not need to say that the symbol of birth is engraved in On the back.

But these children with symbols, all smart, outstanding minds, out of the wild to get back 100% can safely come back, in all aspects show even amazing talent.

After the patriarchs and nobles realized this, they were very scared.

At that time, the population of the hidden family was far less prosperous. If the development of the past is continued, the rulers of the hidden family are likely to be cursed children, and even a normal person cannot be found in the hidden family.

In order not to make the entire hidden family a curse, the patriarchs and nobles at that time ordered the killing of those who had symbols, whether they were adults or newborn babies.

Fortunately, their fathers had long expected that the patriarchs would make this decision, so they secretly left the hidden family.

So, over the years, they have been looking for ways to lift the curse. After so many years, they finally know how to lift this curse.

That is, in the fifth decade of opening the door of the whirlpool, the door of the whirlpool will be opened again, with the zodiac and the twin heart sacrifices with the blood of the ancient dragons. Only then can the curse on them be eliminated.

Their descendants do not suffer from this curse.

So later, I had these things.

When they were born, they were already destined for their destiny!

They can only live to thirty-two years old!

The reason why the wind became the present is that their uncle deliberately did it. The original style is that they can live a good life. One lives in the palace and lives in the palace, and the other lives a quiet and elegant day.

Their character will not fight, nor will they grab it.

But if this is the case, they will face a serious challenge after thirty-two years.

Because their lifespan is short, they will die when they are forty years old, so in these thirty-two years, the fathers will die one after another, and there are not many people who have escaped.

After the death of these fathers, only these younger generations will be left. When the first fifty years come, will they be able to bring the admiration and the wind to the hidden family and then sacrifice them with their lively heart?

The answer is no, and the uncles know by observing the astrology, as well as the face of the admiration and the wind, that when these two men grow up, they must be human beings and dragons, and dealing with them is by no means an easy task.

Therefore, the uncles deliberately let the winds live in such a harsh environment from childhood, being deceived, being humiliated, and finally letting the wind come to the Tianzhu Pavilion.

Thus, a wind full of hatred, wreckage, and bloodthirsty was born.

Over the years, they have been working hard to make the two people evenly matched, because once the other side is strong and the other side is in a weak position, it is very likely that it will be killed.

So they will wait until the next fifty years, but they can't wait. On the day of the forties, they have to endure endless torture, watching their blood turn from red to black, little by little condensation. Live, in the evening, just like a devil, killing people everywhere, the body is stiff like a zombie, completely without thought, only at the moment when the chicken sounds can be recovered.

After this condition lasts for a few months, it will die due to blood clotting and bursting of the meridians.

Whether it is before or after death, it is very painful and afflicting people.

Therefore, they can't let Mu Yi be too strong to let him sit on the throne of Nanyue!

They don’t have the grasp to grasp both Mu and Fengfeng at the same time, and they are so smart and wise. Once they are aware that they are all dealing with them, they will choose to temporarily put down their grievances and jointly resist foreign enemies. .

Therefore, they can only guide the hatred between Mu Yu and the savage one step by step, let them kill each other, and wait for them to fight both sides and lose their strength. When they have no power to fight back, they are the time of their success.

The rebellion that happened in Nanyue country that year was designed by them!

If it is not their repeated embarrassment, to provide information to the father of the end, I am afraid that the father of the end will not have such great courage and courage!

Of course, they also let the emperor sit on this throne.

The value of his existence is to add trouble to the admiration.

Anyway, the wind is now completely under their control.

Only Mu Xi, it is not a bag of things.

Now they just have to look at Mu Hao and the wind and the two fight, and whoever has the disadvantage, they will help, and let them burn all the jade!

After all, letting them fight themselves is easier and easier than they are to deal with admiration and popularity.

"What is the end of the Weiwei tail? Will it hurt her body?" After all, it has been a few years with Wei Weiwei, and it is impossible to say a little bit of feeling.

Although from the beginning, he deliberately approached Wei Weiwei.

The demon gently shook his head. "The wind is threatening to admire, so it gives the Weiwei tail a similar thing, but it does not make Weiweiwei more admired, but it will be extremely disgusting to Muyu. Emotions, this kind of emotion will deepen with getting deeper!" Look at the refreshing to the apex O

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