Almighty Alchemist

Chapter 53 Spark Prison (Part 1)

In a desolate suburb in the southwest of Royo City, there stands a special building.

The four sides of the building are surrounded by tall walls, and there is a hemispherical white magic tower every 100 meters.

A total of forty-two magic towers wrap the entire building into a huge circle, which is as conspicuous as forty-two bright pearls on a black line. There are four warriors and a mage in the center of each tower.

Outside the walls are guards with knives and axes and knights riding scale armored beasts cruising around.

The level of these knights may not be too high in terms of warriors, but coupled with the ferocious dark scale beasts, their combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

This is the famous Spark Prison in Royo City.

Due to the numerous bandits and mixed races in the area of ​​the Villas Mountains, the Lance Empire built a large prison with super strong defenses here, which was specially used to house prisoners.

Spark Prison has multiple layers of defense. The first line of defense is the outermost patrolling guards, plus a hundred imperial cavalry guards with dark scale beasts to assist defense. Their main duty is not to allow any strangers to approach the prison, and when necessary, they are responsible for chasing down prisoners who may escape.

The second layer of defense line is composed of the high wall barrier composed of forty-two magic towers. There are forty-two magic towers, each with a huge magic ball on it. When the forty-two magic balls emit energy at the same time, they will form a magic sky, forming a huge energy mask, completely isolating the prison from the outside world, enough to resist any spell attack, and last at least a whole day.

The third line of defense is behind the fence. The tall fence blocked people's vision, making people unaware of the hidden murderous intent behind it.

If anyone thinks that breaking through the wall will open up the sea and the sky, then he is very wrong. Because behind the wall is a death warning zone with a width of twelve meters. In this area, all kinds of magic traps and traps are densely covered. Once it breaks in forcefully, its powerful flesh and blood devouring ability can wipe out thousands of enemies in an instant.

After passing the death zone, there is a fourth line of defense, which is the protection of one hundred high-level puppet warriors, twenty flesh and blood puppets, and forty demon spirits.

There is only one person who can command them, and that is the supreme officer here, Lord Sterias, the warden.

The morning air is fresh after the rain. The light rain that fell in the middle of the night yesterday pulled up the grass on the ground.

There was the sound of horseshoes kicking in the distance, and the crisp tinkling of bells continued.

A luxurious carriage was driving towards the main entrance of Spark Prison, and the driver was a man wearing a big hat. Under the shadow of the big hat, the face of the driver could not be seen clearly, except for a pair of big hands waving a leather whip, as thin as bones.

The carriage stopped at the main entrance of the prison.

The driver jumped out of the carriage and handed the pass to the prison guard: "I was invited by Count Strias to meet him. This is the pass."

After carefully checking the pass, the guard at the gate returned the pass to the other party: "You can go in."

The driver waved his long whip to urge the carriage to move forward.

The gate opened, and the carriage entered the prison with Dede's footsteps. Behind the thick wall, there are soldiers standing guard everywhere. Some trained monsters are regarded as useful hounds and are patrolling around under the leadership of the soldiers.

The carriage stopped in an open space in the prison, and it was Xiu Yi who walked out of it.

He straightened his glasses first, adjusted his bow tie, and then said to the driver: "You wait for me here for a while."

"Yes, little master." The driver lowered his head and responded hoarsely.

The small white building located in the prison is the office of the warden, Earl Strias.

Led by the guards, Xiuyi walked slowly to Earl Strias' office.

Strias' office is not too big, but it is fresh and elegantly furnished. A desk made of walnut, with a multi-tiered quill holder, and an exquisite small candlestick on the left hand side, looked like a product of the Bauhinia Dynasty, or older than that.

On the side of the door, there is a row of sofas for guests, the small coffee table is made of fragrant wood, and the amber teacup looks like it is made of some kind of deep sea secret stone.

There are large oil paintings hanging around the office. Unlike Silent Island Hotel and Lampa Club, the artworks in the above places are just decorations, most of them are reproductions, and have no real artistic appreciation value. However, what hang in this small office are real art treasures, and each piece is authentic.

On the opposite side of the desk, there are two chairs. Xiuyi noticed that there was a clear difference between the two chairs. One was made of wood and rattan, while the other was made of steel with iron rings on it.

This means that they are each prepared for different guests.

At this moment, Earl Strias was working behind his desk, with a large oil painting hanging behind him.

A young woman with a halo of the sun on her head and a veil covering her face is looking at it from a height under the slanting sunlight. She stood on the top of a mountain, with the wind and the earth under her feet, with a faint sadness in her eyes, as if she was pitying the world.

At the bottom of the picture, countless civilians are praying to the sky. Behind them, a ferocious and terrifying devil is waving a long whip and jumping out of the ground, looking up to the sky and laughing wildly.

This is Alec Doltri's masterpiece - "Saint of the Sunset".

The painting of the Maiden in the Sunset is a very famous painting in the entire Fengming Continent. It's not about how good the person who painted this painting is, the key is the meaning behind it.

Legend has it that Alec Doltri, the creator of the painting of the Virgin of the Sunset, is a bard. Once he saw the hell demon crawling out of the Nine Nether Abyss and wreaking havoc on the world. However, just after the devil came to this world, a saint wearing a veil suddenly appeared, repelled the devil, and then disappeared from the world again.

Alec Doltry thought it was an apparition of the Virgin, so he drew this picture of the Virgin at Sunset.

From the analysis of time, in the past three hundred years, Fengming Continent has experienced two major events where the gate of time and space suddenly opened and demons invaded the world.

This event, recorded by Alec Doltree, coincides with the timing of the Second Invasion.

Due to the sudden opening and disappearing of the portal of time and space, only a small number of demons have the opportunity to come here. Although they are powerful, they are eventually eliminated by the strong human beings. But just the few demons who came over have caused this continent to suffer irreparable damage.

The power and terror of the devil is terrifying.

The doomsday theory was all the rage at that time, and many people believed that sooner or later, the gate to hell would be completely opened. At that time, thousands of devils will flood into this world, and the entire Fengming Continent will no longer be able to resist, and will be destroyed as a result.

As a result, the Doomsday Sect was born, and gradually became a powerful religion on this continent.

The Virgin, painted by Alec Doltri, thus became the longed-for savior of the nihilistic tales and was once held sacred.

However, the doomsday sect preached the theory of annihilation, which undoubtedly was extremely detrimental to the dominant Holy Spirit sect at that time. Therefore, the Holy Spirit Sect dispatched the Holy Knights to encircle and suppress the Doomsday Sect, and this picture of the sunset saint fell into the hands of the sect.

Without the crazy worship of the Doomsday Sect, the painting of the Maiden of the Sunset lost its specific meaning, and gradually became an art collection pursued by rich and gentlemen. The stories it contains are rich enough for the owner to tell the visitors for days and nights.

After several twists and turns, it finally fell into the hands of Earl Strias, the current Warden of Spark.

The earl's office was filled with a strong artistic atmosphere. Even Xiuyi had to admire the rich collection and wealth of the earl after seeing it.

But now, due to a bet made yesterday, Earl Strias is going to give up the painting.

Xiu Yi guessed that he must be very unwilling.

"You're here." Seeing Xiu come in, Earl Strias said without raising his head.

He is scrambling to sign an amnesty.

Pointing to the chair in front of the desk casually, Earl Strias said: "Please sit down for a while, and wait for me to finish the work at hand."

He was referring to the chair with the steel ring, made of steel.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Huey's mouth.

Standing still in front of the iron chair, Huey said, "My lord, I guess you made a mistake? Maybe the one next to it should be for the guests."

Count Strias looked up at Xiu Yi in surprise, then nodded and said, "Yes, you are right. Sit down, I will be fine soon."

"Actually, I don't think it's necessary for me to sit. Lord Earl Strias, you know what I'm here for today. I think if you are willing to fulfill your promise, you can stand up and deliver the painting behind you to me. I assure you, it won't waste a few more seconds of your time."

Count Strias raised his head angrily, and he finally stopped what he was doing.

"I want to talk to you, boy of the Dardanelles."

"So you don't want to fulfill your bet and give me the picture of the Maiden of the Sunset?"

"You lied to me and designed a trap for me to fall into."

"Oh, that's a serious crime."

"Last night in the clubhouse, you publicly admitted this yourself."

"I thought being honest with each other was the best way to get friendship."

"The premise is not to defraud other people's property by fraudulent means."

"Why didn't you just refuse yesterday?"

Count Strias blushed slightly. He is a nobleman, a gentleman. No matter what, a gentleman can't do bad things in public, but that doesn't mean he can accept the fact that he lost the picture of the Maiden of the Sunset as a gift, especially after the other party publicly admitted that little trick, which made him extremely unbalanced. Therefore, when Xiuyi came to pick up the painting today, Earl Strias had already planned to show him some color.

But he didn't expect that Xiu Yi could see his intention from the very beginning, making his plan impossible to proceed.

The most taboo thing in negotiation is an opponent who doesn't cooperate with you at all. Obviously, this young heir of the Dardanelle family understands this very well.

"How much do you need? I can pay to redeem my painting." Count Strias changed his tone in a timely manner.

"That's about the same." Xiuyi laughed: "But you know that the Dardanelles are not a family that is short of money. For us, what we lack is the recognition of the upper class nobles. We can spend money to make friends, but it is impossible to use friends to sell money."

"If you agree to give up the picture of the saint in the sunset, you will have my friend." The warden said seriously.

"I think friendship should be a spontaneous feeling. It is an emotion that feels good in each other, appreciates each other, and is willing to continue to interact with each other. It is not a transaction, it is just a means to get to know each other and maintain a good feeling. This is like I can use a lot of money to buy countless flowers to please a certain beautiful woman, and finally get her heart and body, but I cannot directly give the other party money to let her go to bed with me. The same is true of friendship, Lord Strias, you can’t take friendship and your sunset Putting an equal sign on the picture of the saint will make me feel that you... have some other purpose."

Earl Strias's face flushed red, he glared at the other party angrily, thought for a while and said, "Master Dardanelle, what do you want me to do to show my sincerity?"

"Well." Xiu Yi showed thinking on his face: "You know I don't really want this painting. When it comes to friendship, I have an idea."

These words gave the count hope. He was overjoyed and asked:

"what idea?"

"Oh, I heard that the Spark Prison is the strongest prison in the Reims Empire, with strong defenses, but it is precisely because of its reputation that many people are proud to be able to enter the Spark Prison for a visit. I heard that there are not a few people who ask the warden to visit here every year?"

"Yes, indeed."

"But only a very small number of people will be able to get approval?"

"It has to be a friend I trust."

"Look, that's the problem. You said just now that you hope to be friends with me, right?" Xiuyi asked with a smile, "I hope the Earl is really willing to be friends with me."

Count Strias froze for a moment. The shrewd little heir posed a difficult problem for him. If he wanted to persuade the other party to give up his beloved "Saint of the Sunset", then he had to show enough sincerity to prove all this.

After thinking for a while, he finally sighed: "Yes, you are right, Master Dardanelle, you are my friend, you have been invited by me, and you are free to visit my prison."

Ring the bell on the table, and a guard walks in.

"Take our guest around and don't neglect him," Earl Strias ordered.

"Follow my lord."

After walking out of the small white building, Xiu Yi said to the coachman next to the carriage, "Go back to the carriage, and I'll go shopping first."

The driver in the bamboo hat returned to the car without saying a word.

"Where are you going to visit first?" the guard asked respectfully.

"Let's go around the periphery first." Xiu Yi replied.

"Yes, Master Dardanelle."

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