Almighty Alchemist

Chapter 72 Real Illusion (Part 2)

The burning city, the blurred sky, the grand ball, the hypocritical expression, the wonderful performance and the free flying in the blue sky, one after another pictures are intertwined in Xiuyi's mind, and the intricate information almost makes him completely lost.

"These...what the hell are these? I saw myself, I saw myself killing crazily, like a dream." Xiuyi said in shock.

Fink said in a compassionate tone: "That was not a dream, it happened for real."

"I don't understand!" Huey yelled, "If that's the case, what's going on now?"

"This is an illusion, the illusion of the gate of magic, it is a test. Everything that happens before your eyes is something that happened before, not real existence!"

"I do not remember."

"That's because that part of the memory is with me."

"Then who are you?"

"I am you... or a part of you." Fink looked at Xiuyi and said, "When I woke up... I was in Fink's body. But I can't control Fink's destiny. He is still himself, and I can only play a role occasionally. Both your and my destiny have begun to change. You rejected my previous arrangement and chose another path. Although I tried my best to get everything back on track, you still rejected it. Perhaps from the beginning, you longed to control your destiny in your own way. You don't like my arrangement, nor do you Loved everything that happened."

Xiu Yi stared blankly at Fink: "You said you were me?"

Fink shook his head: "To be honest, I don't know either. I used to think that I knew who I was, where I came from, and what I wanted to do, but now I don't know anymore. I began to wonder why I exist. It's like a lonely ghost who can't find his own home..."

Xiu Yi was at a loss: "I don't understand."

"Yes, you don't understand, but the key question now is whether you can escape from all of this. Just like you are trying to change the established destiny, Xiu Yi, you don't like the feeling of being manipulated, right? Yes, neither you nor I like it. But this time I can't help you. You must rely on your own strength to get out of this illusion and get rid of the control."

"How to get out?" Xiu Yi shouted.

"As long as you can prove that all of this is false and does not exist, you can come out."

"How to prove it?"

"Use your wisdom and think about it... This is the last thing I can do for you." Fink's voice gradually dropped.

After a while, Fink suddenly raised his head and looked at Xiu Yi in horror: "What happened? Xiu Yi. Why am I here? What is this place?"

"I don't know either." Huey replied, "Don't you remember what you said to me just now?"

Fink blinked in bewilderment, looking like he couldn't remember anything.

Xiu Yi was at a loss.

In the distance, Pierre and Andrew came over.

He looked at Huey and Fink with cold eyes.

"Wow, it seems that our little friend has seen something and is trying to escape. But here, where can you escape?" Andrew said with a strange smile.

Beside him, Pierre was snorting disdainfully.

Xiu Yi looked at Pierre's cold eyes, and suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

A picture flashed in my mind, which was Pierre's desperate cry before he died.

"I saw your death, Monsieur Pierre," he said suddenly.

Pierre's footsteps paused, and an angry look appeared on his face: "What nonsense are you talking about, little bastard."

"You're dead, there's no reason for you to stand in front of me." Xiu Yi replied, "I killed you."

Andrew laughed wildly: "Pierre, did you hear that? He said he killed you. This little bastard is crazy!"

Huey turned to Andrew: "It's the same with you, Lord Andrew. You don't exist, it's just my illusion. To be were created by me. I created it based on my memory."

"Oh? Really?" Andrew continued to smile strangely: "Then what would it be like to be killed by your own memory?"

"I don't know, maybe I won't wake up from now on." Xiu Yi murmured.

Pierre said grimly, "That's a pity, but I'm not interested in hearing your nonsense."

"That's not nonsense."

"It's ridiculous." Andrew also shook his head: "I've never been so real."

"Really?" Huey sneered.

"Of course." Andrew replied: "I have lived on Purgatory Island for twenty years, and I came here by the order of His Majesty the Emperor to work for my mentor. That's all."

"Then you should know the name of the patriarch of your family?" Xiu Yi said suddenly.

Andrew shut up immediately, he looked at Xiu Yi in horror.

Huey shouted: "Answer me, Andrew! You are from the Dallymore family, you don't know the name of the head of your family, do you?"

Andrew stared at Huey dumbfounded.

He couldn't answer.

"You don't know, right?" Xiuyi said coldly: "Everything you know is what I know, but when I ask questions that I don't know but you should know, you can't answer. Because your existence is based on my memory."

"No." Andrew shook his head in horror.

He took a few steps back.

Suddenly, his tall body turned into a cloud of smoke and dissipated on the flat ground.

Xiuyi slowly turned to Pierre, and Pierre's expression had become extremely ugly.

Xiu Yi said slowly: "Those girls who were raped and killed by you, what are their names?"

"No!" Pierre who couldn't answer also dissipated like a cloud of smoke.

But the world still exists, and the illusion has not disappeared.

Huey turned to Fink gravely.

It was the last person standing beside him.

"No, Xiuyi, you can't kill me." Fink stepped back again and again: "I'm your friend! Don't kill me!"

"Fink..." Xiuyi's voice was a little dry.

"Hui, I helped you! I saved you!" Fink yelled, "You can't be so ungrateful! You see, we can live here. We can live here together, please don't kill me!"

Huey shook her head: "You're not Funk."

Fink froze.

Xiuyi stared at the other party with cold eyes: "You are such a cunning guy, you stole my memories, stripped my most important memories, and now you are trying to use the friendship between friends to keep me in this illusion forever! You are not Funk, Your Excellency the Great Elder Cripwell!"

Fink's movements froze.

A mysterious smile suddenly appeared on the face of the freckled boy.

He actually started clapping.

"Excellent, Xiu Yiglaer, how did you find out that the problem was wrong?" His voice became thick and powerful, and a faint smoke rose around him, covering the entire valley.

The scene gradually changed, the valley no longer existed, and it was clear that Xiu Yi was in a huge and incomparably wide space.

Before Xiuyi's eyes, Fink no longer existed, only a huge magic crystal was suspended in the air, and the image of an old man flashed in it.

Xiu Yi smiled and looked at the old man: "It's not surprising. I have changed the original events in my memory, and I didn't do what happened. I shouldn't have been sent into the valley, but I came there. Everything that shouldn't have happened happened, and it didn't go as I expected. Then the question arises, how did such an experience come about?"

"Don't you think that should be the inevitable result of your choice? Memories can be inferred. A choice must have a result, and a new result is produced by it." The old man in the crystal ball replied.

"That's right, but the problem is that this is a new script. Although a new choice must have a new result, someone needs to write the result. I'm not the one who wrote the result, I just gave the choice. It's like the person who made the question didn't have to give the answer himself. Someone else gave a new answer according to the question I made, so I have to realize that there is another person who is secretly manipulating everything. Although he performed everything perfectly, the fact is that he still left traces of manipulation."

"What trace?"

"Andrew and Pierre shouldn't be in the canyon at the same time. The reason for this is because you don't know what happened in the canyon. The reason why you don't know is because I don't know either. I haven't experienced that kind of scene, so you can only make up one yourself, which makes the incident a serious problem. For example, we were brought into the canyon, but no one was in charge of us. For example, I can easily escape and walk out of the guard of the puppet warrior without a pass..."

"So you realize that this isn't just a hallucination based on your memory, but that there's another person involved with you."

"Only in this way can the illusion proceed smoothly and normally. Although I don't know illusions, I know that no illusions can develop freely without being manipulated."

"Then how do you know it's Funk that's me?"

"Because you can seal my memory, but you can't seal my feelings. Human emotions sometimes surpass everything. When I saw Xue Xuelan bit off your finger, I didn't feel any heartache. At that time, I was surprised what made me so cold-blooded, but then I understood. Because you are not funk, you can deceive my eyes, but you can't deceive my feelings, the instinctive emotions hidden deep in my memory."

" are right. I did not create Fink based on your memory. I played Fink myself, but I hid the memory of your other life in Fink's body. Because only in this way can I get close to you and perfectly control the development of the plot."

"For this reason, you even simulated a virtual emotion to influence me." Xiu Yi showed a disdainful smile on his face. He was referring to the voice yelling in his head.

"I want you to think that's your instinctive awareness."

"If my instinctive consciousness was really sound, he would never say that kind of nonsensical and pointless words. He would tell me what happened in the simplest and most direct way, instead of simply accusing me. So from the very beginning, I suspected that this consciousness was played by someone. The purpose of this consciousness is to let me go back to everything I have experienced, and it is the identity of the twelve-year-old innocent Xiu Yiglier."

"It's a pity that you didn't listen, but you pulled out the ghost face flower and completely revised all the stories that happened. Are you really not afraid of all consequences? Is this your wisdom?"

"Wisdom?" Xiu Yi sneered: "What is wisdom? It's nothing more than a way to deal with various events. Everyone has different ways of thinking about problems, so they have different ways of coping. Some people are rational, and some people are emotional. When I really lived on Purgatory Island, survival was the only thing that mattered to me, so everything I did was for the purpose of survival. That’s the most important thing. So I have to go the other way, and pick and choose what shouldn’t be done. The purpose is very simple, that is, not to be controlled by fate. If you say this is wisdom, then I’m sorry, but I don’t think there is any real wisdom in this world. There are only different views on the same event, and different results after making different choices. As long as the result is what you want, then your means are full of wisdom.”

"Well said." If the old man in the crystal ball had hands, he would definitely applaud.

"There is one thing I don't understand." Xiuyi said: "Although I can still think and retain some ways of thinking that I recognize, the disappearing memory has indeed caused me a major obstacle in thinking. I still can't make an accurate judgment on many things in the first place. If this continues, it is very likely that I will not be able to get out of this illusion in the end. The key to my ability to escape from him is the result of you releasing a small piece of my body memory. Don't think that I can't guess that you did it on purpose, but I don't understand why."

"Because this is a test, not a dead end. The test must leave clues. Who will give unsolvable questions during the test?" Cripwell replied: "So I have to give you some hints at the last moment. But I didn't expect that relying on this little hint, you not only successfully defeated Andrew and Pierre, but even discovered my existence. Oh, I forgot to tell you, in fact, as long as you can beat Andrew and Pierre, you can pass the test. There are not many people who can come to the West Continent. I can only do my best. The so-called harsh test is just a joke when there are not enough candidates... Otherwise, when you send the abyss dragon into the warrior's gate, it will already be a corpse. Speaking of which, you are really bold, don't you know who destroyed the western continent?"

"It was destroyed by humans." Xiuyi quickly replied: "It was destroyed by humans. Bathgate, the lord of the abyss, is a human being, and it is human beings who launched the forbidden spell that destroyed the continent. No matter from which angle you look at it, it is human beings who destroyed themselves. I know that people in the Western Continent hate the demon world, but you can never deny this fact - only human beings can destroy human beings. Any other life, any form, any disaster... are just tools and means of expression."

The old man in the crystal ball fell silent.

After a long time, he finally sighed: "You are right, child, the Western Continent was destroyed by humans themselves. Only humans can destroy humans, not even the mighty Demon Realm..."

"So I dare to send Xu to enter, although I don't know that there is a form of life that can be considered here, but I believe that even if there are, as long as the brain is not too confused, there is no reason to see him lightly because he is the abyss dragon, or kill him regardless of it. Of course, if you are a fool, there may be exceptions. But sometimes we have to choose to let our children face some challenges and tests. The devil of the abyss entered the door of the inheritance of the Western Continent. Tomorrow, he may become the new human protection god. "

"Is that so?" There was a trace of confusion on the old man's face, and a large cloud of smoke appeared in the crystal ball: "I'm not sure about this, I need to think about it."

"Speaking of which, I still don't know what kind of existence you are. Aren't you already dead? Why can you still leave such a clear soul?"

"I am indeed dead. As for why my soul is so clear... Hugh Iglesne, aren't you a soul mage? You should know how the soul exists. That is the root of our ability to learn soul spells."

"Soul..." Xiu Yi opened his mouth: "To be honest, until now I don't know what kind of existence it is."

"You know, but you don't realize it. The soul is actually the embodiment of human memory through the carrying of energy in another way. Soul spells can not only attack human consciousness, but also create illusions and control thoughts. This soul crystal carries my consciousness, so you can completely understand that although my body is dead, my soul will last forever."

"Eternal existence?" Xiu Yi chuckled: "How can there be eternal existence in the world?"

"That's right, there is no real eternity in this world. Congratulations, young man, anyway, you have passed the test of the soul labyrinth, and you are eligible to receive the inheritance of the magic gate. When I pass on all the knowledge about magic to you, that is the moment when I will truly die. My soul is left behind the three gates, and one of them has disappeared hundreds of years ago. Now it is my turn." Cripwell's voice gradually sank: "But before that, I need a promise from you."

"What promise?"

"Fight the demon world, kill Bathgate."

"What did you say?" Xiu Yi was shocked.

"I said... kill Bathgate. As you heard, Bathgate is not dead, he is just trapped, but one day, he will break through the predicament. At that time, he will return to the abyss and lead his army of death to come back..."


When she walked out of the magic door, Xiu Yi seemed to be a different person.

The encounter with the magic gate made Xiu Yi thoroughly understand the mystery of soul magic.

He did not expect that the West Continent would be so powerful in soul spells that it could create such a soul maze.

This was the most powerful soul maze Xiuyi had ever seen. Compared with it, the soul maze of the Devouring Ring and the soul maze of the Tower of Death seemed so insignificant.

At this point, Xiu Yi really understood that the so-called test itself is actually a way of inheritance.

All magic is nothing more than the skills humans have learned how to master the power of heaven and earth. Skills can be learned, explored, and created, but the understanding of the origin of things is not easy to learn.

From this point of view, the various spells hidden in the magic gate are not even worth more than the test given to Xiuyi in the maze of souls.

But it was precisely because of this that a new confusion arose in Xiu Yi's heart.

What exactly is Gong Hao's existence?

He even wondered whether the world he was in was another bigger soul labyrinth, dream space, or if it was just a silly prank trick of a powerful being, kneading two souls together, and then throwing them into a certain world, letting it sink and float like watching a leaf.

However, after experiencing the test of the gate of magic, Xiu Yi finally felt a little abnormal.

If the soul is just the embodiment of memory through energy, then to some extent, is the so-called Gong Hao's soul just a copy of a certain memory?

Hugh Igles, still just Hugh Igles.

He never died, just no longer a singular existence.

If so, how did this soul memory come about?

Maybe, he can't find the answer in this life, maybe, one day the answer will appear automatically.

No longer thinking about this troublesome and headache problem, the door of the warrior opened, and Xu had already walked out of it.

He was downcast.

"I failed, father, I failed the test of Samurai's Gate." Xu cried and threw himself into Xiuyi's arms.

"What happened? Asahi."

Only then did Xu intermittently tell what happened to him at Samurai's Gate.

In the Warrior's Gate, Xu suddenly grew into an adult dragon.

He returned to the Abyss to become one of the most powerful beings there, and at the same time encountered his most fearsome opponent-Bathgate and his army of death.

In the battle for the abyss, his mother Rita and father Xiu Yi were killed one after another, leaving only Xu himself.

Bathgate challenges Xu.

Xu was scared, and the little guy chose to escape from the fight.

"I failed your expectations, father." Xu whimpered.

"No, child, that's not your fault." Xiuyi lovingly stroked Xu's little head and said, "You are still young, just a child. You can't face Bathgate's challenge under such circumstances. You must know that the reason why I sent you to the Warrior's Gate was not to let you learn how to be powerful. To be strong, a person needs not only strong strength, but also a strong heart. Remember Lancelot? Then retreat and practice. People will fear death and danger at times, but one day, people will find that fear and escape are meaningless, facing him, even if a sharp sword stabs our eyes, we have to watch it stab in! We can die, but we have to die with our eyes open.”

Xiu Yi very much doubted whether Xu really failed. From the conversation with Cripwell, Xiu Yi realized that Cripwell still had a strong wariness against the creatures of the demon world. I'm afraid he won't teach Xu the important warrior way so easily.

Maybe Xu passed the test, but Cripwell used soul magic to modify Xu's memory.

However, Xiu Yi was not sure about this. His purpose of sending Xu into the Samurai Gate was to exercise his strong character and cultivate his courage. From this point of view, Xu was able to come out of the Samurai Gate crying, which showed that he already had a heart of shame and a desire to make progress.

That's very good progress.

The maturity of a person is not determined by age, but by their experience. Xu's experience at Samurai's Gate is destined to be of unlimited help to him in the future.

So Xiuyi comforted at this moment: "Xu, you regret that you didn't do what you aspired to do. This is a huge improvement in itself. One day, you will really grow up. At that time, you can come back and challenge Samurai's Gate again."

"Can I challenge again?" Xu looked at Xiu Yi in surprise.

"Of course." Xiu Yi nodded: "The temple only stipulates that a person cannot challenge different doors, but there is no rule that one cannot challenge the same door repeatedly. Believe me, Xu, one day you will come back here, pass the test again, and become a real strong man."

There was a word that Xiu Yi didn't say. Before letting Xu return to the Samurai Gate, Xiu Yi will test Xu first. If one day, he finds that Xu has really reached the level he expected, but failed the test, he doesn't mind breaking everything into the ground by forcefully breaking into the warrior's gate.

Even that old Cripwell thing had to weigh the consequences.

As for now, let that Cripwell in the Warrior's Gate think carefully about whether to let a demon creature accept the inheritance. Anyway, the three souls share the same mind, as Xiuyi said in the Magic Gate, and Cripwell in the Warrior's Gate knows the same.

"Yes, father." At this moment Xu nodded seriously.

"Then, the things here are over, and it's time for us to go home." Xiu Yi hugged Xu Langsheng and said. With a light wave of his hand, a harmonious soul energy spread all over Xu Yang's body, washing away the pain in his heart.

"Oh, father, your soul spell..." Xuguai cried out.

"Yes, I have upgraded. At the Gate of Magic, I have mastered the mystery of real soul spells. Now I am a fourth-level soul mage." Xiuyi said with a smile: "And from now on, my soul spells will no longer have any talent restrictions."

"Then you have passed the gate of magic, then other magic knowledge..."

"It's all in my head, Xu, that's knowledge far beyond your imagination, so much that you can't learn it at all." Xiu Yi winked at Xu and smiled, "It's like being in an unguarded granary. What you worry about is always how to digest them as quickly as possible."

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