Almighty Alchemist

Chapter 97: The Secret of the Domain

The cool medicine seeped into Raschel's back wound, but it brought burning pain.

Raschel grinned in pain: "Damn it, what did you use for me? It hurts."

"The pain is a good thing, and it shows that the medicine is working. I have never seen a person be so cruel to me. Before you, I thought I was the only one who could do such a terrible thing." Xiuyi squatted behind Raschel with a small bowl of green slime, and kept filling the medicine on Raschel's back: "You almost broke your spine."

"I am indeed doing this, but the pain has reduced my strength a lot, and the damage taken by the life link has diverted part of my strength." Raschel replied. In order to kill Nicholas, Raschel really planned to take his own life.

"Why do you have to do this?" Huey asked.

"If you have lived alone for more than forty years, with no relatives, no wife, no children, and only one friend you can trust, then you will know how important that friend is to you."

Xiu Yi was silent, he thought for a while and nodded: "I understand."

He stood up, put the medicine bowl away, and leaned over to look at Lui's injury.

"Is that all right?" Raschel was a little surprised.

"Okay, for the next three days, I will change your medicine every day. If you can still wake up in the morning of the third day, then congratulations, you have passed the god of death."

Raschel muttered, "It's much simpler than I thought."

Xiu Yi chuckled: "The production process is much more complicated than you imagined. You have to be lucky that you met me, and I have the formula of this medicine in my hand."

While talking, Xiu Yi spread her hands: "Now, welcome to my laboratory, Mr. Raschel. No matter what you think, I still hope you can be my friend."

Raschel took a deep look at Xiu Yi and looked at where he was now.

He stood up with some difficulty and came to the window, from which he could see the panoramic view of the foggy castle.

"If my guess is correct, this should be the alchemy tower?"

"That's right." Xiu Yi nodded.

"Only Electra's students can inherit his legacy." Raschel muttered, "I'm not surprised at all. Ever since I knew you were Sissadaniel, I knew that sooner or later, you would crack the secrets here, but I didn't expect this day to come so soon."

At this moment, only Xiuyi and Raschel were talking. Avril Lavigne had been greatly stimulated one after another today, and fell asleep under Xiuyi's comfort.

Lying beside her are Red and Green, and they look very close.

Xiuyi beckoned to Raschel, pointing to the fantasy crystal: "Come and have a look, I hope your spine has not affected your brain, I need your keen observation ability to help me make an analysis."

Raschel staggered over: "What is this?"

Xiu Yi roughly explained. When he heard that Electra had even invented a pure energy body, Raschel couldn't help but admire that this legendary great alchemist is truly omnipotent.

Playing the battle video on Yinyue Peak again, Xiuyi told the secret about the sanctuary that Isadore Naper told him at the beginning, and then said: "I was too focused during the battle, and I thought too much infinitely. Now that I think about it, Nicholas has a big problem with the static domain."

"what is the problem?"

"Powerful, too powerful!" Xiu Yi said seriously: "Don't you think his static domain is very similar to the forbidden magic domain plus the forbidden martial arts domain?"

Raschel frowned: "Indeed, it's very similar. But according to what you said, to maintain such a domain, it takes an outrageous amount of power, and the releaser of the domain can't use any magic or grudge."

"So Nicholas' static domain is definitely not the forbidden magic domain. There must be some kind of key that enables people to use magic, but we don't know it. What we have to do now is to find out this key. Only in this way can we continue to have the ability to resist in his domain!" Xiuyi replied seriously.

"That's not easy." Raschel carefully observed the picture. Although these pictures had already been deeply imprinted in his mind, they were still not as clear and intuitive as witnessing them with his own eyes. He asked Huey, "Did you find anything?"

Huey replied: "When I fell from the sky, I tried to use the wind spell, but it didn't work at all. According to Nicholas, everything in the static domain is static, and the wind is caused by the flow of air. If the air does not flow, the wind cannot be generated. So the magic elements still exist, but they no longer have the ability to respond to calls and respond, as if they have entered a dormant state, so I can't sense their existence."

"But Nicholas can use lightning spells as usual."

"This shows that there is a problem here." Xiu Yi's face was serious: "It is very likely that what we see and feel are all illusions."

"Illusion?" Raschel narrowed his eyes. Those who are familiar with him know that this action means that Raschel is in extreme thinking and memory. He thought for a while, and said to Huey, "Let's see how Nicholas casts spells."

Xiuyi turned the dream crystal, and the screen kept jumping. When Nicholas cast the spell, Raschel shouted: "Stop!"

When the picture stopped, the thunder and lightning on Nicholas' body seemed to be fixed, and under the action of the pure energy body, it turned into a still picture.

"Here!" Raschel pointed to Nicholas' figure: "Did you see his posture?"


"He hasn't changed since he was released from the static field until the end." Raschel said with certainty: "Look at this again, his back is bleeding profusely from my attack. What is the instinctive reaction of a person when he is hurt?"

"Cover the wound!" Xiu Yi replied.

Raschel made a gesture, and the picture moved again, but it became extremely slow. Raschel kept pointing at various positions of Nicholas: "There is a hole in his back, and there are holes in his left hand, left leg and right leg. His right eye is blind, but he just screamed in pain, but he never touched it."

Xiu Yi also found this abnormal reaction: "You are right, what do you think this means?"

"He can't move!" Raschel replied seriously: "That's why he has to release the static domain to take out the light ball to release the link of life. In the static domain, he can't move! If he moves once, the magic effect will disappear!"

"How could this be?" Xiu Yi frowned: "The static domain exists in both directions. It seems to slow down the flow of time, allowing time to proceed at a fraction of the normal speed..."

"No." Raschel immediately shook his head: "If it is the slowing down of time, then we will not notice it at all. Everything that should happen will still happen, magic will be released, and grudges will not be unable to gather. The reason why everything in the static domain is slow is because our consciousness still maintains the original speed, so we feel very slow."

As he spoke, Raschel pointed to his eyes, ears, and nose: "Our five sense organs have all maintained normal levels, so we can see, hear, and speak, but we can't move normally, and we can't use the power of magic. But Nicholas is the opposite of us, he can't move, but he can use the power of magic to attack anyone in his domain. You said that the domain is bound in both directions, so what do you think it means?"

Xiu Yi's eyes lit up: "It's not that he can't move, but because that's why he can release magic!"

The answer came out.

But how did Nicholas do it? The most important answer is still unanswered.

Huey and Raschel repeatedly observed, carefully studied, and deliberated various possibilities around the picture made by the fantasy crystal. But none of the possibilities can explain the reason why Nicholas released the magic.

"Is this guy really able to stay outside the rules as long as he doesn't move? What kind of rules can make him break away from the restrictions?" Xiu Yi cried out in distress.

At this time, a voice suddenly came.

"The significance of the existence of rules is to restrain everyone, but often those who are really restrained are those who do not understand the rules. Therefore, for the emperor, the law and morality are just tools and a deceptive existence."

Huey and Raschel looked at one end at the same time, and saw Avril holding Lu in her arms, talking in a daze. Although the little girl was savage, she usually got in touch with her father and elder brother and heard a lot of education about the Emperor's Art, so at this moment she accepted Xiu Yi's words in a daze.

After saying this, Avril woke up a little bit. She opened her eyes and saw two people staring at her blankly. She was startled: "You...why are you looking at me like that?"

Huey suddenly rushed over and hugged Avril, and kissed her hard on the face: "You are so well said, Avril, you helped me solve a big problem! We have all been fooled by that old fox Nicholas. God, Avril, I love you so much!"

Avril stared blankly at Xiu Yi. She was so drowsy from Xiu Yi's sudden kiss, and stammered, "You mean... I helped you?"

"Yes!" Huey replied with certainty.

Avril's face flushed red, she stuck out her tongue lightly, she looked very cute, and said in a low mosquito-like voice: "Oh, then...then you continue...I...I will continue to sleep..."

Said it was sleeping, lying on the floor, Avril's mind was full of the words that Huey said just now: He said he loved me... He said he loved me... Oh my God, I finally waited...

She was so excited that she was going to be dumbfounded.


Avril Lavigne was still immersed in the huge shock that Xiu Yi unintentionally gave her, and Raschel asked Xiu Yi: "What did you find?"

Huey gritted his teeth: "Damn Nicholas, he lied to us, this is not a static field at all! This is actually an acceleration field!"

"Acceleration field?" Raschel didn't understand.

Xiu Yi immediately said: "Whether it is to slow down the flow of time or ban magic and martial arts in all directions, it is a huge rule change. It will consume a lot of domain power, which is something no sanctuary is willing to do. Only maximizing their own strengths is the best choice for sanctuaries. What was Nicholas' strength before using the domain?"

"Instant powerful spell." Raschel replied.

"That's right!" Xiu Yi snapped his fingers: "The use of magic is a very profound knowledge, and the existence of each spell has its special meaning. Let's use the army as an analogy. The magician is the commander of the army, and those magic elements are soldiers. They change formations according to the commander's order, thus forming various magical effects. Without spells, it means that there is no order, and the army cannot move. So under what circumstances can the army move without issuing orders?"

Without waiting for Raschel to answer, Xiu said: "There are many ways, such as using flags and drums instead of spoken commands, such as pre-setting mission commands, or using the simplest command during battle, which is to charge forward to replace everything."

Raschel understood: "Replacing this situation with magic, all instant spells still cannot escape the process of command transmission, but what Nicholas uses is not a spell to release, but another method. But what does it have to do with the domain?"

"It has a lot to do with it!" Xiu Yi said sternly: "This bastard, he deliberately called his domain a static domain to deceive everyone. In fact, it doesn't stop everything in the surrounding space at all, but accelerates the reaction speed of our five sense organs. That's why everything is slowing down. Only our vision, hearing, and smell are not affected in the slightest! When your own sensory speed increases, if other things are still moving at a normal speed, you will feel extremely slow!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Raschel suddenly realized: "So we didn't slow down, but the feeling at that time was accelerated many times, which caused everything around us to slow down."

"That's right!"

"But if that's the case, why can't you use magic?"

"Because the mantra can't have the desired effect, every word of the mantra should have a precise and clear pronunciation, with a special meaning, so as to clearly convey the instructions. When I thought I was chanting the mantra at a normal speed, the sound I made was actually a blurred voice because the speed was too fast. Only people whose five sense organs have also been accelerated can understand it. It's like listening to the language of other countries. You can't even understand a single word. You just feel that they are speaking at an extremely fast speed, but it is completely normal for them. Speech speed. Nicholas made me mistakenly think that the flow of elements slowed down and could not respond to my spells, but in fact it was not them that were the problem, but us, and my spells did not have the desired effect at all. In fact, as long as I slow down the speed of chanting, it can work!" Speaking of this, Huey almost shouted.

"Then what about vindictiveness? Then what's going on?"

"It's the same reason!" Xiu Yi replied: "The static domain speeds up our senses, but makes the fighting energy in the body run normally. When I use the power, I also have to instruct the running of the fighting energy. But the fighting energy can't keep up with the rhythm of our instructions, which creates confusion, making me mistakenly think that I can't use the power of the fighting energy...Additionally, Nicholas is laughing arrogantly, triumphantly, and thunder and lightning flashes in the sky, giving us a major psychological blow, as if the whole world really belongs to him alone. In fact, it's not... Huey looked at Raschel and said seriously: "Do you still remember the process when I blinded your eyes? Nicholas panicked and slashed my sword with lightning. The speed I felt at the time was so slow that a snail could crawl over my back. I haven't stabbed you yet. But the result? I almost killed you. What does this mean?"

"It means that your speed is not slow, and his magic is not that fast." Raschel replied.

"That's right." Huey smiled: "Look, this is the damn static field. It makes us think we're slow, but it's not. Nicholas can cast spells instantly, which means he has a better way to give orders. So he can bypass the problem of spell barriers!"

"So when you meet him again, are you sure you can release magic?"

Xiu Yi's face darkened: "No, I'm still not sure. You know, I can use magic by slowing down the speech rate, but I don't know how much I have to slow down..."

Raschel understood immediately.

They finally discovered the secret of the static field, but realized helplessly that the secret was not as crucial as they thought.

Nicholas is indeed an excellent character. He creates the illusion of stillness around him by accelerating the five senses. Even if you discover this secret, you cannot break through it immediately. The reason lies in the mastery of rhythm.

You don't know how much you've been sped up, or how much you'll have to slow down to accommodate the chanting of the magic spell. You can feel it, but magic requires precision. If your five senses have been enhanced tenfold, but you chant mantras at a ninefold slow speed, the result will be the same ineffectiveness. Even if you chant a spell at a slower than normal rate, the magical elemental will not respond. You must know that magic is a very rigorous matter. No matter the incantations, words, pronunciation, or rhythm, there are strict requirements, and they cannot be modified arbitrarily.

If he can cultivate in this state for a long time, Xiu Yi believes that he can solve this problem. But apart from the static domain, where does Xiu Yi and the others have any chance to adapt?

On the contrary, Nicholas himself can do it.

Because he has his own secret method, he can use magic without chanting spells, so this static field hinders him from using magic almost zero. And it doesn't matter if you want to use magic that requires spells, because he can control the rhythm.

This is the greatest advantage of domain creators. They can use the same rules. Even if others find out, they can only stare blankly. Because when they set up the rules, they set them according to their own special abilities.

They make the rules, they use the rules!

"That is to say, unless you can also cast spells instantly, or you can practice in the static domain for a long time, you will never be able to use magic in the static domain, right?"

"Yes, but fortunately, I can use the power of fighting spirit, but I can't use combat skills, and the feeling in the battle will be very bad. I will always feel that I am very slow and full, and I will never be able to fight calmly, so I can't grasp the rhythm of the battle." Xiuyi's voice is full of regret.

This field of Nicholas is indeed terrifying. It not only blocks the combat skills of high-level warriors, but also blocks the magical abilities of magicians. The only way to defeat him may be to pile up human lives.

It is the best way to attack Nicholas with tens of millions of soldiers until his domain power is exhausted.

Either way, the answer frustrates both of them.

Sometimes the most frustrating thing in the world is not that you can't find your opponent's secret, but that you can't use it if you find it.

At this moment, Raschel suddenly said: "If this is the case, then why does Nicholas still release magic through the static state in the realm?"

Xiu Yi's eyes lit up: "You mean..."

Raschel hurried to the screen of the fantasy crystal, pointed to Nicholas' right hand and said, "Look here."

Following Raschel's gesture, Huey saw Nicholas bent a little finger. This movement was extremely subtle, and it was impossible to notice it without paying attention.

Correspondingly, a current flowed from Nicholas's body to his little finger.

Huey immediately turned the screen again. When Nicholas stopped when he cast the spell again, Raschel pointed to Nicholas: "This time it is the ring finger."

It was also a weak electric current that flowed from Nicholas' body to his ring finger, flashing like sparks of electricity.

"What does this mean?" Raschel asked Xiu Yi. In terms of understanding of magic, Raschel was obviously far behind Xiu Yi.

"It's not very clear, but it seems that it has something to do with Nicholas' instant spell. As I said, spells are commands, and spells can be omitted, but commands cannot be waived. So Nicholas must have some way to replace spells to give commands, so as to achieve faster magic effects and ignore the acceleration of the five senses in the static domain."

Huey stared at every movement of Nicholas, and the screen was played over and over by him, even his wailing. When Nicholas finally lifted the domain angrily, connected points with his fingers, and then a lot of lightning swam across his body to repair his body, Huey suddenly thought of something: "Rasher, when did you hear that thunder spells have healing spells?"

"Never heard of it." Raschel replied seriously.

On the screen, Nicholas' body is rapidly recovering under the thunder light, and his eyes are flashing with lightning, as bright as stars at night.

Xiuyi stared blankly at Nicholas's eyes, looked at his dissipating lightning, and suddenly realized in his heart, he shouted: "Look at his eyes, his body is filled with a lot of lightning elements, I understand! This guy has turned his body into a magic knot! He is using his body to release magic. He is no longer a human, but a half-human, half-elemental monster!"


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