Almighty Alchemist

Chapter 38: Separation

Huey finally understood.

He understood why the pure energy body that turned into the shape of the earth left the fantasy crystal and followed him, because the arrival of Gong Hao's soul must be inextricably linked with this pure energy body. It knows itself, so it accepts itself.

He also finally understood why Isado had repeatedly promised himself that the Scourge Church would not cause any harm to him, because Electra must have some way to sense changes in the pure energy body, and Isado must have discovered something after he got the pure energy body.

He might not be sure, but he needed Huey to come.

For them, this is the most important deal.

He also finally understood why the Church of Natural Disasters was looking for the picture of the Sunset Maiden everywhere, saying that it was an important key to fighting against natural disasters. For it contained the soul of Simone - Bathgate's favorite.

She also understood why she felt familiar when she saw Galadia, because he had seen such a picture of a sunset saint in Spark Prison.

I understood why he felt something about the Immortal Coffin, because it was originally made with the power of God's Domain.

There is always a reason for everything. Whether the cause drives the effect or the effect drives the cause, Xiuyi doesn't know, but at this moment his heart is full of anger, and he has the urge to punch Electra head-on.

If it wasn't for the sake of him being a woman now.

"Then you arranged everything early? If that's the case, why didn't you show up earlier? Also, what does my existence mean to you?"

A wry smile appeared on Electra's charming face: "Do you think I don't want to appear earlier? The problem is that I have no choice. You must know that this body is in deep sleep most of the time. It can only wake up three times a year, and each time it wakes up for no more than three days. That is to say, I can only be awake for 9 days in a year, and I can't leave the range of ten meters away from this coffin. No matter where I go, I have to take it with me."

Speaking of this, Electra sighed: "Hui, I know you are angry. But the reason you are angry may not be because of what you think."

"Do you know why I thought it was?"

"I know you better than you think, even though I have never met you before, please remember that I am an old man who has lived for more than three hundred years, and has hundreds of thousands of bodies sharing the experience of the human world with me. I may be a terrible madman who is crazy about alchemy, but that does not mean that I am unreasonable. Hugh Igles, you are angry because you think I have manipulated your destiny. Young people like you are young, vigorous, and have achieved little, so they hate their destiny being manipulated. When you When you think the biggest secret in your heart turns out to be someone else's work, you get angry, you hate it, so you get angry. But you can't find a reason to be angry, can you?"

Xiu Yi was stunned.

is that so? he does not know.

But vaguely, he could feel that Electra was very right.

Indeed, Electra did not harm him.

He just made some small tricks in his alchemy tower, which facilitated the fusion of a soul originally from the earth and a soul from the Fengming Continent.

Why do you have to be angry?

It's all because of the anger when you can't control your own destiny.

But so what? Everything has passed.

The old man may be able to control the cause of his coming to this world, but he cannot control the effect.

He felt relieved quickly, and then looked at Electra: "You are right, I don't need to be angry about it. Then can you tell me why you did this?"

"To set me free." Electra replied quickly: "My present body cannot travel to the abyss, cannot contact other me, but I must find someone who can remove my soul from this body.

"Can't other soul mages do it?"

"They can't master the ability to split the soul. Do you think splitting the soul is that simple? It's not easy. It needs a fusion of two souls as the basis. Only in this case can they have the ability to split. Therefore, to learn to split, there must be fusion first."

"so you……"

A secret smile appeared in Electra's eyes: "Do you still remember Cripwell? The soul in the alchemy gate of the Western Continent. I absorbed him and then created this spell."

"Damn it! You're a complete lunatic!" Huey yelled.

But thinking about it wrong, he pointed to Electra and asked: "Then how did Cripwell split?"

"His division is different from ours, because he never allowed his soul to dominate a body, and the entire Western Continent is the source of his soul power, so he can achieve division without fusion. But if you want to become a free soul that dominates the body, you must go through the process of fusion first and then division. Of course, if you can invent a better method, you may be able to break through this limitation, but at least I haven't done it. The method I invented must be like this."

"So you thought of artificially creating a fusion of twin souls, and then learning your soul splitting spell can free you from this body?" Xiuyi understood what Electra was thinking.

"That's the idea, but the artificial fusion of twin souls is far more difficult than you imagined. Because in the process of soul fusion, there is a major problem that must be solved, that is, the issue of voluntariness. You must know that the fusion of souls is actually a process of self-destruction, which is equivalent to suicide, so under normal circumstances no soul is willing to fuse with other souls. For example, Simone and Galadia are unwilling to each other, so it is difficult to fuse with each other, and they become two independent individuals. When I entered Galadia's body, I even encountered fierce resistance... and Krip Weir is different. That guy has lost the meaning of existence after I got the inheritance of the Alchemy Gate, and I voluntarily sacrificed part of my will in exchange for the ability to split the soul. So we merged perfectly. But it is very difficult to find another pair of souls who are willing to sacrifice themselves and have similar soul properties and sufficient soul compatibility. And it is almost impossible to complete this work with only nine days of waking up in a year."

"So you do your job through the dream crystal."

"That's true, but even so, I didn't expect it to take three hundred years to do it. I think this is the gap in wisdom. Dream crystals and pure energy bodies are not human beings after all. They are more dull in finding ways to fuse souls, but fortunately they finally found it."

"It's also possible that they have done some soul fusion work before then, but those soul fusion people have no chance to meet you."

"It's entirely possible, and this is the most regrettable place. Before I entered the abyss, I had a fierce conflict with the Church of the Holy Spirit, and the Doomsday Sect was also not tolerated by the Church of the Holy Spirit. At that time, I could say that I had lost all my strength and was temporarily unable to compete with them. Therefore, I could only leave the North Continent with a small number of people who were loyal to us, and went to the remote Southern Continent to rebuild the Scourge Church here. But for me, I have never given up on the job of finding a perfectly fused twin-soul person. Until today, we waited for your arrival..."

Xiu Yi let out a long breath.

Up to now, he has understood the whole story of the matter.

Although he was very upset that his existence was created by this crazy great alchemist in order to get out of the cage, he still accepted it. The Hugh Igles who was helpless on the boat at the beginning may have been extremely confused because he was sold by his aunt and lost his relatives, so he lost the confidence to survive. But he was already dead, and his soul energy was floating in the universe, but he longed for a body to be revived, but was found by the pure energy body, and then forced into Xiu Yiglaer's body. For Hugh Igleser, that might be the opportunity he dreamed of, and he chose to accept it without hesitation.

Fortunately, their soul compatibility seems to be high enough.

So the two souls merged to form a complete unity, and he possessed double memories at the same time, and grew rapidly.

The Scourge Church under Electra has been waiting and looking for it. No wonder Isardo knew all these secrets.

It is indeed difficult to carry out Electra's mission without an insider.

For hundreds of years, the Church of Natural Disasters has shouldered a special mission. On the one hand, they must actively develop their strength to fight against natural disasters that may come again in the future. On the other hand, they have to find ways to release Electra, making him a real leader who can lead the Scourge Church to prosperity.

No wonder Isado worships him so much. Although Electra is not a real god, once he is released, the energy he possesses is undoubtedly extremely powerful.

Especially after he gets his memories back.

"So I have no choice but to save Simone?"

"That's true." Electra smiled and said, "Fate arrangements are sometimes funny, right? If you want to know where Simone's soul is, you must rescue me, and then I can restore my memories and help you find Simone's soul."

"This sounds more like a threat. You made me feel that maybe you didn't put this memory in the Alchemy Tower, but it was an important weight you used to get yourself free." Xiu said coldly.

Electra smiled helplessly: "Don't think so badly of me, child. Creating a virtual world with legacy memories is not as simple as you imagine, and many times I can't choose. I can only control myself to keep the most important part, and some parts can't be controlled. The memory about the whereabouts of Simone's soul is indeed in the alchemy tower. As long as you rescue me, I can immediately retrieve my memory, and then lead you to find Simone's soul."

"So what should I do?"

"First, I will teach you the method of soul splitting. It's very simple, you can master it as soon as you learn it. Then you can transfer my soul to a body without a soul, and I will be truly free."

Xiu Yi was about to speak, when Galadia's face suddenly changed, and she returned to a frosty attitude: "But that requires my cooperation, Xiu Yiglaer."

"Galradia?" Xiu Yi was taken aback, "What are you doing out again?"

Galadia sneered: "I heard everything you discussed just now. That bastard Electra only thought about how to get his soul out of my body, but he seemed to have forgotten that I also need freedom!"

She turned around and pointed to the coffin of immortality behind her: "Hui Igleer, I want you to help me destroy the coffin of immortality so that I can be truly free!"

"Are you kidding me? I can't do that."

"No! You can! You are the only one who can do it!" Galadia yelled: "You have broken into the dream of the gods, which means that you also have the power of the gods. For thousands of years, you are the only one who has broken into the dreams of the gods except Bathgate! Bathgate used the power of the gods to create an eternal coffin of immortality, and the only thing that can destroy it is the power of the gods!"

"I don't want to destroy it. I need it to place Simone's body. And I don't think my strength can be stronger than Bathgate. He is the domain of God after the fusion of the two sanctuaries, and my strength is far from reaching full value. It's too far away."

"No, you can do it. Bathgate is powerful, but he is not here after all! It is impossible for him to provide more power to the Immortal Coffin. You only need to try a few more times, and you can break the Immortal Coffin! As for Simone..."

A funny expression suddenly appeared on Galadia's face: "Actually, Simone doesn't need the coffin of immortality to preserve her body. Don't forget, the reason why Simone's body can't exist for a long time is entirely because there is no soul support, but now, don't we happen to have an extra soul with nowhere to go, and we are still thinking of ways to get a body?"

Huey and Isado looked up in horror at the same time, looking at Galadia.

"You mean..." Huey couldn't believe Galadia's proposal.

Galadia shrugged indifferently: "Anyway, this old man has lived in a woman's body for three hundred years, so what's wrong with letting him live in another woman's body for a while? Electra is free, and Simone's body is protected. Wait until he helps you find Simone's soul, and then exchange it for it?"

Huey and Isado looked at each other.

But if you think about it carefully, this is indeed an effective idea.

Xiu Yi lowered his head and thought for a while, then murmured: "I dare to bet my life, if Bolan knows that the soul of an old man who has lived for 300 years has been drilled into the body of the woman he loves most, he will definitely go crazy."

Galadia raised her head and laughed wildly: "I hope he won't rush up and kiss Simone happily when he sees Simone coming out! Hahahaha!"

Looking at Galadia who was laughing wildly, Xiuyi seemed to feel Electra's helpless sigh in this body.

The development of things... is simply too weird.

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