Almighty Alchemist

Chapter 57: Great Chaos

This is the first time that the Devouring Domain has appeared in front of the world.

Compared to the time it was in the Calamity Temple, this time the knight was much smaller, at least he didn't have the domineering aura that swallowed everything, and he didn't have that terrible black hole that could swallow even life.

But even so, the panic it brings to people is still far beyond imagination.

All the sacred energy was swallowed up by the devouring force field at the same time. The entire Holy Spirit used to have sacredness and light as its main aura, but now these good-looking things are gone, replaced by huge darkness and empty nothingness.

It was as if dark clouds covered the sky and night swallowed day.

The most frightening thing is that although the devouring force field is no longer majestic, it is more nuanced—even the sacred energy in the believers' bodies is absorbed by this huge devouring position, just like a huge water suction machine.

The consequences of this are enormous and dire.

Suddenly, people found that the Church of the Holy Spirit they had always admired was not as sacred and lofty as before, and those Guangming pastors who stood in front of the stage pretending to be holy were not as pleasing to the eye as before.

If it was just like this, this temple of faith might be able to last for a while longer, but at this moment, the hazy sky and the terrifying atmosphere enveloped the entire San Marino Cathedral, as if the end was approaching.

This caused great panic to the people.

"The end is here!" Someone shouted in surprise.

"God has abandoned us!"

"The world is about to experience a catastrophe!"

One roar after another piled up like a tide.

Looking at the priests and holy warriors on the high platform, they stood there dumbfounded one by one, obviously having no solution to everything in front of them.

They were powerless to control the situation and didn't even know what was going on.

Or they themselves think that the Holy Spirit they worship is abandoning them, and the real end is coming.

The Scourge Church has never given up its religious raids on the Northern Continent, and too many believers have heard the theory of the end of the world. Under normal circumstances, this doomsday doctrine would not have much impact on believers of the Holy Spirit, because the basis of the expansion of the two major sects is magical power rather than religious doctrine. But when a certain party's magical control disappears, the huge gap in feelings will sometimes be doubled.

This is like when a boyfriend and a girlfriend break up, the friend who looked so cute at first suddenly turned into a hideous person overnight. With sanctity removed, what people see in each other is often inadequacy.

At this moment, the church of the Holy Spirit's divine control over the believers was weakened to zero. The believers originally felt that the church of the Holy Spirit should have a small influence on the teachings, but it turned into a negative number in an instant. What some believers think of is how much they have contributed to the church over the years, how much money they have donated, but in the end they still get nothing.

The former believers became chaotic under such circumstances. A few believers who were relatively peaceful ran to the outside of the square, while some believers began to pray to the sky. When they lost their beliefs, they spontaneously created their own beliefs. This is the basic form of religion. However, most of the believers began to become hysterical. Some people began to storm the church, asking why this happened, and even a few people began to try to loot the precious collections in the church.

The chaos arose in an instant, spread and expanded rapidly in a short period of time, forming an explosive trend, and rapidly expanded to the surrounding level of the entire church in a geometric progression.

In the entire western part of the city, this influence began to appear out of control. Fortunately, the scope of action of the devouring force field is limited. Outside the church, the believers are still controlled by the divine power, and they still have confidence in the church. However, the church itself, like a blockbuster, has been hit by out-of-control believers and is suffering the most serious test in history...

Xiu Yi looked at all this coldly, without saying a word.

His devouring force field has improved recently, he can already control the size of the force, and through the control of the force output, he can extend the force field's existence time. If it was an explosive devour like in the temple, he might not last long.

In addition, his own strength continued to improve under the effect of the devouring force field. Regardless of whether it is divine power or evil power, all power actually comes from the same source of power in essence. And mastering the secret of the nature of this power, one can transform all power for one's own use. The function of the devouring force field is absorption, and the essence of God's Domain is transformation, so at this moment, Xiu Yi is enjoying the great benefits brought to him by absorbing and transforming the power.

He felt that the strength that could be maintained in his body had increased significantly again.

Seeing that the chaos in the square continued to spread, Xiu estimated how long he could last. He took Bill by the hand and said, "Let's go out, there's nothing to see here."

Little Bill was staring dumbfounded at everything in front of him. He was the closest to Xiu Yi and was the most affected. All the holy power in his body was completely sucked out, and he no longer had the slightest affection for the Church of the Holy Spirit.

He nodded in complete numbness.

In this way, Huey took the little boy for a walk on the streets of Sarahan.

He strolled here, and the giant circle with a diameter of a hundred meters formed by the engulfing force field that accompanied him slowly moved along with him.

Thus, the strangest scene in the history of Sarahan appeared...


Jesel is an ordinary citizen in Sarahan. As a devout believer in the Holy Spirit, he will give a quarter of his property to the church every year.

Although Jessel's belief in the Holy God is unquestionable, this belief is not the control of the will of the soul, and it cannot make people willingly give everything for it, or it cannot make everyone do so.

Therefore, facing the greedy priest in front of him, Jessel still made the most sincere plea: "This month's harvest is not good, my lord, can you slow down the offering we should make a little?"

The attitude of the priest was very impatient: "Do you want to bargain with the Holy Spirit? As a person of God, it is God who created your life, God who gave you a warm and comfortable environment, and God who allowed you to eat well on this land. You don't want to repay the Holy Spirit, but want to use the method of a businessman to withhold offerings. This is a shameless act and will be punished. For those who disrespect, we should send him to the court to judge his sins. Do you want this?"

"Oh... no... But there are four people in my family, and our current food is not enough for everyone to eat for half a month. My lord priest, can you please do me a favor?"

The priest's eyes widened: "Look, there's still enough food for half a month, which is not too little. Eat less and you won't die from starvation. God will bless you to survive this difficult time."

Jessel bowed his head in despair, but his belief in the gods prevented him from offending the priest, and he was about to try to defend himself.


The expressions of Jessel and the priest changed at the same time.

Jessel, who was kneeling and begging, stood up slowly. He walked to the door of his house, picked up a wooden stick and pointed at the priest: "Hey, you bastard, get out of my house quickly. What kind of shit Holy God, does he use this way of exploiting us to take care of his people? Even the parents who gave birth can't treat their own children like this. I don't believe this Holy God who only knows how to exploit and harsh. Get out immediately, or I will let you taste the taste of a stick. .”

The priest's expression was terrified, and he fled hastily before he even had time to say a threat.

Jessel looked at the priest's back, threw the wooden stick casually, and muttered, "Strange, why do I suddenly hate this holy god so much?"


Israel Neat is a construction businessman who builds a large number of buildings in Sarahan every year. The Church of the Holy Spirit is one of Nite's big customers, but this big customer is very troublesome because they always like to default on their payments.

A pastor from the Church of the Holy Spirit was negotiating with him today about building a small church on a new piece of land.

According to the rules, the Church of the Holy Spirit will give a small part of the funds to the other party, and the remaining money will be paid after the church is completed. Of course, it usually takes a long time to recover after this.

Nit is negotiating with the other party habitually: "As the most devout person of the Holy Spirit, I have always paid the church with the lowest price and the best quality, and I also spend a large amount of money from my profits to support the church every year. But I hope the church can consider my difficulties. Recently, I really don't have enough funds in my hand. I hope the church can spend more money."

"The church's funds are also very tight recently. You should know that since Hugh Igleser announced that he would come to Sarahan, the church has already begun to prepare for an all-out war. This small church was approved by me after a lot of effort. It was originally completed last year. Under this situation, I really can't get more money. My child, God is watching you in heaven, and now is the time to test your loyalty to God."

"Oh, I knew it was like this." Nite sighed helplessly.

But the next moment, his face suddenly changed.

He yelled at the pastor: "Go away! You greedy vampire! I will not allow you to exploit my money and energy in this way again. Let me tell you, I will not agree to this rude request again. Not only will I not agree, but I will also demand that you immediately return all the money you owe me over the years, with fucking interest!"


Dandy Ince is hiding nervously in a cabin.

He regretted that it was because of his recklessness that his identity was discovered.

He is one of the dark priests sent by the Scourge Church to the North Continent to secretly preach the teachings and absorb believers. He is also the dark priest who is responsible for the most dangerous work-to preach the teachings in Sarahan, the Holy Land of the Church of the Holy Spirit, even if he can only win one believer, it is a success.

Over the years, he has developed more than a dozen followers of the Church of the Scourge, which is not easy.

But it may be that he has been a little carried away recently, after he heard the news that the Scourge Church has recently received the help of a powerful force and is developing crazily at an unprecedented speed.

He absorbed a former Holy Spirit believer who should have continued to investigate for a while.

As a result he was betrayed.

Now a large number of paladins surrounded his residence.

He and his followers are on the brink of death.

Several holy warriors are approaching here carefully, and the holy warriors dare not be too careless about the dark mage.

"What should we do?" a Scourge believer asked Ince in horror.

The final decision appeared on Ince's face: "Fight with them."

All believers nodded together.

Ince began to chant a dark spell in a low voice. This is a very powerful spell. Once cast, it can kill a lot of life within a range, but the caster himself will also be severely injured.

At that time, it will be very difficult to escape.

At the moment when the spell was about to be released, there was a sudden noise from the outside world.

Ince froze slightly, he heard the footsteps of the holy warriors hastily withdrawing.

How is this going? Is it some kind of ruse? But under the current situation, there is really no need to play any more tricks on my side?

Boldly, he peeked out the window, and then he saw the maddening sight in the street, which left him dumbstruck.


As a holy warrior, what Ocahill likes most is to have a drink with his good friend Athor in a nearby tavern at the end of his daily shift.

Don't get me wrong, it's not alcohol, it's tea.

Athor knocked the teacup on the table heavily: "This thing doesn't taste good at all, it's bitter."

"But it is very expensive. I heard that nobles like to drink this. It is a sign of the upper class." Ocahill replied.

"I don't care about the upper class or class. If I can, I'd rather drink, drink strong alcohol." Athor replied.

"That's a sign of depravity. Alcohol can make people lose their minds and make people have thoughts that they dare not have. Drinking alcohol is a blasphemy against the gods and the duties of a holy warrior!" Ocahill replied seriously.

"But wine can make me happy." Athor looked around, and secretly said to Ocahill: "I drank it once, not long ago."

"Oh my God, are you crazy? You're going to hell."

"Yes, I went to confess afterwards..." Athor was a little dejected: "I was punished to be on shift for three consecutive months."

Then he looked up at Ocahill: "But I think it's worth it, the wine tastes really good. Shouldn't people do what they want to do?"

"If a man could choose what he wanted to do, I'd be a carpenter by now," Ocahill muttered.

His biggest dream when he was a child was to be a carpenter. He hoped that the aggressive sound of carving wood with a knife, watching the shapeless pieces of wood being shaped by his own hands, seemed to be given life.

He once made a wooden horse that can walk by itself, which made people marvel.

But after he was sent to the church by his family to become a holy warrior, everything changed.

In anyone's eyes, a holy warrior is a noble existence, even if he never likes the rules and regulations here.

But at the next moment, a strange light suddenly flashed in the eyes of the two of them at the same time.

Ocahill stood up slowly. He said, "I don't want to be a paladin anymore. I want to go home."

Athor also said: "Me too. I want to drink and go shopping freely. Let the gods go to hell."

The two of them looked at each other, laughed at the same time and walked down the restaurant side by side.


In Sarahan's Earl's Mansion, Ivo Carbonell was bowing his head in thought.

He seemed to have finally made a decision, and raised his head and said to the people outside: "Go ahead, the Gras pasture is the hereditary territory of the Carbonell family. On this issue, the Carbonell family will not make concessions to the Church of the Holy Spirit. If the Church of the Holy Spirit continues to persecute, then the Carbonell family will consider using force for self-defense."


In the mansion of another minister, a confidant suggested to the officer in front of him: "Maybe we should write a suggestion to His Majesty. The Church of the Holy Spirit has exploited the kingdom too hard these years."

He was a little strange, didn't he come here as a lobbyist for the church before he came?


As Huey walked along, Sarahan began to undergo tremendous changes, silently but like stormy waves.

The first release of this book is from, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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