Almighty Daughter Runs The World

One hundred and thirty-two: It was actually Ye Zhuo, the large-scale face-slap scene at the banquet

"Almighty daughter burns the sky ()"!

Twelve-year-old brother...

And it's still cute!

Dragon and Phoenix!

When Lin Ze was three years old, Mrs. Lin took Lin Ze to Cen's house to play. Lin Ze was so naughty that he was covered in muddy water. He picked up Lin Ze with one hand and pressed him into the swimming pool to wash. scenario.

At that time, Lin Ze burst into tears.

Since then, it seems that Lin Ze has never been to Cen's house again.

Thinking of this, Cen Shaoqing twisted the Buddha beads with one hand, looking inexplicable.

Lin Ze was only three years old at that time.

Shouldn't he remember anything?

After a while, Cen Shaoqing continued, "Leader, are you are not his sister?"

If Lin Ze is the younger brother, he can also educate Lin Ze as a brother-in-law.

It's my brother's words.

Wouldn't the educated person become him?

Ye Zhuo pressed her left foot onto her right foot and changed her posture. The sunlight shone in from the floor-to-ceiling window and plated on her eyebrows, as clear as jade, "If I were his sister, she would be carried away by Mrs. Lin. It's not him anymore."

Cen Shaoqing: "..." Does this count as a hundred causes and consequences?

He knew that Lin Ze would become his brother-in-law.

He must have offered Lin Ze as his ancestor!

Cen Shaoqing's eyes were slightly deep, "So, Uncle Lin's first girlfriend was his aunt, and the child that the old lady of the Lin family took away was Lin Ze? Because you came out later than your brother, the old lady of the Lin family didn't know that the aunt was carrying Longfeng. fetal?"

"Yes." Ye Zhuo nodded slightly.

"Then... have you done an appraisal?" Cen Shaoqing then asked, "Are you sure that Lin Ze is your brother?"

Ye Zhuo half-squinted his eyes, his tone was three-pointed laziness, "My brother and I look alike, so it's superfluous to do the appraisal."


Is this a stone hammer?

Cen Shaoqing didn't struggle anymore, and his thin lips parted lightly, "Auntie is now ready to accept Uncle Lin?"

"Well." Ye Zhuo continued: "They plan to hold a family recognition banquet in three days."

Recognition feast.

Cen Shaoqing seemed to be thinking of something, his eyes changed slightly, and he suddenly had the urge to chop his hands.

He is someone who doesn't like to join in the fun.

So when he received the invitation from the Lin family from the special assistant, his first reaction was to refuse.

Lin Jincheng and Ye Zhuo were not linked at all.

Never thought that Ye Zhuo was Lin Jincheng's daughter.

Thinking of this, Cen Shaoqing quickly picked up the phone and sent a message to the special assistant.

When the special assistant received the news from Cen Shaoqing, he was also a little stunned.

Didn't Fifth Master never attend banquets?

And he had just refused.

Why do you regret it now?

After contacting the special assistant, Cen Shaoqing breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Zhuo leaned on the back of the chair and looked sideways at Cen Shaoqing, "I'm a little thirsty."

"What would you like to drink?" Cen Shaoqing asked.

"Well..." Ye Zhuo thought for a while, "Ice Coke."

"Okay." Cen Shaoqing stood up and went to get a Coke for Ye Zhuo.

There is a refrigerator in Cen Shaoqing's office, which is full of Coke and all kinds of desserts.

"Leader, do you want to eat Opera?"


Cen Shaoqing took a bottle of Coke, and then picked up an Opera.

"I want to eat two pieces." Ye Zhuo's voice sounded again.

"Okay." Cen Shaoqing picked up another Opera.

Just as Cen Shaoqing walked over to Ye Zhuo with dessert and coke, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The secretary pushed in the door and walked straight to the desk, "Fifth Master, there is a document here that needs your signature."

As soon as he looked up, the secretary was stunned.

I saw that it was not Cen Shaoqing sitting at the desk at all.

The girl was sitting on a chair with her feet up on the desk in front, like an uncle, with an assistant standing behind her who was serving tea and water.

If he didn't look at it, the assistant was them... Fifth Master?

The secretary felt that his eyes were blind.

Otherwise, how could there be hallucinations?

Who doesn't know that Fifth Master Cen is very territorial, and usually no one can touch his things.

"Anything else?"

A low voice suddenly appeared in the air.

It was not until Cen Shaoqing spoke that the secretary was sure that he had read it right.

This is really their five masters!

On weekdays, Cen Wuye, who is unsmiling and aloof, makes people talk about discoloration.

The secretary turned to look at Ye Zhuo again, in addition to shock, there was admiration in his eyes.

Sitting on Cen Wuye's boss chair.

His feet were on Cen Fifth Master's desk.

He also asked Fifth Master Cen himself to bring her tea and water, but, Fifth Master Cen himself was happy and did not complain at all.

Their fifth masters and wives are really amazing!

The secretary has worked in the Cen Group for so long, and he has never seen such a arrogant person in front of Fifth Master Cen!

The secretary swallowed, "No, no more."

Cen Shaoqing unscrewed the cap on the Coke bottle and handed it to Ye Zhuo, "Put the document there, I'll sign it later. You go out first!"

"Okay." The secretary bent over and turned to leave the office.

The secretary was stunned until he walked out of the office.

"Xiao Zhu, how are you, have you seen our president's wife?" A colleague asked curiously when he saw Xiao Zhu coming out.

Xiao Zhu nodded.

Two more colleagues gathered around, "Is Miss Ye good-looking?"

Xiao Zhu licked his lips, "I-I didn't dare to look straight."

At that time, Cen Shaoqing was standing beside Ye Zhuo, how could he dare to glance around?

"Look at that time for you?"

"You can do it?" When the words fell, Xiao Zhang continued: "Everyone said that Miss Ye was chasing the president. I don't think that's the case..."

"Could it be that our fifth master is chasing her?"

Xiao Zhang nodded seriously, "To be honest, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it myself."

"Stop joking! Our fifth master needs to chase after him?"

A man like Cen Shaoqing never lacks women.

As long as he thinks about it, and hooks his finger a little, there will be a bunch of people rushing to it.

Does he need to catch up?

Isn't this Arabian Nights?

"I saw it with my own eyes!" Xiao Zhang sat on the office chair and imitated Ye Zhuo's actions just now, "Miss Ye just sits like this, with her feet on the desk, and the fifth master is standing behind him, holding a cola in one hand. , with dessert in one hand! Serving Miss Ye is like serving the Queen Mother Lafayette!"

"You must see the fifth master as Miss Ye."

"Yes, I must have read it wrong."

Seeing that everyone didn't believe him, Xiao Zhang was so anxious that his face turned pale.


Ye family.

These days, Mrs. Lin has been lying on the bed, but she did not attract Lin Jincheng's attention.

Feng Qianhua came to see Mrs. Lin with the health soup.

Mrs. Lin cried in front of Feng Qianhua, "A scourge! What a scourge! Ye Shu is a scourge! Since that day, Jincheng has not come to my house for five full days! I heard, what else does he have to do? Is it a banquet?"

Feng Qianhua nodded, "Aunt Lin, since things have come to this point, it's useless for you to be angry. Anyway, Brother Jincheng is your child, do you still want to be angry with your own child? There is no way to change anything, so you might as well accept it early, lest the gap between you and Brother Jincheng be deepened."

Mrs. Lin did not speak.

Feng Qianhua continued: "If you want me to tell me, you not only have to accept it, but also come forward and invite all four brothers and sisters-in-law back. After all, recognizing relatives is a big deal! No matter what, you must not embarrass the Lin family."

The four elder brothers and sisters-in-law of the Lin family are not simple characters.

Will they tolerate an uneducated sister-in-law and a sloppy niece?

Feng Qianhua just wanted everyone to see it.

Apart from her, no one else can be worthy of Lin Jincheng.

Hearing the words, Mrs. Lin suddenly froze.


Feng Qianhua was right.

She and Lin Jincheng have a mother-son relationship in the same blood. Even if Lin Jincheng gets married and has children, she is still the old lady of the Lin family.

No one wants to pass her and climb on top of her head!

Don't even think about that bitch, Ye Shu.

Seeing Mrs. Lin like this, Feng Qianhua curled her lips, took out a bowl of soup and handed it to Mrs. Lin, "Aunt Lin, you drink the soup first."

"Qianhua, you've worked so hard all these years." Mrs. Lin sighed softly, "It's all my fault, I have given birth to a son who doesn't live up to my expectations!" As long as Lin Jincheng fought for a bit, the Lin family wouldn't be like this.

Feng Qianhua smiled and said, "I don't blame you, I don't blame Brother Jincheng. Emotional matters cannot be controlled."

Mrs. Lin sighed again.

It would be great if Lin Jincheng married Feng Qianhua.


This child is in the midst of bliss and does not know the bliss.

After drinking the soup, Feng Qianhua took a tissue and wiped Mrs. Cen's mouth.

The old lady Cen was very moved.

It is said that there is no dutiful son by the bed for a long time, but Feng Qianhua has been able to come to take care of her for 19 years.

Aunt Zhang smiled and said, "Old lady, if someone you don't know sees this, they think you and Miss Qianhua are mother and daughter."

"Look at what you said," Feng Qianhua turned to look at Aunt Zhang, "I used to take Aunt Lin as my mother."

"Old lady," the housekeeper walked in from outside, "the old lady of the Feng family is here."

Mrs. Lin said, "Then go and invite someone in quickly."

Hearing this, Sister Zhang's expression changed.

Feng Qianhua said, "Sister Zhang, my throat has been a little uncomfortable recently. Could you please make me stew some rock candy Sydney? I like to drink your stew, and the stew made by others is not as good as your stew."

Before Mrs. Zhang could speak, Mrs. Lin smiled and said, "Since Qianhua likes to drink, then Mrs. Zhang, hurry up! Cook some more for a while and bring it to Qianhua."

"Then I'll go to the kitchen first."

"Go." Mrs. Lin nodded.

Sister Zhang walked out the door.

Before walking outside the door, he saw Mrs. Feng walking towards it.

Mrs. Zhang lowered her head and quickly walked past Mrs. Feng.

Madam Feng frowned.

Subconsciously, this person seems a little familiar.

By the time she settled down to look, the person had already disappeared outside the door.

Mrs. Feng turned back and looked out the door.

Seeing her like this, the housekeeper said, "Old Madam?"

Madam Feng finally regained her senses, "Who was that person just now?"

The housekeeper continued: "It seems to be Mrs. Zhang who is serving by the old lady. Do you know her?"

Madam Feng shook her head, "I don't know, maybe I'm wrong!"

How could she know a servant!

"Then please come in." The housekeeper made a gesture of 'please'.

Madam Feng walked inside.

Seeing Mrs. Feng coming in, Mrs. Lin hurriedly sat up from the bed, "Old sister, you are here, sit down!"

Mrs. Lin originally thought that Mrs. Feng was here to ask Feng Qianhua for an explanation.

After all, Feng Qianhua was about to get engaged to Lin Jincheng, but it's okay to cancel the engagement suddenly in the middle, and now what kind of marriage banquet is to be held!

How does this make Feng Qianhua behave?

However, not only did Mrs. Feng come to find fault, she came to visit the doctor instead.

"I heard from Qianhua that you were not in good health recently, so I came to take a look. Now that you are all right, I am relieved."

Mrs. Lin was stunned for a moment, and she was filled with emotion.

"Old sister, thank you for your concern, I'm fine." Mrs. Lin continued, "Speaking of which, our Lin family is sorry for Qianhua and your Lin family!"

Mrs. Feng said with a smile: "We are both parents, I know, I can't blame you for this! Children and grandchildren will have their own children and grandchildren, and I will not care about it in the future. I just feel sorry for Qianhua. …”

Speaking of the last sentence, Mrs. Feng sighed.

Feng Qianhua patted Mrs. Feng's hand, "I'm fine."

Mrs. Lin said: "Old sister, I know everything in my heart! Don't worry, in my heart, Qianhua has always been the daughter-in-law of our Lin family, and Xianxian, who is my granddaughter! It's not some kind of cat or dog, You can compare with their mother and daughter!"

Hearing this sentence, Mrs. Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

She also heard about Lin Ze's biological mother.

I feel that the mother and daughter are incomparable to Feng Qianhua and Feng Xianxian.

Anyone with discernment knows how to choose.

Mrs. Feng continued: "Since you have said so, then I will not meet you. That child Xianxian is 19 years old this year, and they all say that women's colleges do not stay in the middle, and I will ask you for her life-long affairs in the future. ."

Mrs. Lin smiled and said, "It's easy to say, but I already have a choice in my heart."

"Which one is it?" Mrs. Feng asked.

Mrs. Lin said, "Cen's family."

Although Mrs. Cen had clearly rejected her, Mrs. Lin felt that with her friendship with Mrs. Cen, as long as she seriously mentioned this to Mrs. Cen, Mrs. Cen would definitely agree.

Feng Xianxian is so good, unless Mrs. Cen is blind, she will not agree.


Madam Feng narrowed her eyes, it seemed that Feng Qianhua really didn't lie to her.

No one in the capital knew that Mrs. Cen and Mrs. Lin were old friends, and the two had a very deep friendship. As long as Mrs. Lin was willing to speak, it would probably happen.

After getting the answer she wanted, Mrs. Feng had a few words with Mrs. Lin and left the Lin house.

Before Mrs. Feng left for a while, Sister Zhang walked in with ice candy Sydney, "Miss Qianhua, can you taste it now?"

"It's hard work, Sister Zhang." Feng Qianhua stood up and took the bowl, took a sip, and said, "Yes! That's what it tastes like."

Seeing that Feng Qianhua liked it so much, Mrs. Lin asked with concern, "Did you cook a little more for Qianhua?"

Sister-in-law Zhang nodded, "Don't worry, I cooked more specially."

"That's good."


Cen's house.

Cen Shaoqing stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the sixth floor, overlooking the ground, his eyes were a little far-reaching, and he exuded an aura that strangers should not enter.

Tomorrow is the day when the Lin family will hold a family recognition banquet.

It's a lie to say no.

After all, he, who was once young and frivolous, offended his future brother-in-law.

Beautiful Buddhist music played in the air.

But Cen Shaoqing couldn't calm down at all, took out his mobile phone and started searching: [How to resolve the grievance with my brother-in-law? ]

[What should I do if I offend my future brother-in-law without knowing it? ]

[What do nineteen-year-old boys like? ]

[Does a three-year-old child have a good memory? ]

[Does the child hold revenge? ]

There is an answer below: [Haha brother, you are dead! It's not good to offend anyone, go and offend your future brother-in-law! I tell you, children hold grudges the most! 】

[People are only small, but they are not stupid! When you offended others back then, they will surely remember it! 】

[The abuse of my brother-in-law is so refreshing, and I chase after my wife's crematorium! 】

【Fuck! Even my brother-in-law dares to offend! Brother you are great! 】

【It's a long way to chase your wife, come on, brother! Remember to post the results when the time comes. 】

Seeing these answers, Cen Shaoqing was a little upset.

I can't wait to go back to when I was fifteen years old, slap that stupid self with a slap, and then set up an incense table to confess Lin Ze.

Cen Shaoqing can only pray now, his brother-in-law has a lot of people, and he forgot about that.

Cen Shaoqing began to search again:

[How to please the future brother-in-law and old husband? ]

[What kind of son-in-law does the old man like? ]

[Can my father-in-law accept a son-in-law who is older than his daughter? ]

[How to be a good son-in-law who everyone loves? ]

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Cen Shaoqing turned slightly, put the phone in his pocket, and twisted the beads.

The door was pushed open.

Old lady Cen wearing a Peppa Pig T-shirt walked in from the door. The old lady not only wore Peppa Pig's T-shirt, but also slippers with Peppa Pig printed on it.


Mrs. Cen snorted and said with kind eyes: "Shaoqing, it's been so long, have you passed Ye Ye's internship?"

Mrs. Cen can't wait to announce to everyone what an excellent granddaughter-in-law she has.


Cen Shaoqing has never had an internship here, and the two have not made their relationship public, so she can't make it public.


Cen Shaoqing frowned without a trace.

What he is worried about now is not the internship period, but the level of the old husband and brother-in-law.

If you can't pass the test of your father-in-law and brother-in-law, what if you pass the internship period?

"Not yet." Cen Shaoqing twisted the beads.

"Not yet?" Mrs. Cen's voice was uncontrollable, and her face changed in an instant, "You are a sand sculpture! You are nothing! You haven't even passed the internship period, so you dare to be so leisurely! Don't you know How popular is the leaf?"

Cen Shaoqing stroked his forehead, "It's futile to be anxious about this kind of thing."

"Your grandma, I've been smart, how can I have a grandson like you!" Mrs. Cen put her hands on her hips. "You haven't passed the internship period, don't you know how to sum up your experience?"

Cen Shaoqing's expression remained unchanged, "What experience do you summarize?"

"Of course it's love experience!" Mrs. Cen paused, "Wait for me."

Having said this, Mrs. Cen turned around and walked downstairs.

After a while, Mrs. Cen came back.

He was holding a stack of books in his hand.

Mrs. Cen put the book on the table, and the first one on it was the novel "The Overbearing President Falls in Love with Me".

Old Mrs. Cen patted the book, "See, these male protagonists in the book are all your seniors! Don't just read your Buddhist scriptures all day long, read more of these books that are useful to you! Look at these in the book How do seniors chase their wives! Look at you, look at others!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Mrs. Cen looked disgusted.

"Look at the seniors in this book, the relationship with the heroine will be confirmed in less than half a month."

"This is even better! In less than three months, I got the certificate!"

"And this one..."

Mrs. Cen introduced Cen Shaoqing one by one, and finally summed up her experience, "Actually, it is very simple to become a qualified boyfriend. It can be summed up in six words."

"Which six words?" Cen Shaoqing raised his eyebrows slightly.

Old Mrs. Cen said, "That's buying, buying, buying! Pampering pets! It's better to pamper the heroine to death!" Her romance novels over the years are not for nothing, and she has also summed up some experience.

Fiction comes from life.

Cen Shaoqing: "..."

Mrs. Cen continued: "By the way, there is another very important rule that you need to remember."

Cen Shaoqing: "???"


The old lady Cen said: "This rule is three obedience and four virtues."

Cen Shaoqing frowned slightly, "Grandma, it's a new society now, do you still want to use this kind of thing to restrain Zhuozhuo?"

"It's all your rules! What does it have to do with Zhuozhuo!" The old lady Cen continued: "I told you to remember, the three obedience and four virtues are: the wife goes out and follows; the wife orders obedience; the wife speaks the wrong words blindly; The wife can wait for makeup; the wife remembers her birthday; the wife can endure the beatings and scolds; the wife is willing to spend money!"

Cen Shaoqing: "???" If he remembered correctly, isn't the three obedience and four virtues not the father who is unmarried, the husband who is married, and the son who dies when the husband dies?

Seeing that Cen Shaoqing didn't speak, the old lady Cen stood on tiptoe and patted his arm. In fact, she wanted to slap him on the head, but unfortunately she was not tall enough, "I'm talking to you! Do you hear? Are you? Not convinced?"

"No dissatisfaction, I heard it all."

Mrs. Cen didn't believe Cen Shaoqing, "Then you recite it for me?"

Cen Shaoqing's memory is very good, and he memorized the new version of the three from the four virtues almost word for word.

The old lady Cen was satisfied, "I didn't see it, you stinky brat is quite savvy! Well, read all these books yourself! After reading, you will be able to find your way, I will go downstairs first. already."

After walking a few steps, Mrs. Cen seemed to remember something, she turned back, and took out a book from the stack of books, "By the way, you must not learn from the scumbag in this book! It was originally used as a negative teaching material for you!"

Cen Shaoqing had not read any romance novels, so he frowned and said, "Is there anything special about this book?"

Mrs. Cen gritted her teeth and said: "The male protagonist in this book is a big scumbag! Not only did he dig his heart and kidneys, but he also misunderstood the female protagonist! Anyway, the female protagonist is miserable! In short, you remember him It's just your negative teaching material!"

"If this scumbag were my eldest grandson, I would have beaten his dog head crookedly!"

Having said that, the old lady Cen waved her fist fiercely.

Cen Shaoqing: "..." He suspected that Mrs. Cen was connoting him, but he had no evidence.

After saying this, Mrs. Cen walked downstairs.

"Grandma, wait a minute." Cen Shaoqing called out to Mrs. Cen.

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Cen turned her head.

Cen Shaoqing continued, "Grandma, are you going to the Lin family's banquet tomorrow?"

"No." Mrs. Cen replied without thinking.

Mainly because I don't like that old fool and Bai Tian.

Did you go looking for anger?

"Grandma, do you know who Uncle Lin's long-lost daughter is?" Cen Shaoqing then asked.

"Whoever you love has something to do with me?" Mrs. Cen said angrily, "I'm too lazy to take care of the Lin family's crap anyway!"

Cen Shaoqing twisted the beads, "...Maybe, it really has something to do with you."

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Cen narrowed her eyes.

Cen Shaoqing's thin lips parted lightly, "Zhaozhuo is Uncle Lin's long-lost daughter."

"What?" Mrs. Cen's eyes widened in disbelief.

"You heard that right."

Old Mrs. Cen's face immediately collapsed, "Ye Zi is such a good child, how could he be the granddaughter of that old fool and Bai Tian? No! Impossible! There must be a mistake, Ye Ye is Ye Ye! Ye Zi doesn't Possibly her granddaughter!"

The old lady Cen was jealous.


She is such a lovely old lady, but she can't have a granddaughter as good as Ye Zhuo, why is Zhao Fangyue her?

Because she is stupid?

Because she is deaf?

Because she doesn't have long eyes?

It took a long while for Mrs. Cen to digest this fact.

Cen Shaoqing continued, "So, are you still going to the Lin family's banquet?"

Mrs. Cen nodded, "Go! Of course I will! Why don't I go to my granddaughter-in-law's banquet! If I don't go, what if that old fool Baitian bullies my granddaughter-in-law?"

Until she went downstairs, Mrs. Cen was still a little depressed.

Zhou Xiang asked curiously, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Mrs. Cen told Zhou Xiang about this.

Zhou Xiang was also surprised when he heard it.

Ye Zhuo is Lin Jincheng's long-lost daughter?

This is incredible too!


October 6th.

Today is the day of the banquet.

The banquet was held in the largest five-star hotel in Beijing.

The Lin family had a lot of money and directly booked the hotel. Today, apart from the staff, all the guests who came to the hotel were guests who came to the banquet. One after another, luxury cars were parked in front of the hotel.

These people stand alone to deter the existence of one side.

Mrs. Lin and the three daughters-in-law of the Lin family are receiving guests.

Because Lin Jincheng is the youngest child in the family, Wu Mei, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Lin family, is already fifty-three years old. Although she is over 500 years old, she is well-maintained and has an elegant temperament in every gesture.

The beauty is late, but the temperament and cultivation are still there.

Seeing that Mrs. Lin coughed from time to time, Wu Mei said, "Mom, if you go inside to rest first, I will have my second and third siblings here."

The second daughter-in-law and the third daughter-in-law also said, "Sister-in-law is right, Mom, go inside and rest first."

Mrs. Lin should wave her hand, "No, no! Qianhua and Xianxian haven't arrived yet."

Who doesn't know that only Feng Qianhua is the most ideal daughter-in-law in Mrs. Lin's heart.



Lin Jincheng now not only has a rambunctious biological daughter, but also a wife from the countryside.

It's hard to say.

At this moment, another new guest came in, and Wu Mei hurried up to meet him, "Mr. Ma, President Wang, please come in."

Looking at Wu Mei's back, the second daughter-in-law Zhang Zhenzhen said, "I don't know if the Cen family will come tonight."

The third daughter-in-law, Yang Wenyin, said, "Old Mrs. Cen has always been on good terms with our mother, and she will definitely come!"

Hearing Yang Wenyin's words, old lady Cen's eyes flashed with satisfaction.

Who in the capital didn't know that she was on good terms with the old lady of the Cen family?

Zhang Zhenzhen smiled and said, "That's true! Then do you think Fifth Master Cen will come?"

Yang Wenyin shook her head, "Then I don't know! I heard that the person is withdrawn and wears vegetarian dresses all the year round, and he doesn't like attending banquets the most!"

Zhang Zhenzhen sighed and continued, "Unfortunately, we couldn't have a daughter. If we had a daughter, with the friendship between our mother and Mrs. Cen, would the baby still fall into the Mu family's head?"

In order to give birth to a daughter, Zhang Zhenzhen fought for four children in one go, but unfortunately all of them had a handle.

Originally, Zhang Zhenzhen wanted to fight for the fifth child, but unfortunately, something unexpected happened when she was pregnant with the fifth child.

Yang Wenyin also gave birth to two sons. She covered her mouth and smiled and said, "We didn't have a daughter! Some people did have a daughter, but it's a pity they gave birth to a scumbag! I don't know what Jincheng thinks! It's like this! Why is my daughter going back! I invited so many nobles, don't you think this is a shame for our Lin family?"

Speaking of the last sentence, Yang Wenyin lowered her voice.

Born in a wealthy family, who is shameless?

Before the two of them came back, everyone in the capital knew it, so who wouldn't be angry?

Zhang Zhenzhen sighed, "I'm just praying for those two to give us a fight at the banquet!" I have to say that Lin Jincheng's handling of this matter is really inauthentic.

Just like the mother and daughter, is it worth his efforts?

Just take it back quietly!

Does it have to be known to everyone?

Yang Wenyin also sighed.

At this moment, Feng Qianhua walked over in a wine-red dress, holding a thermal bucket in her hand, "Aunt Lin."

"Qianhua is here." Mrs. Lin's eyes lit up.

Feng Qianhua nodded, then said hello to Zhang Zhenzhen and Yang Wenyin, "Second sister-in-law and third sister-in-law, what about sister-in-law?"

Mrs. Lin smiled and said, "Your sister-in-law is entertaining guests inside! By the way, where's Xianxian?"

Feng Qianhua said, "I'm with the young people behind me."

Mrs. Lin nodded.

Feng Qianhua continued: "Aunt Lin, I'll help you go in and rest first, and drink the soup by the way."

"it is good."

Feng Qianhua turned to look at Zhang Zhenzhen and Yang Wenyin, "Second sister-in-law and third sister-in-law, then I'll go in with Aunt Lin first."

"Go." The two nodded.

After Feng Qianhua helped the old lady Lin in, Zhang Zhenzhen sighed: "I don't understand, Qianhua needs to have a figure, a face, and a face, look at how well-kept her skin is! Why does Jincheng like a country woman? Woolen cloth?"

Yang Wenyin shook her head, "Don't talk about Qianhua! I don't even see that slender girl! What a girl! Compared to that straw bag, she is a hundred times better than that! Who knows what Jincheng thinks!"

"Hello, second aunt and third aunt."

Just as he was speaking, a gentle female voice suddenly came from the air.

The two looked up and saw that the person was Feng Xianxian.

Feng Xianxian put on light nude makeup tonight, and the fit cheongsam outlines a beautiful figure. She looks like a little home jasper, and she dresses completely differently from normal days, which makes people's eyes shine.

Feng Xianxian could feel that from the moment she entered the door, many people looked at her.

In fact, there is no shortage of beautiful women in this circle.

But there are not many people who are as beautiful as she is, pure natural and without carvings.

"Isn't this Xianxian? It's been a long time since I haven't seen Xianxian, and Xianxian has become beautiful again!" Zhang Zhenzhen took Feng Xianxian's hand and was reluctant to let it go. She wanted a daughter so much, but unfortunately, all four of the family were boys.

Looking at Feng Xianxian at this time, she felt that Feng Xianxian was good everywhere.

Feng Xianxian smiled and said, "Second aunt, you should be getting younger. I almost didn't recognize you standing with third aunt just now."

Yang Wenyin said: "Look at what you said about the child, am I not young anymore?"

"Of course they are all young! Not only are they young, but they are also beautiful! Two aunts, you usually go out with Wen Wen and Tai Tai to play. You must be often misunderstood as a mother-son relationship, right?"

Wen Wen and Tai Tai are the grandsons of Zhang Zhenzhen and Yang Wenyin.

Hearing this, the two were so amused by Feng Xianxian that they couldn't close their mouths.

There is no woman who doesn't like to hear people compliment her youth.

After the words fell, Feng Xianxian continued: "Two aunts, has Uncle Lin brought the new aunt?"

Zhang Zhenzhen shook her head, "Not yet, there are still about half an hour before the scheduled auspicious time."

"Is that so." Feng Xianxian continued: "Then I'll go take a look first. I also prepared a gift for my new sister, and I have to arrange for someone to bring it in."

"Okay, you go first."

It was also Feng Xian who had a good heart, so he might not be so generous when he changed someone else, and he even prepared a gift for that straw bag.

After all, Feng Xianxian almost took the seat of the eldest Miss Lin family.

Feng Xianxian walked into the banquet hall step by step.

Every step I took, I could feel more eyes gathered on her.

Feng Xianxian raised her chin, and her eyes were full of pride. Tonight, she will definitely be able to crush that straw bag and become a stunning presence in the audience.

At this moment, there was another sensation at the door, causing all the guests in the banquet hall to look over there.

"This is the old lady of the Cen family and fifth master Cen?"

"Didn't you say that Fifth Master Cen is happy with Jing and never attends such banquets?"

Someone was talking in a low voice.

Feng Xianxian looked back, her eyes were immediately attracted by the figure of the Lanzhi Yushu in the crowd, and she was stunned for a while.

I remember that the last time I saw Fifth Master Cen was two years ago.

At that time, she felt that Cen Fifth Master was shocked.

Seeing each other again, he shocked her no less than two years ago.

Feng Xianxian pursed her lips.

Everyone said that Fifth Master Cen didn't like to attend banquets.

So why did Cen Wuye make an exception this time?

Could it be... because of her?

After all, the last time Mrs. Lin mentioned her and Fifth Master Cen in front of Mrs. Cen.

So today, Fifth Master Cen must have come to see her.

Thinking of this, Feng Xianxian's cheeks were a little flushed, and her heart beat faster.

Tonight, she will definitely not disappoint Fifth Master Cen!

Certainly not!

"Xianxian, this cheongsam looks so pretty tonight? Where did you buy it? Tell me, I'll buy one too." Several little sisters who were friends with Feng Xianxian on weekdays came over.

Feng Xianxian came back to her senses and smiled: "My grandmother made it for me in Xiaojiangnan, and you can't buy it outside."

Of course, these people knew that the grandma in Feng Xianxian's mouth was referring to Mrs. Lin.

After all, Mrs. Lin usually treats Feng Xianxian as a sore eye.

Although Lin Jincheng was about to recognize his biological daughter, a straw bag would not pose any threat to Feng Xianxian at all.

As for the straw bag's biological mother, she couldn't compare with Feng Qianhua.

In the eyes of everyone, tonight's banquet was almost a name for Feng Qianhua and Feng Xianxian's mother and daughter.

The banquet starts at 10 o'clock.

At this time, there are still 5 minutes before the banquet starts, and the main seat and the second seat are already full of people.

Of course, Cen Shaoqing and Mrs. Cen were sitting in the main seat.

Feng Qianhua and Feng Xianxian were also arranged by Mrs. Lin in the chair.

Looking at Cen Shaoqing sitting above her, Feng Xianxian tried her best to hold back her heartbeat.

10 o'clock exactly.

The music at the banquet was stopped.

Everyone looked towards the stage in the middle of the banquet hall.

I saw Lin Jincheng appearing on the stage, "Hello everyone, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to attend our family's family recognition banquet, Lin is deeply honored!"

There was thunderous applause from the audience.

"Next, I would like to introduce my wife Ye Shu and my daughter Ye Zhuo..."

Hearing this, everyone cheered up.

A vulgar village woman in the country, a straw bag who can't read a few characters.

On such a solemn occasion, both of them from small places would definitely look ugly.

They are really looking forward to this scene!

Ye Zhuo?

Hearing the name, Feng Xianxian frowned.

Is it renamed?

Can a straw bag be admitted to Beijing University?

It must be the same name!

"My God!"

"Fuck! This is too beautiful!"

At this moment, the voice of gasping for breath suddenly appeared in the crowd.

Feng Xianxian looked up and saw two figures slowly walking towards the stage.

A gentle temperament, with a smile on his brows and eyes, his beautiful face did not have the vulgar aura that everyone imagined, but instead showed nobility and elegance, not losing to the wealthy and noble ladies present.

A slender figure, bright and alluring facial features are as delicate and flawless as they are carefully carved, and their face is so perfect that it is suffocating.

This is the real national beauty.

I am afraid that if I searched the whole capital, I would not be able to find such a person.


Is this Ye Zhuo?

Ye Zhuo!

Feng Xianxian felt that her whole body was not well, and layers of cold sweat broke out on her back. She never dreamed that Ye Zhuo was Lin Jincheng's daughter.

Why is it Ye Zhuo!

How could it be Ye Zhuo!

Then what is she?

After all, in the dormitory, she has always been the eldest miss of the Lin family...

At school, she was robbed of the title of school flower by Ye Zhuo.

Unexpectedly, when she returned to the Lin family, Ye Zhuo robbed her of the title of Miss Lin family again.

Does Ye Zhuo like robbing her that much?

Feng Xianxian took a deep breath.


She couldn't just let Ye Zhuo take her things.

Even if Ye Zhuo was beautiful, what if she came out of a small place and knew nothing, she still had a way to make her embarrassed in public!

At that time, Mrs. Lin will definitely take action to drive Ye Zhuo out!

After all, Mrs. Lin pays the most attention to face.

At that time, she was still the only eldest lady of the Lin family.

Feng Xianxian's hands clenched into fists.


Ye Zhuo is about to make a fool of himself.

The appearance of Ye Shu and Ye Zhuo surprised everyone in the banquet hall.

They thought they would see two ugly people, but they didn't expect that the people not only didn't show any ugliness, but instead won the exclamation of the audience.

It's a little different from the country people they imagined.

"Don't say it, this eldest Miss Lin family really looks like the eldest Miss Lin family!"

"They are the authentic Miss Lin family, can those wild idiots compare?"

Hearing this, Feng Xianxian couldn't hold back her face.

Wild way?

She is no wild way!

The real wild way should be Ye Zhuo!

Thinking of this, Feng Xianxian stood up from her seat and smiled on the stand, "Congratulations to Uncle Lin for finding my sister. In order to welcome my sister home, I specially prepared a small gift for her, and I asked her to accept her with a smile."

As soon as the words fell, someone lifted a piano up.

Seeing that Feng Xianxian gave a piano, someone immediately said at the banquet: "I heard that Young Master Lin is very talented in music, and he is already at a professional level at a young age. Presumably, Miss Lin's musical talent is definitely not worse than Young Master Lin. I wonder if we will be lucky enough to hear Miss Lin play a piece today, which will open our eyes? Let’s try the sound of this piano by the way.”

The piano is not an instrument that the average family can play.

After all, an ordinary piano can cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Not to mention tuition fees.

Ye Zhuo was just found by the Lin family. She can play the piano?

I'm afraid that even knocking on the bowl is not as good as Feng Xianxian's knocking, right?

To put it bluntly, Ye Zhuo is the surface light of donkey dung eggs.


As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Ye Zhuo on the stage.

Ye Zhuo's expression was light, and the delicate eyebrows and eyes were plated with a light layer of light by the crystal light, "I am generally talented in music, so I won't be ugly."

"Miss Lin, isn't she?"

I don't know who said that in the banquet.

Mrs. Lin's face turned cold.

Disgraceful things, not even a simple instrument like a piano!

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