Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Two hundred and eighty-one: Miss Ye can directly confer a god!

"Almighty daughter burns the sky ()"!

Something happened to the old lady.

Hearing this sentence, Ye Shu's heart skipped a beat, and immediately put down what he was doing, and turned to look at the housekeeper, "What's wrong with the old lady?"

The housekeeper glanced at Ye Shu and didn't know how to speak, and then said, "Old lady, it seems like the old lady is not breathing."

"What!" Ye Shu's face turned pale, "Did you make a mistake?"

Out of breath?

How can you not breathe!

Obviously last night was fine!

The housekeeper explained: "In the morning, Mrs. Wang went to knock on the old lady's door, but no one answered for a long time, so Mrs. Wang opened the door and went in. Then she saw the old lady lying on the bed. She thought the old lady was sleeping too deeply. , but when Sister Wang stretched out her hand, the old lady no longer had her breath."

Ye Shu never thought that Mrs. Lin would suddenly have an accident, so he calmed down and asked, "Have you contacted Dr. Jiang?"

Dr. Jiang is the doctor in charge of Mrs. Lin's health. No one knows Mrs. Lin's physical condition better than him.

The housekeeper nodded, "I've contacted, Dr. Jiang will be here soon."

"Okay." Ye Shu couldn't care about anything else. As he walked out, he said, "By the way, Uncle Zhou, have you informed Jincheng?"

Lin Jincheng went to the company early in the morning and is not at home now.

Mrs. Lin had an accident, and she lived with Lin Jincheng. Of course, Lin Jincheng had to be notified as soon as possible.

"As soon as I panic, I forgot," the butler continued, "I'll inform Mr.

"Yes! Let him come back quickly!"

Ye Shu took a few steps outside, suddenly thought of something, turned back, walked upstairs, and said loudly: "Aze! Aze!"

Hearing Ye Shu's anxious voice, Lin Ze immediately opened the door, "Mom, what happened!"

"Your grandma has an accident! Come with me quickly!" Ye Shu said.

When Lin Ze heard this, he immediately followed Ye Shu's footsteps.

I can't even change my pajamas.

After all, Mrs. Lin is already old, and an old man in his 90s can be fatal if he has a little problem.

"Where's Zhuozhuo?" Ye Shu continued, "Have you not come back yet?"

"Not yet." Lin Ze replied.

Ye Zhuo went to Mars overnight last night and has not come back until now.

Lin Ze continued, "I'll contact fifth brother."

If you contact Cen Shaoqing, you can contact Ye Zhuo.

"Okay." Ye Shu said: "Then you can contact Shaoqing, let Shaoqing tell Zhuozhuo, and let her come back immediately."

After the words fell, Ye Shu added: "Aze, you have to be mentally prepared, your grandma, she, she may be dead."

Lin Ze was raised by Mrs. Lin, and at this time, the most uncomfortable person must be Lin Ze.

Although many things happened in the middle, old lady Lin's love for Lin Ze was real.

Upon hearing this, Lin Ze's face turned pale, "Grandma, she ate a lot yesterday, why..."

Why can't it work today?

The news came too suddenly.

The scenes from yesterday still appeared in front of Lin Ze's eyes.

Mrs. Lin kept holding Bai Jingshu's hand and smiled so kindly, but she still wanted to see her great-grandson born...

Until she went back, Bai Jingshu told Lin Ze about Mrs. Lin.

In order not to damage Madam Lin's image in Bai Jingshu's heart, Lin Ze didn't tell her about the past.

But today...

Ye Shu patted Lin Ze on the shoulder and continued: "Aze, I don't know the specific situation very well, let's go and see first, don't think too bad about the situation, your grandma was fine yesterday, it's impossible today If you say no, it won't work."

"Yeah." Lin Ze nodded.

The mother and son ran to the north courtyard while talking.

Soon, they arrived at the North Courtyard.

The servants looked a little nervous. Seeing Ye Shu and Lin Ze coming, Mrs. Wang, who usually takes care of Mrs. Lin, immediately greeted her, "Madam, you're here!"

"How is my mother?" Ye Shu asked.

Sister-in-law Wang shook her head, "It's strange to say, last night I chatted with the old lady for a long time, and she told me to go to Jinghu Park tomorrow, why today... "The last sentence was transformed into a thick sigh, and the eyes were slightly red.

I haven't gone to Jinghu Park yet, why is the old lady gone?

Sister Wang came to Lin's house for less than two years. She always thought that Mrs. Lin was a very kind old lady. She was really reluctant to leave the old lady suddenly.

Of course, she cares more about her work. Her main task every day is to take care of Mrs. Lin. The Lin family is generous and gives her a lot in a month. She doesn't want to lose this job.

She was sad for the passing of Mrs. Lin, but also for her own work.

Ye Shu immediately came to the room.

Mrs. Lin was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, as if she was asleep, with a peaceful expression.

"Mom!" Ye Shu shouted.

Mrs. Lin on the bed did not respond.


Lin Ze looked at Mrs. Lin with disbelief in his eyes.

Mrs. Lin did do a lot of wrong things in the past, but she is also a good grandma.

There are mistakes, but there are also merits.

In any case, Lin Ze was brought up by Mrs. Lin.

In Lin Ze's memory, there are many memories of Mrs. Lin.

Almost instantly, tears welled up in Lin Ze's eyes.

Tears rained down.

"Grandma!" Lin Ze knelt beside the bed, unable to cry himself.

Ye Shu walked to Mrs. Lin's side, reached out and probed before her breath.

As Mrs. Wang said, Mrs. Lin was no longer breathing.

Faced with such an old lady Lin, Ye Shu couldn't help crying, "Mom! Mom, wake up!"

No one expected that the old lady Lin, who was talking and laughing yesterday, has become like this today.

The world is impermanent.

"Madam! Dr. Jiang is here!" At this moment, the housekeeper walked in with Dr. Jiang.

Ye Shu stood up and said, "Doctor Jiang, I'm sorry to trouble you. Although my mother has inconvenience in her legs and feet, she has been in good health over the years. Please help me to find out what's going on!"

"Okay." Dr. Jiang put down the medicine box, walked to the bedside, and checked.

After a while, he looked up at Ye Shu, "Mrs. Lin, the old man in his 90s is dying, and birth, old age, sickness and death are common occurrences. Your condolences."

This is the first time Ye Shu has faced life and death so directly.

Although the old lady did a lot of things that she hated deeply in the past, but now the people are gone, and the dead are the big ones.

Hearing the doctor's announcement, the surrounding servants also began to quietly wipe their tears.

The atmosphere became sad.

Not long after, Lin Jincheng also hurried back.

"Ashu! What's wrong with Mom?"

Ye Shu looked at Lin Jincheng, "Mom, she's gone, and Dr. Jiang said she's dying..."

Lin Jincheng's eyes also turned red in an instant.

"Mr. Lin's condolences." Dr. Jiang continued, "The old lady passed away very peacefully."

People in their 90s are also happy and mourning according to the customs of the capital.

Lin Jincheng turned to look at the old lady Lin lying on the bed, her expression was a little sad, but not much sadness.

The ups and downs of his life, the separation of his wife and children, including the loss of a leg, were all done by Mrs. Lin.

Some hurts cannot be forgotten.

If it wasn't for Ye Zhuo's intervention later, he and Ye Shu would probably never see each other again in this life.

Although he is Mrs. Lin's biological son, he still hates Mrs. Lin for being too much.

However, now that people are gone, no matter how big the hatred is, it should be put down.

The old lady Lin had inconvenience in her legs and feet, but now she is dying, which is also a relief to her.

Lin Jincheng quickly calmed down, turned his head to look at Ye Shu, and continued, "I'm going to inform the eldest brother, the third brother and the fourth brother, Ashu, you will follow the housekeeper to take care of the next thing."

"Okay." Ye Shu nodded.

Lin Jincheng soon informed the four brothers of the Lin family.

Except for Lin Qingxuan, the other three brothers were all in the east, west and east, and it would take two or three hours to come here by plane.

After hearing the news, everyone was very shocked, and no one thought that Mrs. Lin would die suddenly.

The four brothers of the Lin family immediately rushed back with their family.

Lin Qingxuan was the first to come back.

"Why did Mom die? Didn't she still feel very energetic yesterday?" Lin Qingxuan asked.

Like everyone, Lin Qingxuan was also very surprised.

For the first time, I thought of Mrs. Lin from yesterday.

Yesterday, Mrs. Lin told him that she would take Xiao Linzhi to go abroad to play together during the Chinese New Year.

how today...

Lin Jincheng sighed, "Dr. Jiang said that he is dying. After all, he is old."

Like Lin Jincheng, Lin Qingxuan had a particularly complicated relationship with Mrs. Lin. At that time, Mrs. Lin forced him to marry Zhao Shuning. After Zhao Shuning left, she prevented him from being with Xia Xiaoman. It really took him most of his life.

But now that the man is gone, as a son of man, he should put on filial piety for his mother and send the old man his last journey.

Let the things of the past pass by.

Lin Qingxuan nodded, "Our mother is already happy at her age, so don't be too sad."


After the words fell, Lin Qingxuan continued: "Have they notified the elder brother, the second brother and the third brother? When will they arrive?"

Lin Jincheng said: "I have already informed them that they will be back by the nearest flight in about two or three hours."

Lin Qingxuan then asked, "Are the paper money firecrackers ready?"

Lin Jincheng said, "The housekeeper has already prepared it. I will prepare the money for the eldest brother, the second brother, and the third brother to burn it when he returns."

The custom here in the capital is that people must burn the road money immediately after leaving, and the money must be burned by the children of the waiter, otherwise the deceased old man will not receive it, and the road to Huangquan will not be stable.

After burning the travel money, the children can send obituaries to relatives and friends, and then stay at home for three days, and then send them to the crematorium.

"Okay." Lin Qingxuan nodded, "You can arrange it."

Nothing but life and death.

Although Lin Jincheng had already arranged things on the scene, there were still many trivial matters to deal with, so Lin Qingxuan naturally had no time to spare.

Xia Xiaoman hugged the child and chatted with Ye Shu, "Ashu, tell me about this person, it's like a dream. This old lady was fine yesterday, and she doesn't know anything about it today." Speaking of this, Xia Xiaoman was also sighing.

Life is a dream, a dream is life.

"Actually, life is a matter of closing and opening your eyes." Ye Shu sighed, looked up at Xia Xiaoman, and asked, "Sister-in-law Four, do you still hate it?"

Hearing this, Xia Xiaoman couldn't tell what look on her face, looked at Ye Shu and said, "It's a lie to say that she doesn't hate me, you should be very clear about how she treated me at that time, but the person has already left, and the past will be left to you. Let it go. After all, she is Qingxuan's mother and Azhi's grandmother."

There is no need for her to care about someone who has already gone west.

"You're right." Ye Shu looked into the distance, "Let the past be in the past."

"What about you?" Xia Xiaoman continued, "She hurt you more than me, do you still hate her?"

"I'm the same as you." Ye Shu replied.

Xia Xiaoman reached out and hugged Ye Shu, "Actually, you are the most difficult one."

Ye Shu said: "Fourth brother is also not easy."

Lin Qingxuan felt guilty towards Zhao Shuning for most of his life, and also controlled him for most of his life.

Xia Xiaoman nodded, "This old lady is really not a simple person." The five sons she gave birth to are all big names. Although she is a bit tricky, she has the means, otherwise she would not put her children to the ground. They are all so well-bred.

Not long after, the other three brothers of the Lin family also arrived.

Dusty all the way.

Everyone has arrived, and the next step is to discuss the future generations of Mrs. Lin. The brothers and brothers of the Lin family are all great people, and their children and grandchildren are not bad. Mrs. Lin is also happy and mourning, so the funeral must not be oversimplified.

Mrs. Lin has five sons.

There are fourteen grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. The family is old and young, plus the daughter-in-law and granddaughter-in-law. After all the brothers of the Lin family are gathered, there will be more than 40 people in total. Can't hold so many people.

Children still don't understand what life and death mean, and a few children get together and fight.

Lin Yang, the youngest grandson of Lin Qingfan, the eldest of the Lin family, is two years old this year, and his understanding of life and death is even more vague.

Lin Yang looked at Mrs. Lin who was lying in the ice coffin, and looked at Wu Mei curiously, "Grandma, do you have to lie there when you die?"

"Well." Wu Mei nodded.

Lin Yang continued, "Will grandma come back in the future?"

"No." Wu Mei replied.

Lin Yang frowned slightly and asked, "Why didn't you come back? I want Grandma to come back."

Wu Mei explained: "Everyone will have birth, old age, sickness and death. Your great grandma has left and will never come back."

"Then where will she go?" Lin Yang then asked.

Wu Mei said: "Go to heaven."

"Heaven?" Lin Yang's eyes lit up.

"Well." Wu Mei nodded.

Lin Yang continued: "It's fun to see heaven on the cartoon! Grandma, I want to die too, and see what heaven looks like!"

As soon as this statement came out, Wu Mei immediately stretched out her hand to cover Lin Yang's mouth, "My little ancestor, you can't talk nonsense! Tong Yan Wuji, Tong Yan Wuji!"

"Why? Grandma, are you saying that you can go to heaven if you die? I want to go to heaven too!" Lin Yang said.

Wu Mei immediately picked up Lin Yang and walked outside the mourning hall.

Seeing that Wu Mei's face was wrong, Ye Zhuo asked, "Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

"It's not this little ancestor! I'm almost mad at me!" Wu Mei lowered her voice and told Ye Zhuo what happened.

Ye Zhuo said: "Children are ignorant, it doesn't matter if Tong Yan Wuji."

"Amei!" At this moment, Lin Qingfan's voice came from the air.

"What's wrong?" Wu Mei turned back.

"Come here, I have something for you!"

Wu Mei was about to carry the child over, and Ye Zhuo reached out to Wu Mei, "Auntie, give me Yang Yang, and I'll explain to her."

"Okay." Wu Mei handed the child to Ye Zhuo, "Zhaozhuo, then I'll trouble you."

"It's all family."

Xiao Lin Yang immediately hugged Ye Zhuo's neck tightly and said coquettishly, "I like Aunt Fairy the most!"

Ye Zhuo walked out with Lin Yang in his arms.

Lin Yang said curiously, "Auntie, why can my grandma go to heaven, but I can't?"

Ye Zhuo explained: "Because after you go to that place, you will never come back."


"People, there are two states, the first state is alive, the second state is dead..."

Just as Ye Zhuo was halfway through his explanation, Cen Shaoqing's voice sounded behind him.


Ye Zhuo looked back, "Aren't you busy in front?"

"I'm not busy now." Cen Shaoqing's eyes fell on Lin Yang, and the little boy's hand was actually on Ye Zhuo's neckline.

The guts are so fat.

This place, he usually dare not let it go!

So angry!

Cen Shaoqing stretched out his hand, "Let me hug him."

Lin Yang immediately hugged Ye Zhuo tightly, "I don't want you to hug me! I want Aunt Fairy to hug me!"

Cen Shaoqing was wearing black clothes and black trousers, and his face was cold.

Although Lin Yang is young, he is very discerning.

Know who to mess with and who to mess with.

When Cen Shaoqing saw him like this, he was even more angry. If this little guy was his son, he would just throw it in the trash can!

Cen Shaoqing took out a nicely packaged candy from his pocket, "I have candy."

As soon as he saw the colorful candy wrappers, Lin Yang's eyes lit up, "Brother, hug me! I like you so much!"

elder brother?

Hearing this title, Cen Shaoqing frowned without a trace.

Lin Yang called Ye Zhuo brother, he called him uncle, then he didn't become a generation with him, he should be called Ye Zhuo aunt?

This will not work!

"My name is uncle." Cen Shaoqing touched Lin Yang's head.

"You are obviously your brother." Lin Yang remembered his mother's teachings, and when he met a handsome uncle on the road, he must call him brother.

"Uncle." Cen Shaoqing continued: "Call uncle and I will hug you."

Of course, it would be better if it was called Uncle.

But Cen Shaoqing only dared to think about it in his heart.

Lin Yang immediately changed his words, "Uncle."

Cen Shaoqing reached out and took Lin Yang.

Ye Zhuo followed behind.

From the back, the picture is a little warm, and the three of them even look like a family of three.

After the brothers of the Lin family officially issued their obituaries, people came to offer condolences from time to time.

The five brothers and wives of the Lin family stood at the gate of the manor, welcoming everyone.

The descendants of the Lin family were dressed in burlap and filial piety, and knelt in front of the mourning hall, looking a little mighty.

After all, in this day and age, many people are only children, and it is rare to meet such a big family.

Mrs. Lin's funeral was particularly beautiful, and there was an endless stream of people who came to offer condolences.

Old Mrs. Cen stood in front of the mourning hall and looked at the old man lying in the hotel. Her heart was suddenly empty. Although she usually disliked Mrs. Lin and scolded her as an old white lotus, now Mrs. Lin really left, she Very sad again.

This feeling is very strange.

After all, old lady Lin and she are people of the same era.

She still remembers what Mrs. Lin looked like when she was young.

At that time, she and Mrs. Lin were good friends.

Old Mrs. Cen stood in front of the mourning hall with red eyes and said, "It is said that the scourge will last for thousands of years, so why did you leave first? But you may leave first, remember to help me find the way, you know me, I I'm most afraid of the dark... But I don't want to go now, so don't scare me at night..."

She wants to watch Cen Shaoqing and Ye Zhuo enter the palace of marriage.

Old Mrs. Cen rambled and said a lot, and then said: "If you see the second Cen below, you must help me ask him why he wants to be Chen Shimei! Also, I want to divorce him. You make him ready, wait for me to go, and immediately go through the divorce procedures!"

Second Cen is Mr. Cen.

The old grandfather of the Cen family once adopted a child, and then there was the old man Cen.

As she spoke, Mrs. Cen's eyes became more and more red, she wiped her tears, and continued, "I could have been sadder, but who made you do that in the rest of your life! Forget it, you go. I’m all gone, why do I still care about you so much! I used to call you Old White Lotus because it was my fault, so don’t scare me at night!”

After the words fell, the old lady Cen walked to the hotel and looked at the old man lying in the ice coffin with a very complicated expression.

Mrs. Lin was still in good health, and she left without saying hello. Does this indicate something?

What if one day she, like Mrs. Lin, suddenly had an accident?

Mrs. Lin sighed deeply.

She is not afraid of death, but she has not seen Cen Shaoqing get married and have children.

How can she go?

The old lady Cen continued: "If you have a spirit in the sky, bless me not to be like you, I want to watch Shaoqing and Zhuozhuo achieve a positive result, Zhuozhuo is your only granddaughter, you must not bear to see her sad Right? I tell you, Zhuozhuo likes my grandma the most! If I go first, she will be very sad!"

"Then let's settle it, you must bless me!"

After saying some words, she bowed again in front of Mrs. Lin's spirit, and then Mrs. Cen turned around and left.

The custom here in the capital is to go to the front hall to have a bowl of tea after condolences to the deceased.

A crowd gathered in the front hall.

After old Mrs. Cen finished her tea, she went for a stroll in the garden, and happened to meet Cen Shaoqing and Ye Zhuo with their children chatting in the garden.

Looking at the past from a distance, the picture is somewhat harmonious, and Mrs. Cen can even see through this scene what it will be like to have a great-grandson in the future.

It must be as cozy as it is now.

The sadness in Mrs. Cen's heart faded a lot, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she suddenly felt that death was not so scary anymore.

After all, she had already seen what she wanted to see.

Three days later, Mrs. Lin was officially buried.

The funeral procession was long.

Coincidentally, it was raining when everyone arrived at the cemetery in the originally sunny weather.

The Taoist priest in the bright yellow Taoist robe pinched his fingers and said, "From the perspective of Feng Shui, the water level of wealth coincides with the rain at the time of the old lady's burial, which means that the old lady is a person of great fortune, and the descendants will have good weather and get rich along the way! "

People, naturally, like to listen to auspicious words.

Under the Taoist priest's words, some people didn't even use umbrellas, hoping for more rain.

After all, rain equals wealth, and more rain equals more wealth.


In the blink of an eye, it's a month.

Ye Zhuo was very busy during this time, and often lived in Mars Mountain for three or five days.

As the Oasis Project is approaching, everyone is staring at the Cen's Base. At this critical period, the project cannot have any problems.

Everyone is waiting for Ye Zhuoguan to announce the success of the oasis plan.

Of course, there will be objections.

After all, what Ye Zhuo wants to transform is Mars.

Where is Mars?

There is no air, the temperature is as low as minus 63 degrees, the mass is only 14% of the earth, and the acceleration of gravity is only 40% of the earth. In this environment, Ye Zhuo will not cultivate green plants anyway. of.

Seeing that the planning period for the Oasis Project is only a week away, and there is still no news from Mars, Country C and Country L are beginning to move, and the science and technology Internet is full of topics about Dr. YC's Oasis Project plan.

[How grand the aircraft carrier took off back then, how badly YC will fall now! 】

[In a blink of an eye, so much time has passed! I always felt that the carrier launch was just yesterday. 】

[How to say it, it has been two years, except Hua Guo, no other country has developed a second aircraft carrier that shocked the world. Hua Guo, as the first country in science and technology, is a model for us to learn from. Instead of blindly smearing, some achievements do not exist without smearing. 】

[Do you know there is a word in China called licking a dog? 】

[Lick to the end with nothing. 】

[YC's achievements are undeniable, and her status as the first person in technology is naturally undeniable, but you also have to admit that in recent years, YC has not achieved other than the aircraft carrier, and now it seems that the Mars plan has also failed. . 】

[Are you kidding me upstairs? What has not been accomplished other than the aircraft carrier program? An aircraft carrier can directly consecrate the gods, okay? In ancient China, people like her would set up temples and consecrate gods! 】

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