Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1000: Am I a robber? (four more)

“A big city like this?? A lot of it will not be fake? The vision model?”

Zou Zhuu looked at Luo Shengdu in the distance on the helicopter. It is impossible to judge whether this is a deliberate aerial photography vision, or whether the game is so big.

Zou Zhuo has seen some aerial photographs of the city. If it is only the urban area of ​​the city in the gta, its size is roughly equivalent to some small or small towns or county towns.

However, this is definitely not a kind of derogatory. On the contrary, it means that the game's capacity is already terrible. You should know that the once smash hit "Earth ol" has been blown for many years, and it may be smaller than this.

Moreover, "Earth ol" paid a lot for doing such a big map. At that time, the storage capacity and reading speed of the game cabin were still in a relatively tricky state, so many cities in "Earth ol" used the original Resource reuse is also produced, there are a lot of repetitive gameplay, but even then, the players are still suffering from the huge resources and maddening reading speed of this game, and even some people call "Earth ol" as " Loaol", the game is five minutes, reading two hours is a common thing.

The maps of "Assassin's Creed: Origin" and "The Legend of Zelda" made by Chen Mo are also very large, but the subject matter is different. Like "The Legend of Zelda", the main maps are all wilderness ridges, scattered with some monsters, towers, gods, ah haha, horses and scattered npc, this map is even. However, the theme of gta obviously cannot be done. In the urban area, various buildings must be made, including shopping malls, houses, police stations, television stations, etc., and the structure of the city must be planned. The workload is not at the same level.

When the helicopter flew closer, Zou Zhuo could see the details of the whole city more clearly. Zou Zhuo was surprised to find that every building in this city has its own characteristics. Two identical buildings, he can even see a car on the road, pedestrians on a walk, everything is almost the same as a normal city.

At this moment, the helicopter hovered over the city, and Zou Zhuo seemed to be out of the soul. His perspective came to the sky, and this overlooking view gave the entire Luo Shengdu a sweeping view.

Hey, hey, hey.

Zou Zhuo’s vision began to zoom in quickly, positioning himself in a snowy scene and coming to the bank of North Yankton.

This time the game is officially started.

[Ludendorf, North Yankton, 9 years ago]

A brown-haired woman in a hat was pushed to the ground violently. The gangster in a yellow jacket and a shotgun pointed at her with a gun and shouted: "Oh, obedient, you will have nothing!"

The other gangster had already broken into the door and used the **** to knock the guard down to the ground. Only two staff members wearing shirts squatted on the floor and shook hands.

This is the reaction of Zou Zhuo. It turns out that he is already in this scene.

"Is it so exciting when I come up? Brave robbers? I shouldn’t find a place to hide now? But these robbers seem to be fierce and evil, and the fighting power bursts, should I beat them?"

Zou Zhuozheng was entangled and saw the gangster who was defeated by the guards looking at himself: "What are you doing? Just tie the guards up!"

Zou Zhuoyi, this goods talk to me?

He only felt that the situation was wrong and touched his face.

Well, holding a gun in his hand, wearing a hood, and carrying a bag behind him is a guess.

"Wait, what am I special about robbers?!"

Zou Zhuo forced him, he thought he was a positive role in the robbery, and the result is one of the robbers!

But think about it, how can there be an inexplicable little excitement?

The little fat man completed the conversion of the character in an instant, and he started to rob the bank after the two robbers.

In the field of vision, one or two lines of words appear from time to time as a reminder. Zou Zhuo raised his assault gun at the hostage to drive them into the room, while the other gangster locked the door to prevent them from coming out.

"Well, use a mobile phone to detonate it!" the robber next to him reminded.

Zou Zhuo touched the trouser pocket and pulled out a Lehui mobile phone.

Zou Zhuo: "..."

And this product is not like the latest big-screen smart phone, it looks a bit retro, after all, this story happened 9 years ago.

In the dial-up page, there is a [detonation] option. After Zou Zhuo broadcasted the call, he heard a loud bang, and the entire bank shook.

The other two robbers cheered and began to rush to grab cash, and Zou Zhuo naturally followed them.

"The trough, so much money!"

In front of him, the beautiful swords piled up in the front, and Zou Zhuo put the gun down directly, put the bag on his side aside, and frantically stuffed the money.

I have to say that this banknote is also very real. Although Zou Zhuo can't feel the specific texture of these banknotes with gloves on his hands, it is enough to make people feel only in terms of weight and general feeling. The heart beats faster.

Zou Zhuo has been stuffing the bag full, and can't even stop it. A small line appears in the lower right corner of the field of view: harvest 179,500.

"Where, I grab a bank and earn 180,000 knives in an instant? It really is this money!" Zou Zhuo still wants to find more money, but in the harsh alarm, two other robbers Constantly urging, Zou Zhuo had to follow them and ran out.

But just as I was out, a guard suddenly rushed out from the side, holding a pistol against Zou Zhuo’s head and tearing off his hood.

"Catch you! I saw your face, I will remember you!" The guard slammed Zou Zhuo's neck hard, and the right hand pistol was dead against Zou Zhuo's temple.

Zou Zhuo forced, the muzzle reached the face, and then talked about the meaning of resistance, and did not dare to move.

At this time, the game character himself said: "There are thousands of things you forget every day. Why don't you forget this thing together?"

At the same time, Zou Zhuo's vision appeared to switch roles.

At the moment of switching, Zou Zhuo is like a soul, and instantly comes to the robbers on the opposite side.

"The trough, is there such an operation?"

Zou Zhuo saw that he himself, Mike, was twisting under the guard's muzzle like a salted fish, and his muzzle was already aimed at the guard's bald head.

Pull the trigger.


A gunshot, Zou Zhuo felt a slap in the back and pushed his shoulders. He also saw the fire from the muzzle, and the head of the security guard spurted a blood, and the body slammed into the ground.

"f**k! You don't have to do this!" Mike wiped the blood on his face with some disgust.

"Come on, you will have time to mourn." Zou Zhuo's role now is full of care.

It is reasonable to say that in this highly realistic virtual world, a person is killed, and there are some fluctuations in the heart. But Zou Zhuo finds that he does not care much about the life and death of the guard. Instead, he has already brought the robbers perfectly. Identity.

Zou Zhuo suddenly realized that in the virtual world, it was completely unrestricted.

So exciting? !

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