Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1008: Robbery Guide (one more)

The gta photography contest has made the game soaring again.

In fact, the photo contest is just one of the game's derivative games. Players will find out that the game hides too much fun content.

The players' discussion of the game has also begun to expand from the basic gameplay to the derivative gameplay.

At the beginning, everyone discussed how some plots should be over, what is the correct posture for shooting, whether there are any special skills to drive, etc. Many players experience the real feeling of shooting and flying in the game. This freshness is enough to make them excited for a few days.

After getting used to it, everyone's attention is concentrated in other places.

For example, how to make money in gta?

Strictly speaking, the money in gta is not so important in reality. Generally speaking, it is not too short of money. At least it will not be short of money to affect the degree of doing the task. But in any case, lack of money means that you can’t afford it. Good guns, no way to refit a good car, no way to buy an industry, even want to comfort the ragged young lady is a little shy, or it will be very uncomfortable.

Therefore, how to make money quickly has become a topic that many players are very concerned about.

The most primitive way is to do the task, gta is a game with crime as the main game, the biggest selling point is the robbery task of all kinds of brains.

From the jewelry store to the Fed, I can't think of it, I can't do it. Anyway, as long as it is a place with money, there are no three protagonists who dare not grab it.

In the final [big dry one vote] mission, three people even stared at the Fed, this robbery mission can be said to be the most thrilling robbery, ab two plans have their own characteristics.

a plan is less difficult, more people, more preparation, so the division will be less; b plan is to be positive, high risk, but the income is higher.

a plan first needs to steal a police van, three modified iron wrists (American muscle car), then change to the uniform of the transport truck escort, rush to the tunnel entrance to put down the tire on the police van , intercepted two cash trucks. At this time, teammates will come over and replace the tires for the cash truck. Mike and Lao Cui hijack a **** and drive the cash truck to the Fed.

After entering the Fed, he cheated the manager with forged documents, pushed the gold onto the cash truck, and drove away. At this time, the hacker will invade the transportation system of the traffic lights, help the Mike and Lao Cui who drive the money-carrying car unimpeded, and block the people who came to pursue the Meliiss.

After driving the cash truck to the destination, all the gold was loaded onto the modified iron wristwatch. At this time, the people of Meliwether arrived, and a very fierce gun battle broke out on both sides. After killing all these people, everyone will drive an iron-clad car filled with gold nuggets all the way. After entering the tunnel, the four cars will drill into the pre-arranged big truck compartments, and the mission will be successful.

The plan b is even more rude. First of all, it is necessary to steal a drilling machine specially designed for the construction of the subway. After that, the train will be stopped by the switch. Lao Cui will open the helicopter and pick up the locomotive and flatbed trailer to the small airport of Trevor. Then go to steal a vehicle for escape.

In the official operation, Mike and another gunman were responsible for attracting firepower at the main entrance, while Franklin was driving a hole machine to open the wall of the Federal Reserve's underground vault. Franklin killed the lighthouse of the National Security Bureau, and his teammates took the opportunity to carry gold. Two helicopters came directly to pull the gold away, while Mike smashed a **** road from the main entrance and drove the escape vehicle to open the police.

During the flight, the missiles of Meliwether will be intercepted by helicopters, and Leicester will use rpg to kill all the intercepted helicopters. The helicopter directly threw the gold on the robbed train and was done.

As one of the most exciting robbery missions in the game, the looting of the Fed is almost the ultimate in the robbery mission. Whether it is a plan or b plan, it is a series of difficult operations such as stealing cars, sneaking, shooting, driving, getting rid of police high-stars, etc. The whole task process is more than half an hour, and the plot is ups and downs. , twists and turns.

Players are rushing in the game, and then some people ask, can robbery in the real world be so smooth?

Soon there is a "professional" answer: Of course it is impossible to be so smooth! In order to do such an operation in the game, you must first have a hacker who is almost omnipotent in Leicester. Secondly, you must have the physical quality of eating more than a dozen bullets, and you must have a four-dimensional daisy. The entire arsenal of ak, assault rifle, shotgun, rocket launcher, viscoelastic bomb, etc. passed the security check, and the police must only search for the fan-shaped area in front of it, and it will not be searched for two minutes, even if it is connected. Hair, the next day you can sway to the streets.

Of course, the most important thing is that after you are killed, you only need to spend thousands of dollars to resurrect in the hospital, instead of direct dog banding and death...

Road conditions are also a very important element. In terms of the traffic conditions in most cities, even if you successfully grab the money-carrying car, most of them are blocked on the road and can not be caught directly.

In the task of robbing the Fed, the real Fed is not likely to just let the manager look at the documents with the naked eye, and it is even less likely that you can use the subway drilling machine to drill the wall directly.

Therefore, the robbery task in gta is to make the player deliberately let the player do this. The game is based on reality and reality. Everything is designed for players to have fun and play with. Don’t take this as a Crime guide, otherwise you don’t know how to die.

Many people suspect that the task is too slow to make money. In the end, the robbing of the Fed has cost so much to grab 200 million US dollars. It still has several people, and the efficiency is too low!

Players have used their brains to develop their intelligence and quickly found a lot of ways to make money.

Most people know that the way to kill people and save money is that the players are mainly exploring ways to make money safely and efficiently.

For example, the method of saving money in the same place: driving his own car to call 911 to call a police car, and then follow the police car all the time. Soon the police car will arrest the suspects and start fighting together. At this time, the dead people will lose money and weapons. Get off the bus and get on the bus. Follow the police and watch the scenery while saving money.

Of course, some people choose to drive a taxi, open a trailer, or buy a hangar and then fly the plane. One of the most popular should be driving a taxi. Many people even call gta a drip simulator. You can experience the life of your brother by playing this game...

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