Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1023: Video experience (three more)

Lin Xue came to the Matrix Shopping Center and spent 15 minutes, finally stopping Aston Martin in the garage.

"Yeah! The first time in life, the car was successfully restored!"

Lin Xue was very happy to open the door and get off the bus, and saw the brutal mourning of the barrage.

"Wow, A Xue, this driving technique, is a special road killer. Even if A Xue takes a driver's license, he will definitely avoid hiding on the road!"

"With a 360-degree panoramic lens, it can be so hard to pour a library. This is nothing special..."

"The problem is... the libraries around are not all empty. Why do you have to pour this one? You can't do it if you own two libraries..."

"I don't know what A Xue is doing, what is he proud of..."

Lin Xue blackened his face: "I said, this group of people is more and more arrogant. As a newbie, you can put the reversing into the warehouse so perfectly. Shouldn't you encourage it? Hey, ignore you, I will go. I went to the movies."

When I came to the Matrix Shopping Center, Lin Xue didn't know if it was my own illusion. It seemed to be more obvious than the last time I came.

In fact, from the time of the launch to the present, the people in the Matrix Shopping Center have been gradually increasing. The current number of people has been kept at a good level, and they will not feel crowded or feel deserted.

Just like a real mall, customers do everything, some eat Haisai in various food stores, some try clothes in clothing stores, and play pirate ships in the play area. Some people, like Lin Xue, took a drink or ice cream and walked to the cinema on the top floor of the shopping center.

There is no ticket office in the cinema, and there is no place to sell popcorn and drinks. This makes Lin Xue feel a little uncomfortable.

If you want to buy a ticket, you can call out the purchase interface at any time within the scope of the cinema. After the payment is over, you can freely enter and exit the movie.

"Fare 130, then look at half price 65, permanent buyout 480 ... expensive."

Lin Xue saw the price and felt very painful.

The price of many imax3d movies in China is also six or seventy in the first-tier cities, and it is a very popular international blockbuster. This is quite expensive. The general hall may cost thirty or forty dollars a ticket. As a result, the movie ticket price in Oasis was 130, so that the 480 feeling of permanent buyout is a bit more cost-effective.

But... Who is going to buy a movie and watch it over and over again?

Lin Xue struggled for a long time, still spent 130 and bought a ticket.

The front spectators are all entering the field. There are singles and couples. Lin Xue follows these people and walks to one of the theaters.

It’s still a bit disappointing to come here, because this movie room looks like no difference to the actual movie theater. It is also a row of seats, a big screen, and a sound hanging from the wall. And everyone's ticket has no seat number, just sit in and sit.

"I shouldn't spend 130 yuan to watch ordinary flat movies in the matrix game cabin... That's not a blood loss..." Lin Xue was speechless.

But when the movie opened, Lin Xue found himself wrong.

About five minutes after the crowd came in, the door of the theater was closed by the staff. Then the entire theater quickly darkened and there was no light.

The audience at the scene gave an exclamation because they could not see anything.

But soon, a three-dimensional thunder and mutual entertainment logo appeared in front of everyone's vision, and a short animation flashed past.

Now Lin Xue knows why he doesn't need to pick a seat. Obviously, no matter where he sits, the whole movie is centered on the location where you sit. Everyone gets the same best viewing experience.

At this time, there is a small reminder that you can choose to completely block other people, but you can also keep others' voices. That is to say, if you want to be quiet, you will not hear other people's voices at all, but if you are watching comedy films, you can also hear the atmosphere when the whole theater is laughing.

Lin Xue still likes the feeling that many people who are more traditional are watching movies together, so they chose to keep the sound of the scene.

After a short black screen, Lin Xue’s vision appeared.

What makes her happy is that this is really not a 2d or 3d movie, but a vr movie.

At this time, Lin Xue is like playing vr games, and the whole is in the movie world. Surrounded by a skyscraper, the lens or Lin Xue's perspective, in the height of tens of meters, overlooking the roof of a nearby building, looking directly across the tall building with glass walls.

up down left right.

Lin Xue tried to look around and found that his vision was fixed at 180 degrees. He couldn't turn around and look behind. This is probably because the main information of the movie happened in front of the camera, so I don't want the players to go around and miss some key. detail.

In other words, it is actually made 360 ​​degrees, but in order to allow players to get a better viewing experience, it limits the horizon.

Lin Xue is now a ghost, no entity, she can feel that she is still sitting in the chair of the cinema, very comfortable, but her body will not appear in the movie. This feeling is similar to that of a traditional head-mounted vr movie, except that the fineness of the picture has risen by n grades.

"The movie is starting, can be. If it is full vr, then it feels that the price is OK, see how the movie content."

It's a bit like the fast-paced melody of the stopwatch ticking, creating a very tense atmosphere. The lens gradually approached and gradually came to the front of the building full of glass walls with a clear view.

Suddenly, a piece of glass in the field of vision burst completely and shocked Lin Xue.

The lens cut directly into the blasted window, and the masked gangsters began to follow the plan in an orderly manner.

Two people were in charge of the alarm device on the roof, and three people drove directly from the front and robbed the bank.

Five people were divided into three lines, some were responsible for releasing the alarm device, someone was responsible for opening the vault, and someone was responsible for solving the security guard and bank manager.

At this time, the differences between vr movies and games are fully revealed.

Many vr games are first-person perspectives, and even if there is an occasional transition, the vision will quickly return to the character, so it is very consistent for the player.

But in the movie, especially in the beginning of the rush to the bank, the camera frequently switches between different robbers, clean and clean movements, simple but informative lines, if there is no tension These all make Lin Xue's spirit highly concentrated, and the brain is running at a high speed, receiving a huge amount of information.

At the beginning, Lin Xue thought that this was an old-fashioned crime story. The next thing should be that the robbers rushed to the bank, the police arrived, and then the two sides launched a gun battle, right?

However, it is not...

The robbers killed each other according to Joker's instructions, and in the end, the joker was always hidden among the gangsters.

After killing the last gangster, Joker came to the bank manager and said with his unique evil voice: "I believe that not killing you will make the story become... more bizarre."

At the moment when joker took off the mask, his strange face was almost close to Lin Xue's nose, and Lin Xue could even see every pore on the joker's face.

The messy blonde hair, the thick black eyeshadow, the face was painted white, and the lips with smeared lipstick were two glaring scars on both sides, which broke his entire face and turned into a strange smile.

In the end, joker even revealed a shocking smile, and then turned and left.

The school bus opened the bank and coincided with a row of school buses, which was a perfect mix. At this time, the police car was late.

In just five minutes, the film presented a high-intelligence perfect crime for all the audience, making Lin Xue stunned!

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