Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1028: Be a real Jarvis (two more)

For Chen Mo, consciousness implant technology is a very critical technology.

It's not just this technology that allows players to completely eliminate the negative effects of negative emotions such as inner violence and fear after exiting the game, so that players can enjoy the fun of different games. At the same time, they can completely rewrite the game to the players. The way to guide.

Since this technology is strictly limited to the game field, its biggest role is to guide the player's next behavior.

In previous games, the guidance for players was often done through interface ui+ cutscenes.

There are many differences in people's minds, and many times players can't accurately understand the designer's intentions. For example, in some game levels, the designer's designed route is to unlock a special organ from the bottom of the water and the player can open a hidden door to enter the next area, but often, the player can't notice the organ at all, often at This area is like a headless fly, and it looks like a slap in the face.

At this time, you need to guide the player's behavior in a certain way, so that they can continue to play the game.

The traditional way is done through the interface ui. When the player is stuck in a certain place for a long time, a small arrow or a highlighted area will appear on the interface, or the player will talk to himself or other npc language prompts. ... In short, in this way, the player is prompted what he should do now.

Another method is cutscenes. For example, in the plot, the protagonist encounters an npc. At this time, the two sides have to conduct a dialogue related to the plot, and also have to do some actions. At this time, the player can't talk and do the action for the protagonist, and the game will show the episode through the cutscenes.

After all, it is impossible for the player to know what the protagonist wants to say.

But with awareness implant technology, it all changes.

When the player is stuck in a puzzle scene, the game cabin can directly implant a signal into the player's consciousness, so that the player suddenly becomes curious about the stone monument not far away, and wants to see the stone monument hidden. what. After the player has passed, he will find that this is the key node to advance the plot.

Even a lot of cutscenes can be omitted, allowing players to experience these plots in a first-person perspective. For example, the plot arranges that the protagonist should talk to a beautiful woman at this time. Many A-houses who only interact with the wife of the paper-slices do not know what to say. The story is stuck and can only be done automatically by the cutscenes; With the conscious implant technology, the player's mind will automatically appear what he wants to say, to complete this more complex communication.

Of course, this kind of consciousness implantation technology is not mandatory. It just puts in the player's mind a dispensable idea. Players can also speak and do things according to their own ideas, but only lead to different endings.

The conscious implant technology, combined with the intermediate artificial intelligence technology, is enough to create a completely real small world where players can enter the main character and experience the whole story as they please.


Chen Mo’s hands were resting behind his head, and the whole body leaned against the office chair, and he put his feet on the desk and fell into meditation.

The amount of information on this unlocked technology point is a bit large and needs to be digested.

The new artificial intelligence technology allows him to create a more open and free world where all npcs automatically play specific roles and interact with players. But this also means that the direction and development of the whole story will be completely uncontrollable, because each player and each player's choice will be different.

What's more, when the player discovers that this is a world with a very high degree of freedom, they will inevitably start to die tirelessly, trying desperately to try the consequences of various behaviors, such as... arrogantly launching to a powerful chicken. challenge.

If it is a large-scale sandbox game, driven by gameplay rather than plot, then this is ok. But similar games tend to be weak and can't show the high IQ of npc.

The latest artificial intelligence technology is a bit wasteful.

So this has become a paradox. At least when using this artificial intelligence technology for the first time, Chen Mo is still very cautious, not only to ensure the intelligence of the artificial intelligence npc, but also to ensure that the story has a very good story. Also ensure that the player must follow the story to complete the story.

“It feels like a very difficult task, but the key is the script.”

Chen Mo stood up and took a can of fat house from the refrigerator next to it.

In fact, when Chen Mo first started, he had the intention of making "Dark Knight" into a game, but in the end he chose to make a vr movie. The key is that there are too many uncontrollable factors in the Dark Knight. Even if you change to a game, the part that players can experience freely is limited to a few battles. Most of the time, they are watching the animation.

Players can't complete those specific conversations for Batman, and it's hard to show the relevant story of joker.

"I wanted to be a game that continues to suffer. Now it seems that I will push it back a bit, and the next one will do it again."

"Be the first one... let the player cool the game."

Chen Mo opened the computer and began to conceive some content about the new game.

"To make good use of awareness implant technology and artificial intelligence technology, players can get a new experience."

"There is no need to stick to the game, movies, TV shows can be considered, the key is that the script should meet the requirements."

"All the npcs in the game are played by artificial intelligence, follow a certain script, and can talk freely with the player, and react differently to the different behaviors of the players."

"The content of the plot should be rich enough, but it can't be too long, not too complicated. Players can make some choices, but the whole story line must be controllable. If there are n chapters, it is absolutely impossible to say that the player is in the first place. The chapter was messed up, and the later plots were all affected."

Chen Mo gently rubbed his chin: "Feeling... a bit like Hollywood popcorn. The plot is not too complicated, relatively linear, ensuring that the player's arrogance does not make the story deviate from the main line; at the same time there is part of the content that interacts with npc. Let players experience new artificial intelligence techniques; the most important thing is to be cool enough and special enough..."

Chen Mo scratched his head and stood up and walked two times in the office.

Then he saw the matrix eyes set aside.

Holding the matrix eyes in his hand, Chen Mo’s mouth smiled.

"Well... be a real Jarvis out? Although it's a movie, but the magic is changed into a game, should it be good?"

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