Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1030: Where is the robot (one more)

"The legs are a little thinner, over, fatter. The waist lines are more conformable to the human body. A little more technological sense."

“It looks pretty good. The angle of the ailerons on the back is a little bigger, and the jet effects are more obvious when flying.”

Chen Mo doesn't even need to say these words. Just think about it in his mind, Jarvis will automatically fine-tune the mark2 armor according to his ideas until he is satisfied.

Soon, the modeling of the mark2 armor in the game was completed, the whole process took less than twenty minutes, and nearly half of the time was spent automatically generating the 3d model in the first step.

"Hey, I created an Iron Man in twenty minutes."

Chen Mo sat with satisfaction with the iron man virtual model on the holographic projection. This model is completely built according to the true ratio of 1:1. Each piece of film and every detail is highly restored, and even can be removed one by one. Untie it.

Artificial intelligence technology is revolutionary in terms of work efficiency. Originally, it was necessary to spend at least one designer two to three working days to design such a model, and it must be a senior designer. But now the powerful computing power of artificial intelligence has shortened this time to twenty minutes.

Although there are still a lot of details to be perfected on the entire armor, this effect has already made Chen Mo very satisfied.

Of course, this set of armor only has a shape. In fact, whether it is take-off, weapon attack or war damage effect, it is calculated by the system. After all, Iron Man's armor is not 100% in line with scientific common sense, the game does not need to create this thing, as long as the player is as good as the experience is true.

"ok, use the same method to make mark3, dye according to the design, mainly in red and gold. Adjust the physical properties of the armor material, and then make a mechanical structure that can automatically wear the armor."

On the virtual projection, Jarvis began to automatically generate the mark3 armor according to the requirements of Chen Mo, fine-tuning and coloring on the basis of mark2, and the whole process took less than ten minutes to complete.

"The efficiency is really fast. It seems that as a designer, I am not far from being unemployed."

Chen Mo was emotional, while gently dialing the mark3 armor with his hand, observing every detail.


"OK, search for gtaol's public game, feel free to choose one." Chen Mo said.

Jarvis immediately replied: "The search for more than 100,000 public matches has automatically chosen to rob the Pacific Standard Bank game. It is preparing to intervene..."

"Well, it's time to give them some surprises."

Chen Mo took off the matrix glasses and lie in his own matrix game compartment.

Then he woke up in a blank space, or his character, just a platform in front of him.

Chen Mo went over and the ground cracked. Iron Man’s leg armor appeared in front of Chen Mo, and many robotic arms began to assemble Iron Man’s armor for Chen Mo. It is slightly different from the order in the movie. After all, this is automatically generated by Jarvis, but the overall difference is not big.

Leg armor, hand armor, chest, back, head.

With the gold-red mask snapped, Chen Mo feels that he is completely in a tin can.

In the next second, the eyes of Iron Man's face lit up, the helmet display was activated, and Jarvis's voice rang in Chen Mo's ear: "Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Yeah, it’s been more than forty seconds. Help me automatically adjust the flight speed, I don't want to hit the wall. Well, now I am involved in the robbery of the Pacific Standard Bank game."

Chen Mo’s voice just fell, and the iron man’s hand and sole had already ejected hot energy and slowly rose, and then speeded up and flew away in the distance.

Everything around it began to change rapidly under the influence of the data stream, and Chen Mo came to Luo Shengdu from a blank virtual world.

Strictly speaking, it is one of countless Luoshengdu.

On the other side, the four robbers who had just robbed Pacific Standard Bank and carried a bag of money just opened the main entrance and were ready to escape.

The main entrance has been completely surrounded by the police at this time, the bells are loud, and there are violent explosions everywhere.

Gatlin in the hands of four people spit on the fire dragon, the police car quickly turned into a large fireball, and the police who chased the police fell to the ground in the rain.


Four players carrying money, screaming and cheering as they ran, the crazy tilting bullets spurred their adrenaline, they were about to get to the location of the motorcycle, and opened the police to complete the errand.

But at this time, they saw an UFO flying from afar.

"?? Lying in the trough, what is that?"

"Looks like... like a robot?"

"How did he stop in front of us? Floating in the air?"

"Take him, let's get a rocket launcher!"

One of the players said that the rocket launcher was a shot, the black smoke behind the warhead, the flying UFO flying into the air, and then the "bang" burst!

"Don't get it?" one of the players asked.

The fire and smoke caused by the beach quickly dissipated, but these players immediately discovered that the golden red robot was still floating in the sky, and did not suffer any damage in this explosion!

Instead, he lifted his right hand and his palm lit up...


At the palm of the iron man's red palm, the core with white light shone a slight hum, and then it became brighter and brighter, and energy began to converge.

Then, an energy wave suddenly shot, in the middle of the player's chest holding the rocket launcher!

The player only felt a powerful force to push him back, and the whole person couldn't help flying far away, hitting the wall, and the blood strip was instantly cleared!

He is still not dead, but he is so bad that he can only fall to the ground, and even the strength to send chocolate to his mouth is gone.

The other three players immediately lifted Gatlin's shot of Iron Man in the air. Gatlin's barrel was spinning fast, the muzzle swallowed the fire, and the shell was scattered. But such a powerful firepower is nothing but a series of Mars on the armor, and did not cause any substantial damage to it.

Through the helmet display, Chen Mo used his mind to lock Jarvis to three players. His shoulder armor extended two six-tube mini-cannons, and the bullets hit exactly three players' heads.


The three players haven't reacted to what happened, the character has fallen to the ground, the vision has turned black and white, and there are three big characters in the center: "Dead."

"I rely! What the hell, hang up? Why are we seconds??"

"What is this stuff? Is there a robot in the game?"

"I want to buy this too, how much??"

All four players have been completely forced, and they watched the iron man's sole in front of the "tomato scrambled eggs" color in front of them to spurt out the flames and flew away.

Chen Mo’s mouth smiled and said to Jarvis: “Give an email to the four players and tell them to thank the experiment in the new weapons. The proceeds of the robbery will double them.”

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