Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1064: Virtual future (two more)

Chen Mo looked at the technology point on the virtual bracelet.

The phrase "Technology changes the world" is certainly true, but it should be "Technology changes the game".

In many fields of literature and entertainment, games are probably the cultural industry most restricted by technology.

Anime is almost completely free of any technical limitations.

Movies and TV shows are subject to some restrictions, but they are less restrictive than games, and their top effects tend to be in front of the game.

Many times, some games are not perfect, or have to make some compromises, often because the technology is not up to standard, the designers are both right and wrong.

Games like "Blood Curse", if there is no neural connection vr technology and consciousness implanted, black technology to eliminate the player's panic, it is absolutely impossible to make it like this.

At most, it is placed on the sith, so that everyone can change the way of suffering.

Obviously, the greater the designer's ambition, the more black technology support is needed.

Chen Mo has unlocked the last technology point on the third floor, which is “storage capacity expansion (level 2)”. The storage capacity and reading speed of the matrix game cabin have also been greatly improved.

In fact, the level 1 storage capacity expansion is fully qualified for many of the current open world games. Large open world games like gta have shortened the time to switch between the protagonist and the disc.

After the upgrade again, probably even the 3a masterpiece of the open world theme can be completely killed like the "Uncharted Waters".

This feeling is probably when you play gta, switching from one protagonist to another protagonist, the two are far apart, but the direct lens is pulled up and then swooped, the loading is completed, the whole process is also a second, the players even It may not have reacted yet.

After this technology is out, it should not be necessary to pursue more storage space and reading speed in the short term.

The fourth layer is a separate technology point.

[Hardware Cost Reduction (Level 1)]: After activation, the current cost of virtual reality gaming equipment will be significantly reduced by 30%.

Chen Mo was surprised, this is what he has been waiting for!

Although everyone is ridiculing: "You are not the shortcoming of the matrix game compartment, it is your shortcoming", but after all, the price of the matrix game cabin is still too high in terms of current economic development level and household consumption level.

Chen Mo even wants to sell the money himself, but only reduces the price to about 200,000.

However, for those who are very entangled in buying 10,000 mobile phones and 15,000 computers, how can they buy 200,000 pure entertainment equipment?

Of course, the game experience of the matrix game cabin is unique, 200,000 is not expensive, but what to say, for many people, this is not a very expensive problem, it is a problem that can not afford, not so much money.

In fact, Chen Mo has always believed that the ordinary class, even the poor class, is the mainstay of the virtual reality world in the future.

Recently, the new games on the matrix game cabin are basically based on stand-alone games. The reasons are more complicated, but in general, this strategy is in line with the current market situation.

Most of the matrix game cabins that can afford are well-off and above families. Players have less time games and may take up to two or three hours a day to play.

Stand-alone games can guarantee a certain degree of continuity and freedom of time. There is no need to compete with other players in time. At the same time, sales by volume are in line with the consumption habits of this group.

But what about the future?

Obviously, only to please the high-end market, let the matrix game cabin is just the enjoyment of rich people, indeed can also be very moist, but Chen Mo may be the kind of small rich and safe people.

It is the ultimate goal that Chen Mo wants to see by promoting the matrix game cabin to the whole world, even to everyone, and creating a huge virtual reality world in the future.

Some people may think that this is just a game, as for it? Although the game is good, it still needs to be separated from the reality. It is good to use the game now. It is ok to keep this level.

However, Chen Mo will definitely not agree.

Not only does Chen Mo disagree, probably all the players who really have a fever and fanaticism about the game will not allow the game to stop.

What is the ultimate form of the game? Maybe it is reality. If you can't work hard toward the ultimate form of the game at all costs, then the entire history of game development will become meaningless.

Just as human beings invented nuclear energy, it brought the end of the world crisis to the world, but this is the only way in the tree of human science and technology.

Even if this world is really the world of Cthulhu mythology, people must go further and further on the road of exploring the unknown and acquiring knowledge.

As for why the poor and the ordinary class are the future of the virtual reality world?

Because at present, virtual reality technology and the brain in the cylinder are the only way for human beings to achieve communism.

This may be a bit absolute, but even if it is not the only way, it is one of the easiest ways to achieve it.

Many people are ridiculed that the real world is a hard+ model for most people, the gap between the rich and the poor is good, the hardships of life are good, and the unfair competition is good. These things may not be found within a few hundred years. The solution.

Since the birth of human civilization, inequality has always run through the entire history of civilization. Although the improvement of productivity has allowed the poor in modern society to live with relative dignity, "trying to survive" has never been an option for them to feel comfortable.

I will cry if I continue.

Obviously, for a long time to come, it is very illusory to expect the development of productivity to complete communism. Because wealth is always gathering at the top, the wealthy people have limited spending power, but most of them will never give a penny to the poor.

In this case, for the poor, the only way to escape from the real world and live in an equal world is virtual reality technology, which is the brain of the cylinder.

After all, the resources of the virtual world are almost endless, compared to the real world where resources are scarce.

The wealthy people in the real world are calling for rain, the richer people, the weaker the yearning for the virtual world. On the contrary, the poorer people who feel that reality is hopeless or even completely abandoned will become the most loyal supporters of the virtual reality world.

Therefore, for Chen Mo, if you want to further promote virtual reality technology, price reduction is a must, and this technology point is also necessary.

After this massive cost reduction, the price of the game cabin will be reduced to 150,000. Considering the powerful temptation of next-generation vr games, this price is not a painful number for most middle-class families. It is.

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