Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1066: A CG slaughter hot search (one more)

"Jarvis, open a new cg project, we have to swindle money." Chen Mo knocked on the computer on his desk.

The computer screen lit up, Jarvis said: "Okay. Is it still using instant calculus?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "Based on real-time calculus, it is produced in the traditional way later. The relevant art materials are packaged and sent to a special cg production team to make."

Jarvis: "The cost of traditional cg will increase significantly, much faster than real-time calculations."

"I know. But it doesn't matter. It will be the last traditionally produced cg of the Thunder movie studio, regardless of cost."

Jarvis didn't have any doubts. He began to work conscientiously to produce real-time calculus materials according to the mirrors and materials given by Chen Mo, and then handed them over to the special cg production team to complete the later content.

In fact, Chen Mo has not used traditional methods to make cg for a long time.

Because the accuracy of the art resources of the next generation vr has almost reached the level of realism, players in the gta, "Iron Man", "curse of curse" in the game to be more serious to identify the game and reality.

Therefore, trailers, promos, and game cuts have basically been completed using real-time calculus, that is, through the models and actions in the game, the game characters "play" the desired scene.

The traditional cg production process requires a relatively large team to adjust and render frame by frame, the cost is high, the cost of high-quality cg can reach tens of thousands of dollars per second, you can imagine to do a three Five minutes of cg, how much it costs.

Of course, it is said that it is made in a traditional way, and certainly not in the traditional way. Since the quality of the art materials of the next generation vr has reached the level of realism, and Chen Mo can even reach the performance of Heath Ledger through the hand movements, using the real-time calculus to do cg, the players may not be able to distinguish this. What is the way cg is done?

What Chen wants is to use real-time calculus + traditional way to make the frame-by-frame reprocessing of the instant calculus cg that can already be used, so that the quality of this cg can reach the peak of unprecedented height.

Even if the traditional way of reprocessing will greatly increase the production cost of this cg, but... Is Chen always a lack of money?

As for the extent to which this cg should be achieved?

In Chen’s own words: “Every frame can be used to make wallpapers.”



The heat of "The Curse of Blood Source" is still continuing, but it has been steadily falling on the list of Weibo hot search, and is about to fall out.

This is also very normal, after all, the hot search for this thing, everyone knows how much water inside.

Weibo hot search has become one of the important entrances for many marketing companies to buy traffic, especially those small meats with their own traffic, traffic dramas adapted from popular ip, new songs by singers, etc. Some of them are based on the ability. Some are brushed up by marketing companies, and some are bought directly.

It has long been known that the third and fifth places in Weibo Hot Search are official hot searches, which are all bought. It is rumored that the quotation of Weibo hot search package is 600,000 rounds for two days, while the third-party promotion company's offer is the top three 50,000/hour of hot search, the first ten thousand/hour.

Some intimate brush companies will even package the hot search and hot search services, and the list will be refunded.

Weibo has also publicly condemned the third-party brushing behavior, and the high-profile science microblogging new anti-brushing list mechanism probably means: money should be handed over to me directly, don't be greedy and cheap to find a third-party scalper. Is it good for the company to grab money in my mouth? I must give you the whole plain and clear.

The heat like "The Curse of Blood Source" can be based on the reputation of Chen Mo and the enthusiasm of the players to give the first place to the hot search list, even in the top three positions for several days. It’s been unbelievable that it’s been hot to find out the list of hot lists until now.

A lot of brush companies are also very vomiting blood, especially what, how can this product not squeeze?

Seeing the heat of the Curse of Blood Source has finally receded, and many marketing companies can't sit still.

There are two or three new dramas that are counting on Weibo’s hot search, and several popular singers have also made new songs, not to mention a lot of small meats and female stars that need to maintain their heat. So many marketing companies are also Staring at this list.

Therefore, a war without smoke began silently. If there are players with idle egg pains, they will always find that Weibo Hot Search will change the game every few minutes, and the competition of several hot search topics. Very intense, you chase me, no one will let, the heat is even more arrogant.

Can not blame these hot search have crashed, mainly because some time ago, "Blood Curse" has been occupying the hottest first position, these marketing companies have been stunned.

It’s also a bad thing, Chen Mo’s hot search on the game is not a day or two. Sometimes, when Chen Mo is happy, he also has a hot search, such as the last time he participated in the Today’s Current Affairs Debate. The hot search item stayed on the top ten list of hot search for five days.

That is to say, some marketing companies of Shantou Qing will choose to try to grab the first place in the hot search when Chen Moxin’s game is just released. Those experienced marketing companies are honest and sincere, wait for this wave. The wind has passed and said.

After all, Serent’s fans’ fighting power is really not covered, but it’s a group of **** who have nothing to do.

Several marketing companies are secretly competing.

"Fast, how did the hot search fall again? Grab the top!"

"Weird, everyone was very friendly before, how many hours have you been for me for a few hours, how come this crash?"

"The opposite is also anxious! Estimated to be like us, brush enough time to refund money?"

"Oh, don't worry, continue to brush!"

"Hey, how come down again? Continue to brush!"

"Brush... I can't brush it up..."

"How could it not be brushed up again?!"

"Look, Chen Mo... What is special about Weibo!"

These marketing companies are still wondering, how to spend such a big brush for a long time, and fell to the second? !

Some of the more clever marketing companies found it earlier, while they were still trying to get to the top three in hot search, a hot search topic was like a rocket hitting the microblogging hot search list.

Every time you refresh, you will be rushing forward a few, and now it is directly at the top.

Want to brush first? Sorry no.

As for the speed of these marketing companies, even the natural heat of this topic is better than...

Several marketing companies are stupid.

"What is the situation?! Chen Mo is not just out of the "cursive curse of blood" in a few days, this special topic just about to fall out of the hot search list, how come again?!"

"It's not just Weibo hot search... You see, Q&A hot search, search engine hotspots, all are being slaughtered!"

"This, this special is more evil than the "curse of blood", just a propaganda film, as for?!"

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