Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1076: Waiting for the opening day (two more)

On the Internet, there was a wave of snapping up. The sales of sleep mode components on the official website and major shopping websites were almost soaring.

The 20 million players who bought the matrix game cabin almost bought this thing, and spent more than 100,000, still care about these thousands of dollars?

What's more, this thing is equivalent to buying time, but time is priceless.

Moreover, once the sleep mode component was launched, the sales volume of the matrix game cabin has skyrocketed. Many players who have been eagerly awaited and hesitated have heard that the matrix game console has launched a "sleep mode" and is no longer calm. It is.

I was stunned by the freshness of the first wave of conscious implant technology, stunned by the second wave of God's temptation to gta, stunned the food temptation of the third wave matrix shopping center, and stunned the fourth wave of Iron Man. The temptation of artificial intelligence technology has caught the fifth wave of big price cuts.

The result is now really unstoppable...

You know, the price of the current matrix game cabin is already the lowest in history. Coupled with the unique masterpieces and all kinds of unique game experiences, now even the black technology of sleep mode has come out, there is really no reason not to Bought it.

What's more, "World of Warcraft" is a cheap entertainment for most people. This price is cheaper than many pc-end games and mobile games on the market. Even if you buy a matrix game cabin, you just have to play with the game cabin. Detroit: Change People, then indulge in "World of Warcraft", this money is absolutely no loss!

However, the players are wondering, Chen Mo has such a good thing, why not come out early?

It is said that there are things like sleep mode components, and that 20 million will not be so difficult to achieve.

What the players don't know, they reversed the relationship between the two things...

It’s the first 20 million sales, only the sleep mode, not the other way around...

However, this has a good advantage for Chen Mo, that is, the sales of the matrix game cabin has another wave of skyrocketing.

Although the loss is very distressing, what is the relationship? Anyway, when the game is online, it will soon be earned back.



During the week, players obviously have their own work, they are very busy, but they feel free to die.

Especially when I got home from work, I could only look at the two propaganda cgs of World of Warcraft very lonely and read them over and over again.

Not only these two cg, many players are nostalgic, and all the things related to Azeroth have been turned over.

Azeroth Universe, "My name is mt", "Warcraft", "Oasis" in Stormwind City, Orgrimmar...

As for those preparations, they have already been completed.

Download the client in advance.

Purchase a point card or a monthly card to activate the game.

Make an appointment with a good friend to go online, pick a satisfactory server, and then upgrade together.

Many people started out planning to buy some cards. After the sleep mode came out, many people changed their minds at the time.

If you have ten hours of game time every day, what brand of card you buy, it is definitely a monthly card!

There are still a lot of people who are crazy and smashed before going to bed. If World of Warcraft opened up, how good it is, now you have entered the dream and started playing!


After waiting for a week, I finally ushered in the opening of World of Warcraft.

The opening time is quite interesting, at 12 o'clock in the evening.

It stands to reason that this opening time is quite amazing. Other online games are generally open at 10 am, noon, or afternoon, almost never in the early hours of the morning.

The main thing is to open the service at 12 o'clock in the evening. Do you still let everyone sleep?

But "World of Warcraft" is not the same, there is a sleep mode!

In fact, Chen Mo’s intention can be seen from here. He is deliberately guiding players to play World of Warcraft in sleep mode.

Because "World of Warcraft" is a game that requires a lot of time, this game really plays, it may not feel like two or three hours, just took a small copy of the time.

Really want to set up a group of men and women to play the team, then you have to go online on time, and play is five or six hours, not discounted.

Therefore, it is best to let everyone form a habit, every day from 11 to 12 o'clock, everyone sleeps on time, then enter the "World of Warcraft" to start the guild activities, time has come down the line, continue tomorrow.

Many players have already finished washing, have lie in the matrix game compartment, just waiting for "World of Warcraft" to open service.

The players who are already married have an extra task, which is to comfort the other half of the violent, explain why they must go to the matrix game cabin to sleep, and should sleep in the matrix game cabin for a long time to come. Up...

Therefore, many players are strongly appealing to quickly launch a two-player game cabin, where the couple can lie together...

There are still half an hour to open the service, the players are already chatting in various kinds.

"Hurry, think about what race and occupation you use."

"Do you still want to use it? Directly play a Tauren warrior called Mouth Wood! Go in and hurry up and grab the id!"

"So, am I playing a cow shaman, stupid?"

"There are no thieves and inferior people, we must be the first time to go to the construction guild to call the Chrysanthemum Brigade!"

"I would like to see if there is a silverscale breastplate in the game!"

"I care more about when I can go to mourn the cave? How many people do you need?"

"Let's get some good jobs quickly, don't crash when I say it!"

The players all talked about it, and the content of the conversation was basically from "My name is mt".

Don't think that these players don't understand anything, they know much, because "My name is mt" is the best textbook...

There are not only descriptions of various races and occupations, but also some of the more critical skills, such as the scenes of some main cities and replicas are also very clearly depicted.

Although the anime is a q version, but the content is the same, there are a lot of information about each copy, even the npc and boss play inside have a certain guiding significance.

Therefore, before the opening of the service, these players all turned over the "My name is mt" a few years ago and looked over it again. Many people decided on this basis what career they should practice.

As a result, many players have chosen thieves, hunters and mages...

Because these professions have a lot of roles in anime, such as female thieves, bricks, and five fireball leaders, it seems that this profession is quite powerful.

There are still some professions, and everyone can’t guess what’s going on, like warriors.

There is a scum of mourning wood, and there is also a master of this kind of 1vn, so that everyone is not sure whether this profession is strong or not...

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