Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 801: Privacy issues (two more)

Soon, other players who pre-ordered the matrix glasses also got the glasses one after another.

A lot of out-of-box evaluation videos have emerged on the Internet, and they are also very detailed, including the packaging, appearance, texture, workmanship, software functions, and gameplay of matrix glasses...

In all aspects, almost all of them have been evaluated.

Many players who are on the sidelines, or those who want to buy but not grab, through these evaluation videos and feedback from players, basically have a bottom in the matrix glasses.

"In short, if you decide to buy smart glasses now, basically choose between matrix glasses and hise smart glasses? Other glasses are not recommended."

"But I see a few glasses that are cheaper than the Matrix Youth Edition."

"These are basically digital junk, what do you want to buy? The youth version of the matrix glasses is basically the lowest level. If it is less than this function... then I advise you not to wait, wait. When technology is popular and smart glasses are bad, buy it again..."

"The poor people buy matrix glasses youth version or standard version."

"What is the difference between the youth version and the standard version?"

"It seems that the youth version of "Three Kingdoms Kill" has no special effects..."

"this one?"

"Hey, the normal version is more configurable, it is more comfortable to wear, the program is smoother, and you have to consider what if you have any fun mr games in the future, the youth version will definitely not run."

"Local tyrants directly into the hise glasses, I think the camera and live broadcast functions are necessary. Smart glasses can't be recorded, just as ridiculous as the mobile phone can't record..."

“Hey, but I remember Zou Zhuo’s live broadcast with matrix glasses before?”

"It is said that Zou Zhuo is a developer version, the consumer version is not open for video and live broadcast. The developer version is currently not wanting to sell, I don't know how to get it."

"I don't know what kind of honey juice operation is Chen Mo and Le Hui. Is it equivalent to selling a mobile phone and then smashing the camera yourself? It is suffocating..."

After the evaluation, the players are basically satisfied with the matrix glasses, but the more tangled thing is that this device does not provide camera function.

For a lot of players who haven't converted their ideas, this thing doesn't take the camera function. It's just as confusing to make a mobile phone without a camera. It's obviously a function that can be added by the way. How can it be specifically removed?

Some players have explained according to their own understanding: "Maybe to reduce functionality and save costs? In fact, think about the camera function is not necessary, in addition to some anchors, can you use this several times? Can not always Really use the driving recorder to make it?"

There are all to say, but there are indeed a group of people who bought hise glasses because of the camera function.

These people can't wait to try out the camera and live broadcast function of the hise glasses, especially the anchors of some outdoor areas, and even feel that they have discovered the artifacts.

The outdoor anchors of the fish live broadcast platform, as long as they have spare cash on hand, basically bought the hise smart glasses for the first time, ready to smash a wave of heat. The content of these people’s live broadcasts is also varied. There are those who go up the mountain, those who go to the sea, those who go into the nightclubs, and those who go to the exhibition...

The camera of hise smart glasses gives the audience an immersive sense of substitution, and with the help of the gyroscope, the jitter of the picture is also controlled within the tolerable range, so it is still very popular.

In terms of clarity and speed, it is also good. Although it does not achieve the effect of some high-definition cameras, it is slightly better than the resolution of mobile phones.

In particular, there are also anchors into the nightclub and the exhibition to see the younger sister, the beautiful girl with **** and long legs also gave him a wave of popularity.

Many people are a pity, if the matrix glasses also have a camera, why is it so passive? In fact, many anchors are going to support domestic products, but you are not prepared for the camera. This is very embarrassing!

There are also some anchors who go to nightclubs, bars and other public occasions, and there are sisters who are far away from them. Even when they see it, they turn away. However, these girls did not show particularly obvious, this occasion is noisy, so even the anchor did not notice this, let alone the audience.


Matrix glasses have also been released overseas, but the response is not big.

In foreign countries, the development of hise is very good. Once it is released, it has triggered a crazy purchase. The relevant person in charge of the hise smart glasses is also full of enthusiasm, saying that the hise glasses are "changing the smart devices of the future."

In fact, this is normal. Thunder and mutual entertainment are notorious in foreign countries, but after all, it is a game company. As a domestic mobile phone brand, Le Hui's international influence is basically concentrated in underdeveloped regions. In Europe and America, especially in the high-end market, it is really not competitive.

It's not that Le Hui's things are not good, but technology products are also about a brand's competitiveness.

However, just as the development of the hise smart glasses was great, there was something that made its users very surprised.

A well-known technology media tehcrunh wrote an article that raised questions about "hise smart glasses will invade privacy."

“The camera of the hise smart glasses is located directly in front of the device, and the camera function can be turned on at any time. Even without the led light used to display whether the camera is taking photos or recording, this is really a worry. Imagine if you are not In the far future, millions of users are wearing hise smart glasses, which is equivalent to having a drone for everyone, able to capture and record everything happening around them, what would be the situation? ?"

After the technology media raised this issue, many people also commented on this article, which strongly agrees.

"Yes, I am very worried about seeing people wearing hise glasses because I don't even know if they took my face."

"In public, I will stay away from these people. This is a hundred times worse than using a mobile phone to sneak a shot."

"I feel like everyone who wears hise smart glasses has some misconduct. Oh, I know it's a bit exaggerated, but... this is my real feeling. Seeing that camera makes me feel very uncomfortable."

There are still quite a few people who agree with the views of this article. In a very short period of time, this article has been on hot news.

After all, the news related to "smart glasses" is one of the biggest hot spots at present, and it is easy to cause widespread concern.

Many domestic players are also discussing. Some people think that this is nothing. So many live broadcast anchors don’t use this thing? However, there are many people who agree with this point of view, because from the feeling of reality, it is true that people who wear glasses of hese really feel this way.

Very disgusting...

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