Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 819: Players have killed their eyes (three more)

Although the task of "Capturing the Wings of Little Death" is released to players around the world, it is clear that only the players of the Imperial Capital can participate...

Because this mission is limited to 2 hours, players in remote areas around the Imperial Capital are not necessarily able to catch up, let alone players in other cities.

However, other players can not participate in the battle, but can always pay attention to the battlefield dynamics through the matrix glasses. As long as they arrive at any pavilion in the city, they will find a new option in the pavilion, which is to watch the battle of the world boss.

After the boss war officially started, all the pavilions will have a miniature picture of this battle. Although it looks far less aggressive than the emperor's scene, it can clearly show the battle and capture process of the entire boss battle.

Limited by the speed of network transmission, the battles in Europe and the United States must be slower, but as with the global broadcast of the electric competition, the impact is not significant.

In principle, it is nothing more than projecting the live broadcast signal onto the matrix glasses of all players. However, this routine of “going to the pavilion to watch the battle” still gives the players a deeper understanding of the original intention of the mr game: To the illusory scene in the real scene, the player is provided with a virtual reality game experience.

Of course, if there are players who don't want to go out or can't walk, you can also use the live broadcast software on your mobile phone. After all, in addition to this big event, the anchor like Lin Xue must be broadcast live, don't worry about not seeing it.


Lin Xue came out of the subway and looked at the direction of the little wing of death while panting and running to the other side.

She was originally a taxi, but there was no way. The road was too blocked. I don’t know if it was because of the weekend, or because there were too many people coming out to the southeast because of the small wing of death, so it affected traffic.

Fortunately, the subway is also very fast, more than 20 minutes has arrived.

"Elves World" has already froze in the player group. Everyone is discussing this sudden world boss event. Players at the scene have sent the latest battles. Zou Zhuo is one of the few players who can broadcast live and video. , also took a small video sent to the group, and soon caused a crazy pass.

Lin Xue ran for a few tens of meters and saw Zou Zhuo and friends in several groups standing not far away, all looking up at the sky.

"Hey, tired of me... How? How do you stand up?" Lin Xue asked as he gasped.

Zou Zhuo is very helpless and refers to the sky: "You see yourself."

Lin Xue looked up and saw that these people were standing here.

Their elves are all seconds!

In the sky at this time, the wing of the little death is raging. As it **** its wings, the flames of the group surround it, and ordinary elves will be burned even if they are close. Moreover, it will spurt the dragon's breath indiscriminately from time to time in a certain direction. The cone flame in the huge range swept through the sky, and all the elves who were hit by the dragon were almost without exception. !

Players' elves don't really die. After being defeated, they can be resurrected using the healing cabin, but it takes time, and the longer the powerful elf resurrects, the longer it takes.

If the player is in a hurry, you can use the Resurrection Stone to immediately resurrect the elf, but the problem is that the number of resurrection stones is very rare and expensive, whether it is a supply station or a mall. When players started playing, they rarely encountered their own elves in seconds, so everyone did not deliberately buy the resurrection stone.

After being killed a few times by the wing of death, the resurrection stone that many people have worked hard to accumulate quickly runs out, so they can only blink.

However, even the elf of most people is up to the second, but the sky is still a steady stream of elves flying to attack the small wing of death, showing the number of players around the explosion, and even players In a steady stream.

"Go, ghost tiger!"

Lin Xue did not hesitate, and quickly released his elf to attack the little wing of death.

Lin Xue also had a slight expectation for his carefully cultivated elf, but the ghost tiger just flew up and bit the tail of the little Death Wing, and was directly given a tail by a tail...

"Do you want to be so perverted! Go on, Blue Dragon Baby!"

There is still no difference, or a moment!

In fact, Lin Xue's elf is considered among the top players in all players, but there is no way, the world boss is the world boss, if it is a cat and a dog can ride on the head, then the face of the world boss?

A large number of elves flew into the air and attacked the small wing of death with various means, and then fluttered the streets. Although it looks a bit like a moth, it has to be said that this scene is really shocking.

Lin Xue’s resurrection stone was quickly used up. He could only put all his elves into the nursing cabin, and then together with Zou Zhuo, they looked at...

It takes more than an hour for the sanitar to resurrect the elves, which means that their elves can play again.

However, looking at the small amount of blood on the interface, Lin Xue felt deeply worried. Can this really be played?

Looking at the past hour, the blood of the Little Death Wing has not been reduced to half. If you press this speed, it is likely to be a failure.

The players of "Elves World" are already in a hurry, all of them are in the group and on the forum.

"Come on, who else is not going to fight? Come to the northeast of the emperor! You don't have to go to the scene, you can touch the little wing of death in the approximate range!"

"The sneak peek, don't leave the house now, the world's emperor players have this honor, you are still at home, like?"

"Yeah, the world's first world boss! The players in other cities want to play no chance!"

"Grass, the road is too blocked! I have gotten out of the taxi and ready to ride a bicycle!"

"The friends of the emperor are not giving strength! If this is especially in our magical capital, hey, don't know the little wing of death!"

"You can't blow two sentences upstairs to death? You go to find a pavilion to watch the battle yourself. The boss is the most powerful player elf. It is also one of the best. The emperor players are almost ready to go out. It can be like this. Not easy!"

"Come on! Come on! Just buy the resurrection stone! It can be a little more damage!"

The players are all red-eyed, and even a lot of players who haven't spent a penny before can't help it, buying all the resurrection stones in the store.

The surrounding supply stations were looted. After many of the game's elves were hung up, they could only go crazy to the supply station, hoping to get a chance to get one or two resurrection stones.

After the enthusiasm of the players has been mobilized, the blood loss rate of the Little Death Wing has obviously accelerated a bit. If you stick to it at this speed, the defeat is expected!

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