Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 829: The second propaganda film (two more)

Although many players are very interested in "Castle: Medieval", most players insist that if you don't buy it, you don't buy it. This kind of manufacturer who doesn't pay attention to the Chinese version must resist it!

Those who want to buy, after seeing this kind of evaluation, have also played a bit of retreat. If the Chinese version is really bad, is it not pitted?

The game is a good game, but if the developers and publishers don't pay much attention to the Chinese market, it doesn't just mean that the Chinese is particularly bad. Maybe other activities, prices and other aspects will be unfriendly to domestic players.

For a time, many people are a bit tangled. I want to buy, but I always feel awkward.

Of course, 4kgame does not care about the Chinese players. In Europe and the United States, the promotion of Castle: Medieval is already underway. This is the next generation that can perfectly reproduce medieval history, humanities and battle scenes. The vr game, which has just released the information, has gained widespread attention.

Many European and American players are excited, 4kgame finally has to be medieval!

Oh, although the medieval theme is a bit ruined, the theme itself is not particularly attractive, but many players believe that under the 4kgame, the middle ages of the game should still bring completely different players. Feeling.

Moreover, from the gameplay point of view, 4kgame's approach is very easy, limiting the scope of the game to only one castle. Players can expand and can go out, but the overall game map is controlled in a relatively small range, so there are more resources to deal with the quality of the game.

I have to say that the success of "Uncharted Waters" and "Apocalyptic Day" has taken another road with some European and American game makers. At the beginning, many European and American manufacturers were used to large maps and open the world. The pursuit of pictures did not reach the extreme level. However, after the popularity of "Uncharted Waters", many European and American manufacturers have begun to realize that this ultra-high quality close to the real picture is also a big gimmick. Manufacturers like 4kgame are no longer entangled in any open world. And turn to a game that is more in line with your own characteristics.

"Castle: Medieval" is equivalent to just making a castle, but the sparrow is small and complete. Through the details of a castle, you can see the historical and cultural characteristics of the whole Middle Age. This is also very delicate.

Although 4kgame doesn't care about the Chinese market, the propaganda materials about "Castle: Medieval" are still under the enthusiasm of many enthusiastic players, and gradually occupy the domestic players' horizons. Players are more and more aware of this game. .

Historical and cultural background.

Castle building play.

Highly realistic combat system.

Strictly elegant, set in line with real history...

Although the mouth said not to pay attention, but these promotional materials released, still let many players see itchy.

But at this time, Chen Mo’s second promotional film came.


At the same time that Chen Mo Weibo issued the second promotional film, the players all came to the spirit.

"The second promotional video is coming! Should this be related to specific game content?"

"Hurry up, sneak peek!"

"I don't have any good vr games during this time. Chen Mo is so efficient!"

"This... is this, the Egyptian background?!"


At the beginning of the promotional video is a slow motion of nearly three seconds.

Bayek riding a horse, carrying a long bow behind his back, holding a machete in his hand, the front hoof of the horse was raised high.

In front of him, three Roman soldiers holding red round shields and spears are rushing to him with full alert.

One left and one right, one high and one low, one move and one quiet, make this slow motion full of artistry and tension.

At the same time, a low, hoarse voice is whispering.

[Egypt has fallen into a split. 】

[The army is in a state of pressure, and the great leaders are plotting. 】

As soon as the picture turned, the Egyptian city-states in the oasis flashed past. The soldiers fought in the blood and fire. In the neat army, the tall war elephants were as suffocating as the hills.

Caesar and Cleopatra Cleopatra looked at each other and looked at the long sand in the distance.

The crisp bell rings and the picture switches quickly.

A pyramid standing proudly in the desert, a lush oasis, a fleet on the Nile, a magnificent city-state...

[The young Pharaoh Ptolemy hopes that all the Egyptians will surrender to his feet. 】

The close-up of the young Ptolemy flashed past, followed by a picture of a human tragedy, a prisoner who was hanged on a tree, a prisoner burned alive, and a poor worm buried in the desert as a dry corpse... In the cold moonlight, it seems as if you can hear the snoring of the bones burning.

["If you are in alliance with my sister, I will kill every Roman in Alexandria!"]

In the moonlight coming in from the door, a lonely figure slowly came to the camera, and if it came to the world of death.

[But he is just a jealousy, although we don't know who the controller is standing behind him. 】

The camera switched to Cleopatra's Cleopatra, her half face hidden in the shadows, but it exposed her beauty and insidiousness.

[The exiled Cleopatra is obsessed with power. 】

[She manipulates followers with deadly skills to help her pursue the throne. 】

Cleopatra walked into the hall and her voice echoed.

["Next, it’s the time of the assassins."]

The assassin wearing a white hood appeared in the shadows, his right hand grabbed the official's mouth, and the left hand sleeve sword stabbed straight into the neck and saw the blood seal.

The lens turned again, and Caesar, who was neatly draped, was looking at his own territory, thinking thoughtfully.

[Caesar, the legendary military strategist, backed by the powerful military power of Rome. 】

Caesar walked in front of the well-equipped Roman soldiers, with spears, red armor, and indestructible shield.

And... an endless fleet.

[The real motive behind him is unknown. 】

[Before the end of the war, he will show his position. 】

【good? evil? 】

[These are the hallucinations in the desert. 】

[A firm will is the most important thing. 】

In the desert of the sky, the soldiers are struggling to fight. The assassin's figure was in the long yellow sand, walking through countless fallen bones and coming to the camera.

Bayek’s bruised face flashed in front of the camera.

After that, it was a series of war scenes, and the melody also came to the climax.

[Maybe you are not a king, Bayek. 】

[But history will follow you. 】

At the end of the video, Bayek, who was hidden under the hood, walked to the front of the camera, and the golden and beautiful Chinese and English characters appeared on the screen.


[The legend begins here! 】

At the end of the picture, the classic assassin logo appears on Egyptian murals engraved with hieroglyphics.

Assassin's Creed: Origins!

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