Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 832: Master (one more)

The development of "Assassin's Creed: Origin" is still being carried out in an orderly manner, and players in the experience store are also looking forward to the launch of new games.

Every time you wait for a new game, the stage is the most tormented, because for many old players in the experience store, the previous games are a bit tired, and they are in a state of ignorance.

However, for some new players who have not played many Chen Mo games, to experience the store can be said to be a completely different experience.

Because there is no new game demo during this time, the traffic of the experience store is much less.

But this day, the experience store has a new guest.

Outside, a middle-aged man in a white shirt looks like he is in his forties, but the shape looks a little floating. Obviously, the top of the Xie Ding was very serious. As a result, I kept my long hair and tied it in the position of the back of my head. Not to mention, it seems that there is still a little bit of dust...

When the person just came in, there were two players who recognized him in the store hall: "Hey, Master, how come you play the game?"

The master smiled happily: "Today's slap in the face is a good day for playing games on the Internet, so I came over."

Even the words are a bit old-fashioned...

Chen Mo was a little surprised. He whispered to Li Jingsi, who was sitting on the side: "Who is this?"

Li Jingsi said: "It is the fortune teller on the street next to the street. It is called Lin Tianshi, and some people call him Master Lin. It is said that it is quite accurate. In this generation, many people know it."

Chen Mo is a bit speechless: "Return Lin Tianshi? Osplay Dragon Tiger Mountain... It can't be slowed down. The first time the master came, I have to receive it. Hey, do you say that this master can really count? Knowing the good and bad fortune?"

Li Jingsi looked awkward: "That I know."

Chen Mo whispered: "I have a way to verify it..."

Lin Tianshi just finished the ID card and saw two men and one woman walked over to him.

Li Jingsi said with a smile: "Master Lin, the first time to experience the store? We are two employees of the experience store, responsible for guiding new players."

Master Lin shook his head slightly: "No, I am acting safely, let's follow."

Chen Mo said: "This is the master, we have a game that is very suitable for you, not only have you been interested in it?"

Master Lin "Oh" said: "What game is it?"

Chen Mo said: "This game is full of evil devils. It needs to be influenced by great wisdom and great compassion. Those who are not aware of the world can't resolve it. I see you as a great candidate."

Master Lin seems to have come to some interest: "Is it? Then I will count it."

Master Lin is really arrogantly licking the knuckles, and there are words in his mouth.

After a while, Master Lin looked solemn and dignified: "This is like a fierce sinister. But I don't go to hell, who goes to hell, and demon slayers, it is the mission of my generation, come, lead the way!"

Li Jingsi asked: "Master, this sentence seems to be the language of Buddhism..."

Master Lin shook his head indifferently: "It is the Buddha's way, it's all rational. I have already opened two channels in my early years, and I have a good understanding of the world..."

Chen Moyi reached out: "Master please."

Three people came to the vr game experience area, Chen Mo gave Lin master an empty vr game cabin, and then said: "Master, you can see it after entering, this game is called "Dark Soul". For the master, You shouldn’t be uncomfortable with foreign demons?”

Master Lin smiled indifferently: "Oh, the evil devils are all outside. I will go and see."

The master said, entered the game compartment.

Li Jingsi looked at Chen Mo: "Are we too much?"

Chen Mo smiled: "What do you say? If the master can count it, of course, it can be a good time."

Li Jingsi nodded: "Also, if the master can calculate the correct route every time and avoid danger..."

Ten minutes later, the door of the vr game compartment opened.

Master Lin’s face was white, and his hand seemed to tremble slightly.

Li Jingsi quickly asked: "How is the master?"

Master Lin: "...fallen!"

Li Jingsi forced to laugh: "Master, you have said that the world is clear, the master is trying to figure out the intent of heaven, isn't the game the same? First of all, the designer's intention..."

Master Lin snorted: "Intention? His intention is probably to let me die..."

Li Jingsi: "..."

Master Lin paused, and it seems that he still doesn't understand: "After I entered, I repeatedly performed it. As a result, all the routes are absolutely ruin! The road to ruin! This kind of wicked game, I don't know which designer made it, really..."

Chen Mo coughed twice: "Sorry, it is down."

Master Lin glanced at Chen Mo: "... are you the boss of this place?"

Chen Mo nodded: "Yes."

Lin’s pale face instantly changed his smile: “I’ll say that the little brother is rich and handsome, it’s the rich and the rich, and now it’s so good! I just figured it out, this game is hidden. There are countless roads, but there is a path that is invisible. As long as you can walk through this path, you can fly in the sky and feather the fairy... Little brother, do you want to count it?"

Chen Moyi: "Master, I don't need to count it. In fact, I have a game here called "Escape"..."

Master Lin hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, no, this kind of game is too much to be deduced. It is not a good thing to run out of the sky. I think it is more suitable for me to play a mobile game."

Chen Mo smiled and said: "That line, the master, you sit in the hall for a while, I went to the mobile game experience area to get a mobile phone."


Master Lin sat on the sofa in the lobby of the experience store, still calming the feeling of being hurt before.

Zhao Lei just got down from the upstairs, got a cup of milk tea from the front desk, sat on the sofa and sipped, his face looked very bad.

Master Lin asked: "This little brother, I see you look gloomy, but what troubles?"

Zhao Lei sighed: "Master, my stupid leader is still looking for something. I really can't stand it. I really want to go back. Master, you are enlightening me, what should I do?"

Master Lin smiled and said calmly: "What is this? No matter how rich you are, no matter how many houses you have, how many cars are there, after you die, you are as big as the graves of others. Why? These small things are cumbersome?"

"Oh..." Zhao Lei pointed to the TV behind Master Lin: "That master, please explain this?"

Master Lin looked back.

The propaganda film "Assassin's Creed: Origins" is being broadcast on the TV. A distant view just flashed in front of the camera, and the pyramids of the dragons stood proudly in the desert.

Master Lin: "..."

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