Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 839: Played for 2 hours

Camu eventually did not have the courage to jump, and at this time, Bayek met a group of soldiers, these ancient orderers are very strong, Bayek can not beat, can only be caught.

In the pyramid, the ancient descendants seized the secret of Kamu forcing Bayek to tell the Eden fragmented golden apple. Bayek fought back and turned his back. As a result, his son Carmo died.

Later, the ancient dynasty and Bayek showed the correct usage of the Eden Shard Golden Apple, which was used to make headshots...

This story is a clear explanation of the ins and outs of Bayek's revenge. After that, Bayek returned to the residence of Hopfak and left the Siwa Oasis. The prelude to the game was officially over.

In the distance, the vista of Alexandria emerged. This huge city-state is based on the Nile River. The distant sea, the lush vegetation and the long yellow sand constitute a superb scene. The Assassin's Creed: Origins also appeared in the sky. Logo.

At this point, the system popped up an achievement: [Complete the prologue: Don't worry, I just started! 】

Lin Mu was shocked. He subconsciously looked at the system time. From entering the game cabin to now, it has been almost unknowingly nearly two hours.

"The two-hour prelude? How long is the total game time of this game?"

Lin Mu was also very shocked. He had long known that Assassin's Creed: Origins would reproduce a large ancient Egypt, knowing that the game would be long, but he did not expect to play for two hours with a single prologue!

Think carefully, the main storyline of the prologue is actually not complicated, it is nothing more than returning to the Siwa Oasis and assassinating two ancient descendants. But the reason why I played for two hours in the game is because the whole map is too big!

Although there are mounts, just run the road, do the spurs, kill a few wild animals, open a few transfer points, clean up several military camps or camps... Time has passed inexplicably.

Moreover, the "Assassin's Creed: Origin" developed by Chen Mo has not joined the modern plot for the time being, so before Bayeke rushed to Alexandria, there was no modern story interspersed, and the player's gaming experience would not be so fragmented.

As for why I have not yet joined the modern story...

Many people feel that the modern story makes the story of Assassin's Creed seem fragmented and unnecessary. In fact, this is the wrong idea. The most important significance of the modern plot is to string together the modern line of the entire Assassin's Creed story, especially the modern story related to Desmond. It can be said that the whole story is very clear. Let the series of assassin's creeds become a long epic of thousands of years, which makes the connection between different ancient protagonists, and also enhances the player's sense of substitution.

It can be said that if you consider the whole story of the Assassin's Creed series, the modern plot is absolutely essential.

Just to the "Assassin's Creed: Origins", the existence of modern plots is relatively weak. Temporarily taking off does not affect the player's understanding of the whole story, but will make the story more coherent.

From the game settings, the current "Assassin's Creed: Origin" is experienced by players in animus, and the story version in animus is a sample of memory that has been collected for everyone to experience. Therefore, it is reasonable to say from the setting.

Of course, when you follow up on other stories of Assassin's Creed, it is inevitable to involve modern plots. It is time to add the story of Desmond, but those are reserved for subsequent development.

Lin Mu recalled this long prologue, to say which place gave him the most prominent impression, it should be the customs of Egypt!

Obviously, from the very beginning, Chen Mo knew very well where the core selling point of the game was, and he did it very well. A small Siwa oasis, whether it is villagers, soldiers, or even wild animals, seems to have its own ecology. For example, soldiers patrol during the day and sleep at night; the villagers go out to work; the dog hunts the antelope...

Coupled with highly detailed images and large maps, when players walk in the Siwa Oasis, they can really feel that this is a very real village, as if each villager has his own story.

Lin Mu felt very proud. He knew that Chen Mo was right. If he is to make himself an independent game, he should not be able to make such a huge open world for a lifetime. After all, every detail in this game requires a lot of professionals to perform their duties, and it needs a very large amount. Capital investment.

Being able to participate in the research and development of this game, and also responsible for the research of Egyptian culture and humanities in the game, Lin Mu feels and has won.

He did not continue to play, but chose to quit the game compartment.

The two-hour game also made him a little tired, and the open world game is not as compact as a linear game.

If it is a game like "Uncharted Waters" and "Apocalyptic Day", the player always feels that there is a kind of emotion and then pushes himself forward, and the level can not stop. However, "Assassin's Creed: Origin" is an open world. Players have many choices at the same time, so they will not be in a hurry to complete the task and experience the Egyptian style slowly.

Lin Mugang came out of the game cabin and heard someone shouting outside: "Hey, someone came out, someone came out!"

Lin Mu was shocked. He had several people outside the game compartment. After seeing him out, the buddy in front of him couldn’t wait to drill into the game compartment, as if he was afraid of his remorse. ......

Not just this game cabin, the other game cabins are also lined up in front of them. Everyone who looks at the game in the Linmu game cabin is envious.

Lin Mu: "..."

This scene is also a bit too hot, right? !

Lin Mu didn't come to Chen Mo's experience store before the new game demo. This time he saw the scenes of the players queuing, he finally understood why Chen Mo was in a hurry to repair the new headquarters.

It is in short supply!

A lot of players who line up outside are waiting very hard, and whether they can play new games is completely a matter of course. In case a player in a game console is a liver emperor, play six or seven hours in one breath? The players who lined up outside are simply dogs.

But there is no way, players want to play Chen Mo's new game, so every time a new tour is a long queue, it has become a great experience of the experience store...

Lin Mu left the vr game experience area and couldn't help but feel: "It's scary!"

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