Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 850: Psychologically hinted fear (four more)

I always felt that my psychological quality was good before the old p, but after playing this game, I found that I might have a wrong prediction...

The heartbeat is fast, the hands and feet are cold, the cold sweat is flowing, and the whole body can't stop shaking slightly...

The old p even had no way to courage, and once again entered the fog of the town.

He looked at the system time subconsciously, and only 25 minutes passed from the beginning to the present.

And, this is the first 25 minutes of the game!

There was only one monster, only one battle without difficulty, even as a horror game, even the scary scene did not appear.

Like many games, killing, turning back, screaming, etc., there is nothing.

Of course, there may be some later, but the old p has not yet encountered it.

Strictly speaking, from the time of entering the game to the present, the old p has been running in the fog, running from the entrance to the mountain road, running to the cemetery, and then running to the town...

However, it is such a monotonous environment, but it gives the old p extremely heavy psychological pressure.

This is a very clever psychological suggestion, a deserted town, a fog that never sees the sky, plus a dead environment... all kinds of factors are repeatedly stabbing the nerves of the old p.

This kind of practice is totally different from the kind of horror of "opening the door". In that kind of horror game, horror is like a sharp knife. When you say it is bad, you will suddenly slap you and scare you out. But the horror of Silent Hill is like a blunt knife, and it is always challenging your tolerance threshold step by step.

On the surface, it seems that a thick white fog is much better than darkness and plasma. It is nothing more than boring in the fog and collecting things, not so dangerous.

But once you stay in this environment for ten minutes or twenty minutes, the player's psychological stress index will rise straight up. This kind of uncontrollable feeling of depression will even make the player unable to walk, just want to kneel down, find a corner, and shiver.

Old p decisively opt out of the game.

"Today, come here first, don't play, don't play, play again and really die. You can talk to me quickly, send a barrage, let my mood calm down, hurry, I am afraid of dying in the game cabin. ""

The old p returned to the landing scene of the game cabin, watching the theme of Alexandria in "Assassin's Creed: Origin", watching the hard-working Egyptian people and the long river of the Nile estuary, the mood finally began to calm down.

Looking at the barrage, the old p found that the situation of the audience was not as good as that of himself.

"Where, I can't do it, I can't go down, I can't stand it!"

"It's too depressed, I can't stand it!"

"Seeking high-energy barrage guards!"

"Don't look at it, wait for a while and then live for survival!"

"I can't sleep at this big night, I... I went to see a film to ease it..."

Although the audience has been watching him broadcast "Silent Hill" before, but it has just been broadcast for more than 20 minutes, these players are also gg.

Although these viewers basically use PCs and mobile phones to watch, but... now it is more than 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Many people are lying in bed, turning off the lights, watching the live broadcast of the old p on the phone screen, and some people may still wear headphones.

In this environment, the sense of horror and depression they feel is weaker than that of the old p in the game cabin, but it is not weak. Even with the body of the barrage, the oppressive environment and atmosphere in the game will continue to erode the nerves of all players.

The old p looked at the number of viewers.

Because Zou Zhuo and Lin Xue did not start broadcasting, so when the old p just started broadcasting, there were more than 5 million viewers, but now, only 300,000 are still stuck...

These viewers sang the old p live "Silent Hill", originally wanted to make the old p frightened, and the result was very successful to scare yourself...

Old p really wants to permanently delete "Silent Hill" from his game compartment, and never touch this game again, but see a lot of viewers still brushing "continue to broadcast "Silent Ridge"", the old p can only I sighed: "That... I will continue to play tomorrow, tomorrow... I will not play today, the value of San is falling out, I really can’t hold it anymore. If I play, I’ll call you to pick up the corpse for me. ......"


After 12 o'clock, I bought "Silent Hill" and started playing, but not only the old p.

Soon, "Silent Hill" in the discussion area on the Thunder game platform, the players who were scared of urine gave the screen.

"The trough!! This is a horror game! Horror game! High-energy warning, don't play!!"

"Played for 5 minutes and then retired, I really can't play anymore!"

"Who said that this game is similar to "The Soul of Darkness"? You come out and I promise not to kill you!"

"Mom, this game reminds me of the "Escape" that Chen Mo did before!"

"This game has a fight with "Escape"! No, I think the atmosphere is more depressing than "Escape"!"

"Yeah, it’s strange, obviously 10 minutes before the game is running in the fog, even a strange can not meet, why do I feel even more scary than "Escape"??"

"Chen Mo is too malicious! Can this game last for 2 hours? fnndp!!"

"I only send 200 skins in 2 hours? What's the special loss! I want to buy my life for 200 yuan!"

"How can this game last for 2 hours? The old p played in less than half an hour and gg, what is the concept of 2 hours?!"

The players who were pitted by Silent Hill were all mad at the slot, originally intended to take advantage of the cheap, and the result was a face of Chen Mo!

Many players originally thought very beautiful, and felt like standing in the same way as "The Soul of Darkness" to see the scenery, and the time was full. Anyway, there was a reward for 2 hours and 6 hours respectively. Hanging up in the vr game room to see the scenery. By the way, chat with friends, mix it.

As soon as I entered the game, I found out that this mixed wool?

The first scene of the game is an abandoned public toilet, and the faucet keeps dripping.

Going backwards, mountain paths, cemeteries, and strange towns are full of dense fog, wind and strange background music with only two or three meters of visibility. In this environment, even if you hang up, the value of san will be mad. Ok? !

Many old players naturally think of Chen Mo's previous work "Escape", but "Escape" and "Silent Hill" are two completely different horrors.

The horror of "Escape" is very direct, that is, the dark environment, the sudden appearance of monsters, the fear of not being able to fight can only escape.

"Silent Hill" is not the same, especially at the beginning, there is no darkness, no monsters, the protagonist's combat power is also very strong, but the players are equally depressed, the same despair!

This kind of horror is more of a kind of spiritual horror, just like a magical attack, ignoring armor and deep into the bone marrow.

Many players even think that at the very beginning of "Silent Hill", the daytime scenes with such high brightness are already so scary...

What is it like when it comes to the back?

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