Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 854: Incomprehensible world (four more)

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

Many of the players who were motivated by the rewards once again entered Silent Hill, still being scared of the value of San...

Although the player's endurance is constantly improving when they enter "Silent Hill" again and again, it seems that they can't keep up with the magical brain circuit of this game.

In this strange town, the players who continue to move their teeth, have soon encountered more bizarre events, and more horrible scenes.

Moreover, the players found that in addition to the protagonist, there are other living people in Silent Hill.

It looks exactly the same as the maiden's deceased wife, Mary, but wearing a glamorous and glamorous and glamorous dress.

The mental state is unstable, like a fat man who has had a murder experience, Eddie.

A little girl who likes to play tricks and runs around in Silent Hill without any harm, Laura.

And the long-haired black woman who first encountered it, always likes to play a dagger, suicidal Angela.

Everyone here is nervous, Eddie seems to have a mental breakdown at any time to kill, the little girl Laura is a prank to keep the actor in the hospital room, let him face three terrible monsters alone And Angela is over and over again suggesting that the protagonist ends his life.

The only normal person is Maria. I have to say that this beautiful girl wearing a slim waist is the only trusted partner of the protagonist in Silent Hill. Her every move is full of temperament, full of hormones and temptation, and has a dependence and expectation on the protagonist, without concealing her feelings.

In apartments, hospitals, and prisons, when the player feels that he has barely adapted to a certain scene, Silent Hill will arrange a new scene for the players, a more horrible and more bizarre scene.

Not only that, but with the advancement of the plot, these scenes will undergo extremely different changes.

After being punished in the room by the little girl Laura's prank, the protagonist was forced to solve three deformed monsters hanging from the ceiling, but as he walked out the door, everything changed.

Deep red, like flesh and blood, suddenly spread throughout the space.

In an instant, it became a world without light and only darkness. The walls were suddenly covered with water, blood and mildew, and rusty iron mesh or iron products were everywhere.

The corpses are everywhere here. Some of the roads that were previously traversable have become inaccessible. Some roads that were previously inaccessible will open.

Originally, the players felt that the hospital was already a very desperate and oppressive place, but after the whole scene was switched to the world, they realized that the former hospital was a paradise...

Fortunately, Maria will always be behind the protagonist, and never give up.

However, just when the player feels a little soothing inside, the tall monster of the triangle head appears again, and it is simply invincible, no matter how many bullets the player wastes, no matter how attacked, the triangle head will not Going to die, there are quite a few players who have repeatedly died under its sword.

No way, the protagonist can only run with Maria, but eventually, when entering the elevator, Maria died in the hands of the triangle.

With the elevator door closed, the protagonist sat on the ground, seemingly losing the momentum to continue.

At this time, the players also have the same despair as the protagonist, but they still have to persist and go forward alone.

From the Museum of History to the prison, the scene is darker and more horrible, and the way the protagonist reaches the next place is... jump from the dark cave.

The depth of the cave is not deep, it is dark, and I don't know what the danger is. But there is no other way, only to jump down.

After jumping a lot of times, when the player's spirit is on the verge of collapse, the protagonist meets Maria in the prison. She looks very healthy, as if the scene of the tragic death is just the illusion of the protagonist.

However, when the protagonist struggled to cross the fence of the prison, he found that Maria fell on the bed and became a **** body.

On the road, the protagonist is constantly encountering those who were before, fat Eddie, little girl Laura, and brunette girl Angela.

However, every time they meet Eddie and Angela, both of them seem to be more confused.

Eddie held a pistol and recited those who once looked down on him and was killed by him.

And Angela is kneeling on the ground, shouting hysterically.

In the end, Eddie went crazy and wanted to attack the protagonist and was killed by the protagonist; while Angela went to the blazing flame and ended his life...

Under the guidance of the little girl Laura, the protagonist finally came to the lakeside hotel, the special place he and Mary agreed.


The old p himself couldn’t tell, what exactly supported him to play here.

In this strange and horrible journey, he has tried to give up countless times.

The horrible environment, the weird monsters, the crazy characters, the reversal of the plot... every factor is enough for him to give up.

But he also said that it was not good why he actually came to the lakeside hotel and came to the place agreed with Mary.

Is it the urging of the barrage audience? Nor is it.

Old p knows that when he is halfway through, there is a kind of curiosity that supports him. That is, he really wants to know what the truth of all this is.

Why are there so many horrible monsters in Silent Hill?

Why are other people crazy, either killing or committing suicide?

How did Mary write to the protagonist, why did the little girl Laura hate the protagonist?

And what is the story of the protagonist and his deceased wife?

"Silent Hill" seems to be a ridiculous story, because everything that happens here completely subverts people's cognition and common sense, no matter how they can't explain.

However, the old p also vaguely felt that this is not a purely imaginary story. At least after coming to the lakeside hotel, Chen Mo should give all players an explanation and tell everyone the truth.

After taking a deep breath, the old p entered the room 312 of the lakeside hotel, which was the room he had lived with.

Unexpectedly, the room was very bright.

Outside the window is the street of Silent Hill. It is a white mist, but the light shines into the house and the visibility is very high.

The room was very clean and it looked like it was a little bit dusty, but the furniture and the bed were still intact, and even the glass was not too smudged and broken, as if it was out of place with the whole town.

In front of the window, there is a TV set and a video recorder.

The old p picked up the videotape and stuffed it into the recorder.

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