Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 859: Tour guide (two more)

In the urging sound of the barrage, Zou Zhuo entered the "Oasis."

Zou Zhuo’s character in Oasis is similar to that of himself. He is a slightly overweight, glasses-wearing house. Of course, it’s more or less beautiful from the five senses to the figure.

Stepping out of the door of the mansion, on the pier in front, a huge wooden sailboat is moored.

On the sailboat, a few green, short, goblin crew members are busy, some are sorting cables, and some are carrying goods.

Seeing Zou Zhuo came out, a goblin crew greeted: "Oh, time is money, my friend, the ship is going to drive away!"

Zou Zhuo hurried all the way to the boat, and the goblin crews were still busy.

"Shipping, next stop, Orgrimmar!"

As the captain shouted, the sailboat slowly left.

Zou Zhuo stood on the deck and looked at the sparkling water below. The sailboat gradually accelerated and continued to move forward in the distance.

Soon, the small island where the mansion was located was completely invisible, surrounded by blue water, and Zou Zhuo stood on the bow and looked into the distance.

Suddenly, Zou Zhuo’s vision suddenly rose and he came to the sky.

From this super-high God's perspective, it is clear that Zou Zhuo's own sailing boat sailed into a dock, and further a red-brown land.

Among the layers of red mountains, a magnificent city is looming.

Many airships are flying towards Orgrimmar, stopping at the stop of the airship at the door, and then slowly flies away after a while.

From a high point of view, Orgrimmar gives a feeling that is completely different from Stormwind.

Stormwind City looks unconventional, and each partition has a square shape; but Orgrimmar is closer to a lot of rounds, and the building and the building are empty, or some messy, but It does not give people an irritating feeling, but instead feels full of a wild beauty.

In terms of architectural style, the entire Orgrimmar building is an orange-roofed wooden stone building, exactly the same as the Orc architecture in Warcraft.


The ship is docked. Zou Zhuo got off the boat and ran directly to the gate of Orgrimmar.

Still not running to the door, Zou Zhuo's ear has already sung a magnificent background music.

The dense drums and horns are intertwined, rough and full of wildness, plus the red-brown land that can be seen everywhere, the huge gates of Orgrimmar and the tribal flags hanging on the walls, a kind of excitement and excitement. The mood is born.

At Orgrimmar's door, many orc guards on the tomahawks are patrolling. These green-skinned orcs are slightly taller than Zou Zhuo, and they are much bigger on the block, just one arm is more than Zou Zhuo's legs. Rough.

These orc warriors do not wear full body armor like the human guards in Stormwind, but only protect them with leather in the vital parts. The most striking thing is their huge shoulders with sharp barbs that are as powerful as the beast's fangs.

"Blood and thunder!"

"Power and glory!"


"Are you also coming to work for the Horde?"

Even the dialogues and lines of these guards are full of wildness of battle.

These orc guards did not have any hostility towards Zou Zhuo, but instead regarded him as a member of the tribe.

On the barrage, many viewers are asking.

"Chen Mo? You can't fool people when you are chubby!"

"That is, handing over Chen in three minutes!"

Zou Zhuo quickly explained: "Don't worry, he is coming soon! He asked me to wait at the gate of Orgrimmar!"

When Zou Zhuo’s voice just fell, he saw a crow flying in the distance.

The crow hovered in front of Zou Zhuo and landed into a human form.

His looks are hidden under the cloak and hood, and the face is not clear. This image is a bit like Medivh, but there are many differences between the costumes and Medivh.

No guess, this is definitely Chen Mo.

After all, no one but him can play this crow's trick in Orgrimmar, because... Druid is not open yet!

A large number of players have gathered at the door of Orgrimmar.

Zou Zhuo said that Chen Mo wants a guest guide and leads everyone to visit Orgrimmar. The news soon spread. Many players deliberately entered the vr game compartment and ran to the door of Orgrimmar, just to get to Chen Mo.

All of these players are all blood elves, high and short, with different hair colors and costumes, which are automatically generated according to the player's default image.

Looking at the people present, Chen Mo slowly opened his mouth.

“For those who come from afar, welcome to Orgrimmar. I will lead everyone to see every detail of the city, are you... are you ready?”

However, what surprised many people is that this is not the original voice of Chen Mo. The sound is even darker and hoarse, a bit like the dubbing of many characters in a fantasy game.



"Not ready!" I don't know who was out of mischief and said this.

What surprised everyone was that the voices of these players seemed to have been modified, not only all of them were standard Mandarin, but they sounded very crisp.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for so many players to have no accent at all, but this is the case now. These people talk in a slap in the face, and the sound is very similar to the voice of the blood elf. Like a group of real blood elves in conversation.

I saw Chen Mo’s right hand gently lifted up. Most of the people in the room became translucent and became light and even walked into the air and could not fall.

As for the players who called "not ready", they were very embarrassed to find that this magic was not imposed on them.

"We are also ready!" They hurriedly shouted, but Chen Mo had led the players who had applied magic and walked slowly toward the air...

The rest of the players are remorseful, and they can't wait to smoke themselves now: "Call your mouth! Call your mouth!"

They still want to catch up, but it is difficult because the people in front have flew away...

After Chen Mo applied magic to these people, their bodies became translucent and they were able to walk freely in the air, and the speed was significantly faster than walking. In the blink of an eye, the following people were blinded.

In addition to the feeling of "the doctrine of the Doosan, the horror of the squad", the remaining players can only run very chasing on the ground while chasing, keeping a certain distance from the group in the air, hoping to be a little embarrassed Take a guided tour.

Going to the attractions to guide the tour, the result is in the game, but also guides...

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