Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 864: Everything is empty, everything is acceptable (three more)

The battle of the middle-aged assassin continues.

The white assassin was so uninhabited that he entered the crowd of the Templars.

However, he was like a phantom, passing through the body of the Templars, not even turning any cockroaches.

The Templars also turned a blind eye to him, still groaning and roaring, rushing to the middle-aged assassin who was besieged in the crowd.

But just as the white assassin’s figure passed by the middle-aged assassin...

The middle-aged assassin seems to have seen him.

The sight of the middle-aged assassin was hidden by the hood, but from his short pause and a slightly confused look, he apparently saw the white figure.



At this point, his ear seemed to sound a word.

A lot of assassins, a lot of voices, a paragraph together.

“When others blindly pursue the truth, remember”

"All things are empty."

“Remember when others are bound by morality or law”

"Everything is allowed."

"We walk in the dark."

"But ploughing in the light."

"We are……"


The hesitation of this moment made the middle-aged assassin's defense appear deadly flaws, and the Templar's epee was just cut in the weak point of his sleeve sword.


A crisp sound, the sleeve sword broke.

The middle-aged assassin's figure was unstable and fell to the ground. The Templars immediately swarmed, and the spears were surrounded by middle-aged assassins.

The figure of the white assassin has disappeared completely.

The middle-aged assassin was brought to the high platform by the Templars, and the bald commander in front of him put a noose on him.

But at this time, the middle-aged assassin once again saw the figure of the white assassin.

They are placed on different wooden platforms, and the movements are surprisingly consistent.

The Templars also looked in the direction of the white assassin, but there was nothing in it.

At the moment when the noose tightened, the middle-aged assassin turned instantly!

His elbow slammed the commander's right face, and then took advantage of the ropes, entangled the commander's neck.

Jumping for a long time!


The noose tightened, accompanied by a sour voice, but the gallows did not live in the middle-aged assassin, but the commander of the Templars on the wooden platform.

The guard next to him quickly smashed the rope to save his commander, but the middle-aged assassin had already floated down and restored his freedom.

The middle-aged assassin stood up and put on his hood and walked toward the camera.

The screen is black and a huge logo appears on the screen.

"Assassin's Creed"!



This promotional video immediately triggered a hot discussion among the players!

A very important reason is that the video is too long, and it takes more than five minutes.

Promotional videos like other games are basically between 1 and 3 minutes. After all, cg belongs to the essence of “concentration is the essence”. It is enough to do it. If it is too long, it may seem to be dragging.

However, the new propaganda cg of Assassin's Creed has reached 5 minutes, but it has not made the player feel dragged, because the content is too rich.

However, many players are puzzled. What does this cg mean?

"I am going, the protagonist inside is so handsome! It feels better than Bayek!"

"Yeah, the Eight Lords should belong to the Berserker? It is a real assassin here, killing one person in ten steps, not staying in a thousand miles, and going all the way, deep in the name and name!"

"God is not a ghost, a blow to the commandment, wow, it's so handsome!"

"But this story shows me a slap in the face, what do you mean?"

"Yeah, the white assassin still kills people. How can it become a phantom in the back? Is he a real person?"

"Poor handsome uncle behind him was pitted by him..."

“Is this “Assassin's Creed” a double-lead mode? Can you switch freely?”

"Is it possible, is there a mode of cooperation?"

" think a little bit, how do I feel that the two people are in different ages?"

"And the front section is so handsome, modern and ancient, reality and virtual constantly switching, it's cool."

"I think this reality story is very abrupt and a lot more. It is obviously an ancient story. It is awesome."

"This promo is so long, and I still don't understand what the story is..."

Many players are a bit embarrassed, because from the content of the promo, this young white assassin and middle-aged assassin have a lot of drama, but this is obviously two people.

Many people speculate that this is the double protagonist mode?

But from all kinds of signs, the white assassin seen by middle-aged assassins is a phantom. Inferred from the clothing and the surrounding environment, they do not seem to be in the same era.

Moreover, the first addition to the modern element in the cg of Assassin's Creed has also made many people feel puzzled.

However, this time cg finally mentioned the theme of the game: Assassin's Creed.

Cg mentioned the so-called creed in the form of narration: "All things are empty, everything is acceptable."

However, what is meant by this sentence is not given too much explanation.

But anyway, this cg is handsome enough, this is enough!

The Egyptian style in Assassin's Creed: Origins adds a lot of points, but I have to admit that, in terms of the aesthetics of many players, Bayek is not a protagonist.

On the contrary, the two protagonists in this cg are doing the ultimate "handsome".

They do not have the complex weapons of Bayek's longbow, blunt, and spear, just the sword. But this feeling of close combat is very consistent with the identity of the assassin, there is an elegant beauty dancing on the tip of the knife, so many players are intoxicated.

Many players have said that buying and buying, not buying is not a person!

Shuai is a lifelong thing, I rushed to this clothes and decided to buy it!


In fact, this propaganda film is not one, but the three propaganda films are combined, respectively, from the "Assassin's Creed: Identity", "Assassin's Creed 1" and "Assassin's Creed: Revelation", interspersed in the middle. Into the introduction of the "creed".

The protagonist of the promo is not a person, but three: Desmond, Artel and Egio.

Of course, the original protagonist in the Assassin's Creed: Identity promo is not Desmond, just an ordinary player, but the person is very close to Desmond, so Chen Moshun took it and integrated the three cgs. Together, it is used to introduce the new game content of Assassin's Creed.

And this cg plot is actually deliberately blurring the timeline, creating a suspense, let the players guess.

Through the image of Altai's white, he succeeded in stringing together the modern protagonist Desmond, "The Assassin's Creed: Revelation", and created a brand new one for the new content of Assassin's Creed. Create a publicity cg.

It doesn't matter if the players don't understand it now. After they have cleared the relevant plots of Artel and Aigio, they will look back at this cg and they will definitely realize it.

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