Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 874: Chemical engine (one more)

“Environmental interaction mechanism?”

The graduates here were a little surprised. They thought that Chen Mo would ask a big question, at least about a certain type of game, but in the end it was just for everyone to design a small system.

Strictly speaking, this “environmental interaction mechanism” is only an important part of the combat system, or it is an important part of the game mechanism, even if it is separated from the combat system. It’s not too difficult to just design. It’s no problem to make a first draft in three hours.

But everyone knows that this topic seems very simple, but as Chen Mo said, it is really difficult to do it.

This is a very empty topic, from the simplest example of “terrain killing” to a more complex weather system, or the architecture of the entire combat environment, which is part of the “environmental interaction mechanism”.

Moreover, the "environment" is created by the designer independently, and can add a variety of rich elements. The more complex the environment, the richer the environmental interaction mechanism.

Therefore, this is a problem with no upper limit. As long as the brain is large enough, this system can be made infinitely large.

However, it is too big to be considered. It is also necessary to comprehensively consider the input and output of the entire "environmental interaction mechanism", the cost performance of the production, and the gameplay fit of the game itself. It is very likely that there are 100 brain holes in the conception, and finally limited to the game itself, only five can be used.

Everyone began to wrestle and start thinking.


From the conference room, Qian Qian was waiting at the door.

"I think the response of these graduates is still relatively calm," Qian said.

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Yeah, after all, is a good seed that has been carefully selected from the whole country. Is it difficult to live with this simple problem?"

Money is dumb: "Is this problem simple? Isn't this the 'chemical engine' that you just designed for our new project? The world's most advanced and first-class system design is given to these students. I really didn't see how simple it was."

Chen Mo said: "It is not for them to make the entire 'chemical engine', just do it."

Qian Qian spoke: "It is very difficult to meet the manager's ‘similar’ standard!”


Regarding the topic of the new project, Chen Mo has not disclosed it to others.

However, two weeks ago, Chen Mo had arranged a special task: the development of the "chemical engine."

When everyone just heard the word, they were all awkward and what was it? I heard about the physics engine, what is the chemical engine?

The physics engine means to give real objects such as gravity, hardness, sharpness, etc. to objects in the game. When rotating or colliding, the physics engine can generate the physical properties of these objects from the row operations. effect.

In other words, the physics engine is equivalent to recreating a Newton, and in the virtual world, a complete set of physical rules is constructed.

So what is the "chemical engine"?

Chen Mo smiled and explained: "The chemical engine is the physics engine that can react chemically. This is just a metaphor. It is equivalent to a higher-order manifestation of the physics engine."


The so-called "chemical engine" means that in the game environment, there is not only a physical collision, friction, and striking relationship between objects and objects, but also a chemical reaction.

To give a simple example: grass can burn, hot air rises after combustion to generate airflow, and the surrounding combustibles will be ignited. If it is fruit, meat will be cooked, then burn it will zoom or even burn out completely...

In the real world, these are chemical reactions, and they are common things that everyone is used to.

But there are no real-life chemistry rules in the game, so if you want to present this effect in the game, you need a brand new design, which is the "chemical engine."

The chemical engine is actually a very complex set of rules, through which a highly imaginative chemical system is constructed in the game, by giving the object different chemical properties, such as flammability, electrical conductivity, etc. After being placed in this chemical engine, they will change with the environment.

It's simple to say, but in fact, it's designed to contain too much content.

According to Chen Mo's design, the entire chemical engine includes a large number of complex systems, and covers all aspects of the world's rules.

"Climbing system cooking system combat system stealth system equipment system flame system freezing system lightning system wind system weather system temperature system bomb system stop system magnetic system ice system"...

Each system has a set of corresponding rules.

For example, the climbing system allows players to climb any wall, but is limited by physical strength. When the player has no physical strength, he can find a place to stay on the mountain to restore his strength. The climbing system will be associated with the weather system. On rainy days, the wall will become slippery and the player will slip when climbing, which will seriously affect the efficiency of climbing.

Another example is the lightning system. There are many elements of lightning properties, such as lightning, electrical power in the remains. The metal is electrically conductive, so when the player is running on the road with a metal weapon on a thunderstorm, it will be thundered. Or when you need to turn on the power route to open the organ in the ruins, you can use your own metal weapon to connect a wire, instead of having to search for metal objects in the ruins.

Another example is the temperature system. The ambient temperature will be different in different regions and different weather conditions. Players have a certain tolerance to temperature. Exceeding this temperature is overheating. Below this temperature, it is frozen. Both will cause continuous blood loss. Players can defend against cold in a variety of ways, such as ignition stacks, lifting torches, wearing winter clothes, and more.

Moreover, these systems generate chemical reactions with each other, which is the most complicated part.

That is to say, in this chemical engine, every behavior that players make may have a series of chain reactions. If the player can predict the result of this chain reaction, then it can be artificially manufactured. The "butterfly effect", which gently **** the wings in a corner, brings disaster to the monsters nearby.

As the development progress of the entire "Chemical Engine" continues, everyone is becoming more and more amazed at the exquisiteness of this system. These complex systems are not forced to be kneaded together, but together constitute a unified whole, and they are all moving together.

Many people feel very curious, such a powerful system, this new "chemical engine", what kind of game is to be made?

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