Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 879: Cartoon wind (three more)

Chen Mo’s new game character is still missing, even the game name has not been released, the players are already looking forward to it.

Now for many players, "predicting Chen Mo new game" has become a routine every few months, although no one guesses it every time, but ... is it more worth guessing?

At the same time, at this stage of the middle of the year, various game works have also flowed out of the wind.

There are linear games and open world games, but the open world games are obviously much less than in previous years. From the beginning of the year to the present, there are only two models that have been seen. One of them is Chen Mo’s own work. Assassin's Creed".

However, the works that are not bad in the linear game have come out four or five more this year.

Although Chen Mo did not disclose any information about the new game at all, there is a keyword, sith.

Many people speculate that since this is a game that will carry sithpro... it is probably a linear game.

Because of previous experience, the performance of sith is far worse than the vr game compartment. After all, sith is a portable device, and the vr game console is so big, both in terms of picture and performance. Not at all.

Everyone buys sith because it is cheap and portable, but it really needs to be expanded to experience and effect with the vr game cabin. That is Shi Lezhi. After all, one is more than two thousand pieces, one is several tens of thousands, and the price difference is several times. It.

Therefore, the game "Dark Soul" was transplanted to the top of sith, and many resource adjustments and castrations were made. Although the gameplay was in the same vein, the experience in all aspects shrank too much.

Moreover, the Assassin's Creed was not transplanted to the sith because the capacity was too large.

The process of Dark Soul is relatively fixed, and the excellent level design saves the resources required by the game to the greatest extent, and there are not so many cool special effects and the ultimate artistic effect, so it can be smoothly run on the sith.

If it is the "Assassin's Creed: Origin" level of the game to the sith transplant, it is not said no, anyway, it will be finished, but the game experience is certainly not as good as the stih version of "Dark Soul".

In view of maximizing the use of sith performance, linear games are still relatively resource-saving.

What's more, Chen Mo's linear game is good, not to mention last year's "America's Doomsday". This year's "Silent Hill", although a niche, can still show the advantages of this movie game.

Everyone can scare the urine!

However, some people have suggested that the launch of sithpro is to transplant more powerful games on it.

Maybe it's a game that transplants the level of Assassin's Creed: Origins.


While discussing Chen Mo's new game, a topic was on the Internet.

This topic first appeared in the internal groups of some game designers, and quickly spread to the forum, Weibo, Q&A website.

The original title of the post is: "Want to join the Thunder to entertain each other? Try to answer this question!"

I have to say that this author is well versed in the essence of the title party. Just this title has triggered a lot of people's crazy forwarding.

Not only the players, but also the internal groups of many designers, everyone is discussing this issue.

“Design a unique combat system around the ‘environmental interaction mechanism’.”

Whether it is players or designers, everyone wants to enter the Thunder to entertain each other. After all, this is the only top manufacturer in China, and the treatment is not to be said.

Moreover, even those designers who are very satisfied with the status quo and do not want to join the Thunder to entertain each other are curious. What will Chen Mo’s personal question be like?

According to the poster, this question is the final question of this game design competition, which is Chen Mo’s personal release. If you answer well, you can go directly to the latest project that Chen Mo is developing.

In the question and answer community, this problem instantly ignited, and there were thousands of answers. There are even many well-known domestic first-line designers.

“If it were you, how would you design the ‘environmental interaction’ system that Chen Mo asked?”

Many people have expressed their views on this issue, and the views of several high-sounding answers are surprisingly consistent. They think that this may represent the direction of Chen Mo's next stage of research and development.

There are also many people who have written very good design solutions, and have gained a lot of approvals. Some designers even consider putting their own solutions into practice.

However, what is the standard answer in Chen Mo’s heart, no one knows.

Some people still have questions, secretly asking the reporters, it is really okay to divulge the exam questions?

The reporter broke the answer: "It doesn't matter, there is no confidentiality requirement for the entire design competition."

In fact, this kind of thing Chen Mo does not care at all, this is a very empty topic, relying on the words "environmental interaction mechanism", who can think of the entire chemical engine system?

Even if someone considers this, the "The Legend of Zelda" has already been made before he has started the project.

It is better to let the topic go out and give everyone active and active thinking.

Anyway, you can't guess it.


In August, news of various masterpieces was exposed.

There are publicity maps and game materials, as well as promotional videos and even video contests.

Chen Mo is not far behind, let go...

The name of the game and a concept map.

Many players are shocked. Chen Mo is really getting more and more fooled. A name plus a picture, is this special promotion?

Moreover, seeing this picture, many players feel a bit blind.

What is this style of painting?

On the right side of the screen, a male character in a blue shirt is climbing on a cliff, and the main part of the picture is a beautiful vision.

Through the white clouds, the sun shines a layer of afterglow on the contours of the distant mountains. It is faintly visible that a volcano in the distance rises high into the clouds.

Looking closer, there are towering towers, bridges across the lake, hills, wilderness, forests, gods...

The layout layout is ok, the scenery is pretty, the only thing weird is...

The cartoon wind feels a bit strong.

Not only the color of the whole picture has card ventilation, but also the design of the protagonist, the shape, clothing, movement and other aspects are full of card ventilation.

Of course, it is not the kind of childish card ventilation, which is relatively close to the Japanese style, or the whole environment feels like gouache.

But in any case, it is not very close to "realism."

A lot of people are a bit embarrassed, Chen Mo is this... change the style of painting?

In the impression, Chen Mo seems to rarely do this kind of card ventilation game. Of course, the "Plants vs. Zombies" is not worth it...

Look at the recent works, whether it is "Apocalyptic Day" or "Assassin's Creed", the whole is going to the road of refinement and realism. This is also the general trend of the game industry now, and I can't wait to make the game as fine as reality. .

So... what is the game called "The Legend of Zelda"?

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