Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 886: Official encourages skipping classes (three more)

Zhao Lei can't be surprised, because "Assassin's Creed: Origin" is a game in the vr game cabin, and it is already one of the largest games in the current capacity, but "The Legend of Zelda" is a game on sith, even Also an open world game?

To put such a large open world on a small sith, this is already a black technology category!

Moreover, the packaging of the Hikka slate is also quite good. Many games have tried to add the maps in the game to the packaging of the game itself. For example, the map of the Assassin's Creed series can be seen as a built-in function of the animus system. The maps, photographs and other related functions of "The Legend of Zelda" are all integrated into the Hika slate. This is like a tablet that the main character Link carries with. It can be used to take pictures and mark the location of the map. It is so cool. .

There is also a function that makes Zhao Lei feel extremely black technology, which is the positioning function of the Hikka slate.

When using this function, a small red dot will appear in the center of the lens. Just use this red dot to point to the hills, gods, etc. that you want to mark in the distance. You can mark a light column and open the map again to see this. The specific location of the hill on the map.

Why is this feature important? Because the gods in The Legend of Zelda will not be displayed on the map before they are activated, and the map of the whole game is very huge. Sometimes the player sees a **** in the middle of the mountain, and the result is exhausted. When Xin Wan tried to run over, he couldn’t find where it was...

What's more, all the places in the game are unlocked after the tower is opened, and the map of the current area will be opened. In many cases, the player is exploring with a black eye. This function is even more important.

On the one hand, it maintains the mystery of the players in the open world, allowing them to enjoy the fun of exploration and discovery, and on the other hand, it provides maximum convenience for the players, so that they will not lose their direction in the infinite exploration. .

Zhao Lei ran towards the location of the mission mark. He encountered some wild monsters in the middle. After playing a few, Zhao Lei wanted to vomit: the blood is too little!

There are only three hearts in total, and each apple can only return half a heart. When you are hammered twice by a monster, you feel that you are going to die.

Zhao Lei also has a little bit of "Dark Soul", but still feels a little worried, let alone those players who have no experience in similar games.

The battle system of The Legend of Zelda is also very rich.

You can sneak around the back as the Assassin's Creed. You can use the shield like a "Dark Soul" to turn two people, or you can use a bow and arrow. Basically, those popular fighting elements, "The Legend of Zelda", are all in it. It is very well done.

Zhao Lei’s favorite way of playing is to touch the sneak attack and kill one. Then he knocks off another weapon against another monster. The speed of light picks up the monster’s weapon, so the monster can only come up with bare hands and fight with Link. Basically, it can be done without any harm.

After playing a few piles of mobs, Zhao Lei found some rules very cleverly.

If it is a single or two or three mobs, basically you can kill one by sneak attack and then hit another one.

If the mobs in the camp are difficult to entangle, the camps of these monsters often have explosive barrels, and the weapons used by the monsters are also more harmful.

The monsters in these camps are surrounded by fire, and there is no blind spot in the field of view. It is impossible to touch the sneak attack. When they discovered Link, they would also throw a barrel of explosives at Link, or ignite their weapons on a campfire, and there would be no chance of winning in front of hard steel. The three hearts of Linke would only be fried by gunpowder barrels. A little, basically give gg.

However, all camps of such monsters seem to be cleaned up in other ways.

For example, some monster camps are not far from the mountains with large spherical stones. As long as Link pushes at a suitable angle, the big stones will roll down the mountain like bowling **** and crush all the monsters.

Or in the cave where some monsters hide, there are lights hanging in the air for lighting. As long as the rope is broken with a bow and arrow, the light will fall and ignite the gunpowder barrel hidden in the cave, and all the monsters inside will be blown up.

"Wow, this game can be crazy to skip classes, praise!"

Zhao Lei fell in love with this gameplay after playing bowling with a big stone to kill a monster in a camp. He couldn't help but praise his wit.

From here you can see the difference between The Legend of Zelda and The Soul of the Dark. "Dark Soul" requires players to constantly hone themselves. Any speculative method is considered "escape", which means that now saves time and suffers less, but actually misses the knowledge point. To suffer.

However, the Legend of Zelda is different. This game not only encourages players to “leave classes”, but also specifically adds a lot of mechanisms to “learning classes” in the game. However, these mechanisms require the player to discover it himself. Once found, players can defeat the enemy in various ways, instead of having to use their own skills to fight.

Therefore, "The Legend of Zelda" provides more combat mechanisms, players do not have to stick to the traditional combat elements of assassination, archery, and melee, but can fully exploit the characteristics of the environment to defeat the enemy.


All the way, finally arrived at the mission site.

This is the ruins of an ancient building, the style is very similar to the place where Link wakes up. There is a round table in front of it, with red light on it.

Link came to the round table and put his own slate slate.

When I first put the Hikka slate on the round table, Link also carefully looked at the round table for a while, as if it was to determine whether it was safe, and when the round table was discolored, it would be scared.

Here is a small detail of the game. He will hesitate when Link first activates the tower or enters the shrine, but there is no such special action behind it, because he is already eccentric.


At the moment when the Hikka slate entered the round table, the earth suddenly and violently swayed, and Link fell involuntarily on the ground.

The whole picture swayed violently, and the forest stunned the large birds, and even the monsters in the camp looked around uneasy.

In the tremors of the earth, the cave where Link was located suddenly collapsed, and a tall tower slowly rose.

It is higher than the remains, higher than the hills, and higher than everything around.

Not only is this tower, in the snowy peaks, near the volcano, in the desert, many of the towers are rising at the same time, becoming the most important landmark.

The tower glowed blue, indicating that it has been successfully activated.

Link climbed up from the ground and looked around in surprise.

He is already at the highest point of the initial platform.

Looking around, the surrounding scenery is unobstructed.

A drop of blue liquid fell from the stalactite-like stone on the round table, and he also shocked Link, and he couldn't help but step back half a step, as if he was afraid of blue liquid splashing on himself.

The data from the tower was written into the Hika slate and the area map was successfully obtained.

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