Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 897: Not the end point (one more)

A masterpiece, reviving the sithpro and flagship matrix glasses, also pulled along other games on the Thunder game platform.

After many players bought the combination of pro+ matrix glasses, it is inevitable to go to the Thunder game platform to find some fun sith and mr games, so it has driven the sales of many other designers.

The well-deserved full-fledged monster "The Legend of Zelda" is also redefining the concept of open world games while sweeping the game evaluation media and the heat continues to ferment. The original chemical engine has given many designers new inspiration.

Many players and designers have been arguing before. Is the mainstream trend of the future development of the game industry a linear game or an open world game?

And Chen Mo told them that the real works are the same, each has its own advantages, and each has its own way. Even a completely different type of game like "Apocalyptic Day" and "The Legend of Zelda", as long as the quality is the ultimate, can also be favored by players.

Many designers are feeling deeply, and the big brother is not the same!

When we were still obsessed with the form, Chen Mo did not bother to play this. This design skill is simply ruined. If you want to be an open world, you will be an open world. If you want to be a movie game, you will be a movie game. And every one of them is flying up, not convinced!

Even many players and designers who don't like Chen Mo have to admit that Chen Mo has almost stood in the game industry after the two masterpieces of "Apocalyptic Day" and "The Legend of Zelda". As far as the standards of the world are concerned, it is no exaggeration to say that there is no one before.

But... In the end, if you can't come back, you can see how Chen Mo can lead the entire game industry.

When a designer stands at the top of the game industry, he doesn't have a way to go, but the next road will be even harder.

Before, there may be a lot of successful experiences to learn and learn from. Just standing on the shoulders of giants and pushing new ones is a success. However, if a designer has already made a work that transcends the times, then the players will certainly be more and more demanding.

Of course, in terms of Chen Mo’s current influence and the amount of Thunder’s mutual entertainment, even if he retires now, he can comfortably spend the rest of his life.

Pushing a few experienced and talented designers, relying on the Thunder game platform to casually share points, even if you withdraw from the R & D line, the legend created by Chen Mo will be passed on by the players.

But if he does, the players must be disappointed.

For those who have real feelings and ambitions, playing games is a creative activity. Age is never a problem. In Chen Mo's past life, there are many designers who are still launching works in their 50s and 60s.

What's more, Chen Mo has achieved such high achievements in his early thirties. All players know that his future is still limitless.

In the next few decades, Chen Mo will no longer be a challenger, nor a defender.

His role will be the leader and the pioneer. Like the legend of Zelda, he constantly surpasses the game design level of this era, constantly leading the new game design trend, becoming the benchmark in everyone's eyes, waiting for All other designers are catching up and surpassing.

For Chen Mo himself, the Legend of Zelda is certainly not the end, it will only be a new starting point.

Because in the future, Chen Mo will continue to advance toward higher and even areas where no one has ever stepped.



The theme area outside the Thunder Inter Entertainment Center is being organized in an orderly manner.

The entire theme area is like a theme park, which will put all the classic games of Thunder and other entertainment into the game for players to visit and play.

In the new plan, the legend of Zelda will certainly occupy a place in the theme area, where players can see a miniature foggy forest and see the sword of exorcism inserted in the stone. Players can also try to pull it out, but... I can't figure it out.

In this small foggy forest, the scenes in the game will be restored as much as possible, including special plants, haha ​​models, Link's sculptures, torch stations and more. There is also the artificial creation of some fog, adding some atmosphere.

Of course, if it is in the winter of the emperor, in the case of eating, the viewing effect is even better...

In the experience zone, many players found a lot of hanging displays on the top.

These displays have different uses, some will randomly play the video of each game, some play the game demo screen, there is a class, which will display the discount and hot sale of the recent game library in real time.

As for why these displays are added, the main purpose is to allow players to have a more convenient reference when trying to play the game.

Mainly the recent game library discounts and hot sales, so that players can directly find these games in the experience area, if you are satisfied, you can directly consider buying. Although this feature is also available on the Thunder game platform, it will be more eye-catching on the display, and players can see it when they are hanging out, resting, and buying around.

Players are still very welcome for these displays, because they are very harmonious and don't get in the way. When you have nothing to do, you can look up the current hot games, learn about the news of the game industry, etc. convenient.

However, after seeing the recent game hot list, many players found a very interesting phenomenon.

How is "Super Mario Odyssey" topped the list?

It stands to reason that this game was launched when the original sith was released. It was also sold well in China, but it is a sith exclusive game, no vr version, and it has been sold for so long. Old game.

Of course, the superb of Mario Odyssey is that its design concept is not too far out of date. It shows how far it is beyond the times when it was first launched. It’s no wonder that tgn used it as a year of competition. The popular choice for the game.

But now, how does the game go to the bestseller list?

The players discussed it online to find out what is going on. It turned out to be the hot sale of sithpro!

The release of the pro+ matrix glasses package not only attracted a lot of sith users to update the device, but also a group of pc and vr players who did not play sith before. After these people bought sithpro, they definitely wanted to play games. As a result, "Super Mario Odyssey" obviously became a must-buy game, no one.

Because this game is exclusive to sith and fits perfectly with the sith device itself, the most significant advantage is that it supports dual mode!

Many players who just bought sithpro said that they didn't play Super Mario before and thought that the game was normal, but after trying it, there is still a double mode. Now I play the double mode with my wife every day, and the husband and wife life is harmonious!

However, some players have raised doubts: "Are you sure that the husband and wife life is more harmonious than the other way around?"

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