Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 899: Handmade gadgets (three more)

On the Internet, there are really many players who miss the "Super Mario" double mode.

After so long, many people actually forgot the game, but the pro hot sale to "Super Mario" brought a lot of fresh blood, so this topic is inexplicably and lively.

Many people returned to play "Super Mario" and found that the design concept of this game is still very advanced even now!

Especially the handle of the game and the two-player mode, until now, on the entire Thunder game platform, it seems that there is no game that can reach the level of "Super Mario".

Many players have expressed their feelings, but unfortunately Chen Mo will not count 2!

If you continue to carry out this "double mode", can you really develop more fun games?

Although Super Mario's two-player mode is fun, this game is a bit long after all, and most players are already tired.

There is also a player's inspiration to propose a very genius idea.

"How about changing the Legend of Zelda into a two-person mode? One person controls Link, and one person controls Zelda! Plan to pass!"

Then some players vomited: "Then I play Link, you play Zelda, you play with Cannon in the castle all the way..."

The player who proposed the genius idea is very dissatisfied: "But I really think the two-player mode is fun! I played Super Mario again, and I have no games with my girlfriend!"

An understatement immediately triggered a strong rebound from other players.

"I have done it, know that you have a sister, and hurry!"

"Double mode is not good, this is still used to say? This kind of game is a niche, it is obviously not a fire for a reason..."

"I think Chen Mo is going to continue to develop the "The Legend of Zelda", and the two-player game is fun."

Obviously, most players know that not all games can change to double mode.

A two-player model like Super Mario is a bit tricky, but it also requires game mechanics. It can be said that if you want to do the two-person mode, then the game's bottom-level design should be considered as the key point. The single-player and two-player games are completely different.

If the two players in the two-player mode play the double protagonist, not the pure partnership between Mario and Keppi? There are more problems to deal with, and even for many designers, they simply can't think of what to do.

From play to script to shot, everything may have to be redesigned, all in a completely different way from the mainstream single player mode.

Of course, the "double mode" mentioned here is not the online mechanism of online games. If it is online, don't say two people, and dozens of people are fine. The two-player mode here means that like Super Mario, two players work together on the same screen, and both characters are part of the game's own settings.

Many players still feel a little pity, sithpro sells so well, if Chen Mo can develop a two-player game that perfectly fits sith, it must be bought!


"Chen Chen, the art resources that you asked me to collect before, I looked at it, basically you can use the resources of "Uncharted Waters". If you don't have them, you can also find them in the art resource library." Zhou Hanyu said.

Zhou Hanyu is now the art director of the entire Thunder Mutual Entertainment Research and Development Group, which comprehensively controls the progress of the art of each project, and the entire resource pool is also under his management.

Two days ago, Chen Mo gave him a list of art resources, mainly game scenes and props, to let him confirm whether these art resources can be taken directly from the resource library, or that there is a need to make separate parts.

After a brief look, Zhou Hanyu found that more than 90% of the resources in it can be used directly from the library.

Chen Mo nodded: "Well, if the art resources are ok, the main job is gameplay design and motion capture. The development time of this game should be shortened to two weeks or even shorter."

Zhou Hanyu was hesitant and asked: "The store manager, this game, is it a sequel to "Uncharted Waters"?"

"Well? No." Chen Mo shook his head.

Zhou Hanyu was a bit surprised: "I mainly feel that the scene of this story is very similar to "Uncharted Waters", and even some scenes... I feel a bit repetitive, so I wonder if it will be a new script of the "Uncharted Waters" series. Think about it. It’s true, too, it seems to be a bit too high with the "Uncharted Waters"..."

Zhou Hanyu said that he felt a little wrong. He originally thought that Chen Mo would use this resource to make a dlc or a fan out of "Uncharted Waters", but thought about it, Chen Mo never seemed to do this kind of thing.

However, Chen Mo said that he can finish it in two weeks, and the game is not like a big production...

Zhou Hanyu has some fascination, and he can't figure out how Chen Mo is going to plan.

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Exactly, I have done all the mirrors. I will send you your mailbox. Let's take a look. Actually, you can start preparing now. Anyway, this game is just a gadget, it is easy to do, no. What kind of effort is it."

Zhou Hanyu returned to his seat. After a while, the script and the mirror from Chen Mo were received in the mailbox.

As soon as I saw the beginning, Zhou Hanyu stopped.

"This is a...double game?"

It's no wonder that he feels very surprised, because the "double game" is really too small.

It is also very reasonable to think about it. Now that everyone is working so busy, a game can't be played by itself. It must be played by two people together. This is a lot of pain.

Moreover, this game is equivalent to a stand-alone game! Those who have friends with the base have gone online games, and the two players play online games...emmmm, what is this routine?

Continue to look down, Zhou Hanyu found that his concept has been constantly refreshed.

This is really a complete double-lead mode game, and the split of this game is simply cool to the extreme, the appropriate film-level.

The vr mode is the first person perspective, the difference is not too large, and is still within the acceptable range.

But on the sith platform, two people actually play games on the same screen, and there will be a lot of split screens in the game. As the story progresses, the game's mirrors are always firmly grasping the player's emotions. Zhou Hanyu made up the brain and felt that this mirror was a bunker.

It is completely the mirror level of the first-class film director!

However, from the point of view of art resources, this game is a bit like "Uncharted Waters", but it is just "a bit like". The gameplay and storyline of the game is completely different from "Uncharted Waters".

Zhou Hanyu understands that this game is indeed a gadget that Chen Mo did after he finished the "The Legend of Zelda", so he didn't care too much.

However, it is such a gadget, I am afraid it will also subvert many players' inherent understanding of the game...

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