Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 901: Find a friend (two more)

Many players laughed as they watched the promo.

"What a ghost of the new hahahaha game!"

"Selent, are you happy with this skin?"

"Which is this skin? This is tens of thousands of skins!"

"I have never seen such a mad and frustrated designer. It’s crazy to be crazy and even shameless!"

"What are the game titles? Jedi survival 2? Jailbreak? Mysterious seas 2? Need for trucks? Cross-bearing? Virtual life? Serent is really a famous ghost, Thunder and entertainment to the treasure!"

"Ha ha ha ha, really don't say these games I really want to play!"

"A special development time is less than a month's game. The video of the promo is just like the 3a masterpiece developed for one or two years. This is why Chen Mo can play this way. Others have proposed this promo to be sprayed. Cheng Dog 2333"

"I know why the development is fast, the art materials here are all ready-made, and the "Uncharted Waters" is directly stolen!"

"Wow, what is your conscience in Serent? How can I not be so optimistic about the prospects of this game? Don't fool people!"

Many players have said that Serent I believe in your evil!

A game can have so many names, and no one is there.

However, from this propaganda film, this should be a jailbreak, a car, a robbery, a gun battle, a casual game... in one thing... what is this?

However, on Chen Wei's Weibo, it is a brief introduction to the characteristics of this new game called "Escape the Day".

“This is a collaborative film-based interactive game tailored to sith and featuring storytelling. It is designed for the two-person model in design, experience and play, whether it is online or local, it must be Another player can play together."

“As a two-player game, you don’t need two people to buy a game. If you buy one, you can invite your companions to play the free, literally ‘free’.”

"Sith version pricing 150, vr game cabin version pricing 450, double-ended interoperability (vr can invite sith, sith can not invite vr, unless vr players also purchased the game, because the pricing is different). But in the specific visual presentation, sith The version and vr version will be different, so consider choosing your preferred platform for the experience."

Many players watched the game introduction of Weibo's main text, and their attention was all focused on the words "double game".

"Do you have two games? Must two people play? Must?"

"Do two people spend a dollar? Every talent is 75? Cheap, Serent is losing money everyday!"

"This... How is the vr version so cheap? Only 450?"

The first reaction of the players is, the two-player game? Like "Super Mario"?

But "Super Mario" is a person who controls Mario to control the hat alone. This game obviously has to control two people!

The second reaction is, how is the vr version so cheap?

According to the normal pricing level, the price of sith and pc games is similar. The price of vr games is generally about 8 to 10 times that of pc games. That is to say, according to the normal routine, the sith version is priced at 150, and the normal pricing of the vr version is about 1500. .

The vr version of "Escape from Birth" is only 450, which is already significantly lower than the market price.

Of course, Chen Mo has adopted such a pricing strategy for a reason.

In terms of cost, "Escape from Birth" reuses a lot of "mysterious seas" and art resources in the resource library, so the research and development costs are not high.

Of course, the cost consideration is only one aspect. More importantly, as a two-person cooperative game, Chen Mo must reduce the online connection cost between players as much as possible. If the sith and vr game rooms cannot be connected, for many of them. The game cabin, friends with sith players, will be very embarrassing.

Of course, this setting also has loopholes, and there may be players who are taking advantage of it. If you buy a sith version, you can invite vr version of your friends, who else will buy the vr version? The pricing of this 450 is in vain. So there is a slight restriction on the rules. Sith players can't invite vr game console players who have not purchased the game. Other invitations are not restricted.

After all, as a company that is seriously responsible for design, things like recharge holes are absolutely not allowed.

For the players, it is not considered so much, this pricing is already very cheap, you know, whether it is 140 or 450, this number should be divided by 2, this kind of good thing can be encountered here in Chen Mo .

Many players have said that it sounds very interesting and must be bought!

Especially for the players who like the "Super Mario Odyssey" double mode, they are more looking forward to "Escape the Day".

The players immediately set off a vigorous "knot pair" campaign. Players actively and mutually beneficially search for their partner. They may be male and female friends, may be good friends, maybe colleagues, classmates, and even friends who know online... ...

The most unfortunate, you can also go to the forum to send a post, find a playmate. Local tyrants who have no friends and no friends buy a game, go online to find a girl who is not willing to spend money or a good friend to play together, maybe even more friends, it is also beautiful.

As for those friends in reality, it is better to do it. Find a place directly, and take a sith to play with two people.

What many people didn't think was that such a game that seemed to be very demanding, instead of motivating players to "seek friends", many people found that they did not seem so lonely!

Some anchors or video ups are taking advantage of this opportunity to unite and attract fans to look forward to it.

It must be said that with the super-Mario double-player, many players are very surprised by this form of game.

The so-called "double game", but also can be offline with the same screen, how is this game played?


Players still have some questions about whether to buy sith version or vr version, so the game's details page also briefly introduces the difference between the two versions, and the different operating modes. The ith version, when the player manipulates the complete sith handle, the operation mode is exactly the same as the operation of Chen Mo's previous life escape, and in the performance of the screen, it is also split screen like the original.

If the two players share the sith handle, then some adjustments will be made to the details of the button, just like the single-player mode of the Super Mario Odyssey. For example, if the player normally pushes the joystick to control the character movement, pressing the [y] key and then pushing the joystick moves the lens, thus combining the functions that the original two joysticks can complete into one joystick.

Of course, sharing the sith handle may cause inconvenience to the player during driving and shooting, so in this mode, the game's auxiliary shooting, correct driving and other functions will automatically increase, reducing the difficulty of the game, allowing players to get better and smoother. Game experience.

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