Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 908: Why can't it be a happy ending? (two more)

The choice of the three endings tells the story from another angle, giving it more warm colors and giving players another option.

Just what many people didn't expect was that this hidden ending caused a lot of players' dislike. Some players even posted a post on the forum. The title is: "Why must we have a happy ending?"

"To tell the truth, I was very touched when I saw the first two endings. I think that "Escape from Birth" can be undoubtedly divided into 'God' from the plot. The plot is reversed a few times. The two men fought side by side, but they had to live and die. The drama tension of this plot was very strong, and the last shot made everyone's emotions reach their peak. The last survivor went to visit each other's family. There is also the funeral of the dead, and the end of the story is still embarrassing."

"I think that the game is enough here. Many people think that there is a happy ending. Two people are not dead, but I want to ask, why do you have a happy ending? I thought Chen Mo was so respectful. The artistic designer may not give up the happy ending, and the result is still done. I feel very disappointed. It is like a story that is profound and profound, and becomes kitsch to cater to the taste of the masses."

This post has caused widespread debate among players, and there are really many players who support this view.

However, the vast majority of players support this hidden ending. The debate on this theme has continued. In just one day, it has been topped for hundreds of floors, and players are arguing with each other.

But at this time, something unexpected happened.

Chen Mo personally replied to this post.

"Then I want to ask, why is there no big happy ending?"

"Many people have a misconception that 'a good story must be a tragedy', as if you don't lie to tears, this story is not deep enough, not true enough. Then I ask you, the reality is the same as you think. Only tragic, not lucky?"

"When it’s tragic, Leo and Vincent are already miserable, especially Vincent. He has lost his brother. Is it necessary to let him choose, or kill his other brother, or be his own? Another brother killed?"

"As an art carrier, the game also needs to convey certain emotions to the players, and this emotion must be positive and positive. "Escape from Birth" is a positive ending, whether it is a tragic ending or a hidden ending. The key to this story is to let each player experience friendship, jealousy, love and family instead of 'creating something beautiful and destroying it'."

"Leo and Vincent are damned? Vincent is a responsible policeman. He is busy with work, neglecting his family, and deceiving Leo. This is all about fulfilling his duties and making these extra-legal people no longer making bigger. The chaos is for the safety of other people's lives and property; although Leo is a good father, he is a good father and a good husband. He has his own bottom line. Although he is guilty, he will not die."

"Then I ask you, why do these two people have to die, are you satisfied?"

"The game is called the ninth art, and the biggest difference between it and other art is that players should have their own choices. If it is in a movie or in the middle, maybe this story can only have one ending, but in the game, Leo What kind of action will be taken with Vincent, depending to some extent on the person who is manipulating them. If the player who represents the will of two people wants them to let go of hatred and survive, what qualifications do I have to deprive the player? This hope?"

"Those players who tirelessly go through every little game and trigger every hidden story are worthy of such a hidden opportunity. As long as they are not vicious and evil, everyone is qualified to pursue a second chance. This is my hope. This game can convey the concept of everyone."

"The happy ending is not a shameful thing. Everyone has a yearning for good things and a happy life. This is the spiritual force that supports the happy ending."


Players see this long response, the first reaction is... high imitation?

This is not like the style of Chen Mo!

In the past games, Chen Mo seems to seldom explain his intention to make games, and even some deep-buried eggs are also for players to explore.

Just like a film director, for many suspenseful parts, it is definitely not going to be solved as a creator, because it will only make the mystery of this work greatly reduced.

But this time, Chen Mo responded very rarely. In any case, this reply made many players applaud.

"It makes sense! Why do you have to die alone? Why must the tragedy end?"

"I think the three endings are very good! This happy ending is obviously 'Selent's mercy'!"

"Yeah, the designer is the same existence in God in the game. Do you want to abuse the crying? Are you not a minute? If some authors write a complete ending, they are all normal and good? Chen Mo did not pursue The so-called 'tragic character', but through this story to guide people to feel the warmth of life, I think this is the true meaning he wants to convey!"

There are a lot of players in the various backs with Chen Mo, and many people continue to ask questions, but Chen Mo did not show up after replying to this article.


"Escape from Birth" is on fire, on the one hand because the game has a very good topicality, and on the other hand because the timing of its appearance is very appropriate.

At the stage of the sithpro hot sale, many new players are eager to find a two-player game. After all, sith has obvious advantages in the two-player game.

And many players have found that the performance of "Escape from Birth" on sith seems to be better than the effect of vr?

Of course, it is not that vr's first-person perspective is not good, but the vr version is hard to show the unique segmentation advantage of sith. Many players like to use sithpro to play on TV. Under the blessing of the large screen, the sense of urgency of vision disappears and is replaced by a movie-like game experience.

Exquisite pictures, just right and colorful gameplay, touching plots... These elements have made the movie-like game "Escape the Birth" awesome!

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