Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 911: Hard box player (two more)

"Can you really speak out??"

Zhou Jiangping was shocked. What is this black technology?

The problem is that others don't know the principle, but Zhou Jiangping is also involved in the design of Swith. Even he didn't have the first time to reflect the sounding principle of this thing, which is very fascinating.

For swith, Zhou Jiangping is very clear about its function and structure. Not to mention these broken paper boxes, Zhou Jiangping is looking at Chen Mo’s work.

How can you put this chemical reaction together?

Zhou Jiangping turned the paper piano again and observed its structure.

The only certainty is that the function of vocalization is done by swith itself. The game that Chen Mo just made should be a simple piano simulator. As long as you know which button the player specifically pressed, you can send the corresponding sound on swith.

But the question is, how does swith know which button the player pressed?

Zhou Jiangping again focused on the handle behind the paper piano.

"Is it... infrared camera?"

Zhou Jiangping thinks about it. Swith's right handle has an infrared camera. Obviously it can read the movement changes of the keys inside the piano and send this information to swith, which will make the corresponding sound.

"It’s fun! This thing is quite solid!" Zhou Jiangping held the paper piano in his hand and couldn’t put it down. "But... can this thing really play the song?"

"Of course."

Chen Mo took the paper piano from Zhou Jiangping and played a piece of "Pole Pure Land".

Zhou Jiangping was shocked. Can you really play it?

And the tone is quite good?

Of course, there is no absolute standard for the sound. Zhou Jiangping is not a professional in music. Maybe he thinks that more than one hundred headphones and one or two thousand headphones are heard. There is no difference. This paper piano The sound is nothing more than the swith's horn, but no matter how to the amateur Zhou Jiangping, this sound is already decent, and it is not much different from the general mobile phone, electronic keyboard and other equipment.

Zhou Jiangping looked at this paper piano: "God! How did you think about Chen?"

Chen Mo smiled: "This is the reserved function of swith. When I was doing somatosensory and infrared sensing, I actually reserved this consideration."

Zhou Jiangping asked: "So... can you do something other than this paper piano?"

Chen Mo nodded: "Of course, I can't think of it, I can't do it. I will do one more."

After Chen Mo finished, he came to the pile of cardboard boxes and found a relatively large piece of cardboard, which was completed at one time.

The gadget made this time is very simple, it looks like a weird robot with six feet. Of course, it is said that the robot obviously lifts it up. This stuff can only be made with one piece of cardboard. The six feet are just to make it balance.

Zhou Jiangping is still wondering, what is this in the end?

I saw Chen Mo put the two handles on the left and right sides of the robot, and then took the swith screen.

There are only two very simple buttons on the screen. Chen Mo presses the button on the left. The left foot of the six-legged robot moves forward. Press the button on the right to move the robot's right foot forward. If you keep pressing it, the robot will circle in place. If the two press together, the robot will go straight.

Zhou Jiangping forced: "What is this black technology?!"

Chen Mo gave swith's screen to Zhou Jiangping's hand, and Zhou Jiangping was like a child, and he had a good time.

The construction of this robot is very simple, and it can only go forward, but such a simple gadget makes Zhou Jiangping feel very strange.

The question is, how is this done?

Zhou Jiangping also specially watched that this small robot was completely folded out with a piece of corrugated paper. There were no power devices on the six feet below, and even the bending was impossible. So, how does this gadget move in accordance with the requirements of swith?

Zhou Jiangping stared at the study for a long time, and found that the secret of this thing lies in the vibration of the handle.

When the handle on the left side vibrates, the left part of the paper robot will move forward under the action of vibration. As for the specific principle, Zhou Jiangping also said that it is unclear, but it is certain that the paper box is lighter and The robot's feet are specially made into such a 30-degree sharp angle shape, so that it can walk more smoothly. Without these two points, the robot's ability to move will become very poor.

Chen Mo said: "This thing has a special gameplay, you can try this button in the lower part of the screen."

Zhou Jiangping clicked on the screen and the paper robot did not move.

Chen Mo put his hand on the front of the paper robot about 15m.

Zhou Jiangping was very surprised to find that the robot actually moved!

Zhou Jiangping did not press the swith screen, and did not send any instructions to the robot, but the robot actually chased Chen Mo’s hand and began to move!

Moreover, the accuracy of this movement is very high. Chen Mo deliberately moved his hand in different directions and made various turns. As a result, the paper robot could follow up without any obstacles, and the reaction was extremely sensitive, whether it was left turn, Turning right is almost in sync with Chen Mo's hand movements.

It feels like a puppy with a piece of sausage.

“Is this also the credit of the infrared camera?”

Zhou Jiangpin looked at the screen of swith carefully and found a small screen on the screen. The picture above was taken by the swith handle infrared camera. Obviously, this camera can "see" the location of Chen Mo's hand. After sending it to swith, swith will control the vibration of the two handles and move to the position where Chen Mo's hand is located.

Zhou Jiangping also tried it himself and found that the recognition of this thing is really high, and the smoothness is beyond imagination.

"It's awesome, everything else is to use the handle to play swith, this is to use swith to play the handle!"

Zhou Jiangping completely served. If the principle of the paper piano in front is a little better, the principle of this paper robot can be very confusing.

Just through these two small swith handles, can you accomplish so many things?

Use vibration to let the paper box walk? This is simply a genius idea!

Zhou Jiangping asked: "Chen Chen, you should not tell me, there are more fun ways to do it?"

Chen Moyi: "Of course there are more ways to play, the function of the swith handle is very powerful, it is a very powerful somatosensory device. When there is normal release, there will be more interesting gameplay. It can even allow players to create their own games."

Zhou Jiangping was silent for a moment and said with emotion: "This stuff is really much more than a stereo book. What is the name of this paper box..."

Chen Mo smiled: "Just called... hard-box player!"

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