Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 917: The breath of life (one more)

Many players are playing vr games, and like to go to their own luxury homes, do not play switch in the mansion, do not buy clothes for warmth, dog walking every day!

What do you think is the feeling of walking a dog...

In fact, it is very similar to the feeling of walking a dog in reality. It is very embarrassing when the dog is picked up, and it is very active, but sometimes the dog does not play cards according to common sense.

An intuitive feeling is that the dog seems to have emotions, sometimes happy, sometimes low, sometimes sticky...

Moreover, this kind of emotional change is not lawful, but it is closely related to the player's current actions.

For example, if a player plays with a dog or plays a dog with two laps, it will significantly improve the mood of the dog; but it is also possible that the player will play the dog and the dog is completely indifferent. .

This kind of experience is no different from the real dog, so that the dogs in Oasis attract a large number of players, regardless of whether they raise a dog in real life, they want to try it.

However, players are also inevitably curious: how to make such a true dog, how is it made?

Soon some players broke the gossip: because of the advancement of artificial intelligence technology, the dog you are currently licking may be really self-conscious...

The advancement of artificial intelligence technology is not a particularly strict secret, but it has not been completely exposed and spread. In fact, the latest artificial intelligence technology has spread in many fields, but it has not been widely publicized and spread to the player community.

At the beginning, players also felt that this statement was nonsense, or that some water forces deliberately used this as a gimmick to play the game "Oasis."

But this thing... how does it seem more and more like real?

With all kinds of signs constantly appearing, a lot of evidence points to the same conclusion: this dog seems to be made with the latest artificial intelligence, it does have a certain self-awareness!

The so-called self-awareness is actually an understanding of oneself. In general, it is a bit of b in my heart.

When you get the dog, it’s that the dog has emotions, the mood will change with the cycle, and it will be influenced by the outside world. It can recognize that human beings are its masters, and they can realize that dog food can be eaten and can feel. Still hungry to yourself...

Of course, the actual situation will only be more complicated, and there is still a lot of content that needs professional terms to explain clearly.

For the player, this only means one thing: my dog ​​is alive!

It is no longer the previous simulation dog program. In a sense, it is now a real virtual dog. Apart from living in the game world, it is almost the same as a real dog.

(Of course, there is no difference from the human point of view. It is difficult for human beings to distinguish the difference between the self-awareness of the smart dog and the real dog. As for whether the real dog will treat the virtual dog as its own kind, there is no accurate conclusion yet. However, from the experimental data, it is more optimistic.)

After knowing this, the players were all excited, and the attitude towards the dog also changed 180 degrees!

Everyone knows that it is a virtual program, so you only have to tease it when you are in a good mood. If you are busy, you will leave it behind.

But now it’s not working. The dog is equivalent to a living thing. If you ignore it, it will feel very lonely, lonely, bored, and will be depressed. If you go on for a long time, you may even suffer from mental illness or cause your body. Discomfort...

For the players, this is equivalent to aggravating their burden. Dogs who did not need to invest any energy at the moment need to spend a lot of time to take care of them, and they have to try to figure out the dog’s mind and take corresponding Measure...

However, the players have no resistance at all, but they are playing hot!

Even some real dog trainers specialize in training dogs in a realistic way, and really train the dogs very well!

Some players even said that walking the dog is fun! "Oasis" is still called "dog simulator"!

It’s not just the dogs themselves that have been changed, but the entire game of Oasis.

At the beginning, when the "Waterfront Mansion" was just launched, everyone regarded it as a boost from the Thunder game platform, and no one would like to stay in it for a long time.

Later, with more and more customization features and warmth, players gradually began to like to stay here.

However, it is always a game in the minds of the players, just a scene, not a real "somewhere."

Because this place lacks anger and lacks living things.

Whether it is warm or the previous dog, players know that this is only part of the game, it is a kind of advanced decoration, essentially the same as the smart speaker and smart TV at home. When you are at home, do you think smart speakers are with you?

But now, this dog is alive, so many players feel instantly different.

Yes, this dog suddenly makes the whole "Oasis" more life-like atmosphere. Players feel that it is no longer lonely and no longer monotonous. It even feels that the dog seems to activate the entire "Oasis" instantly. The previous dog food, dog toys, etc. have all come into play.

And even more mad, Chen Mo seems to have updated the damage effect for all the furniture!

A player enters Oasis after work, and is stunned by the sight.

The mess in the house was smashed, and the pillow on the sofa was shredded by the dog. The feathers inside were everywhere...

This player was given a slap at the time, which is too real!

Fortunately, Chen Mo said that he will launch a 10 yuan/month housekeeping robot service. Otherwise, the players will really collapse. They just finished their housework at home and want to relax in the game room. As a result, they still have to do housework...

However, this kind of "disaster level dog" does not always appear. There are strict restrictions on the dog's personality. It can be said that all dogs are small angels, but some dogs will fly freely by chance. , is a surprise to the owner (scared).

This situation is controlled within a certain range, so players are more welcome to this, after all, the difference between a true dog and an electronic pet is here. Electronic pets will hardly make anything that makes the owner unhappy. Just take care of the Raiders and take care of it, but it will lose a lot of fun.

However, many players are worried about the life of the dog: "If I am not good for the dog, or because I am negligent, will it cause permanent psychological trauma? Can't make up for it?"

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