Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 925: Entering the New World (two more)

After coming to the deck, the crew directed Lin Xue to go inside the cabin.

Pushing in the door, this time in front of Lin Xue is a bustling scene.

At the top of the cabin is a chandelier with a candle, adding a very soft atmosphere to the entire cabin. The large long table, the hunters are in groups of three, some are eating, some are piled up in front of the study.

Several cats walking upright and wearing armor jumped up and down and even toasted.

Both hunters and cats wear clothes that are completely different from reality, with leather armor and locks, but the overall feeling is modern, and the design is very strong, unlike "The Soul of Darkness". The first one is the ancient style.

Lin Xue was full of curious underground stairs, came to the cabin, and looked at everything here.

Every hunter is busy with his own affairs, and he does not care much about Lin Xue’s arrival.

One of the hunters is busy installing his own handcuffs, a kind of launcher mounted on the left arm, made of keel and steel. When not in use, the arm will be stowed and will be slammed when used. Open and shoot some special items.

A cat raised a disc that was much larger than it, and swayed to the table with a small step, and eagerly put the food on the table.

Then, the cat and the two **** eyes with a smile on their faces, squatting and jumping at the hunter next to them, like asking for merit.

Lin Xue looked at it. There was only one table left in the huge cabin, so I went over and found an empty seat to sit down.

The opposite girl is seriously studying the records in the book. At this time, a male hunter of Moxi’s head is sitting on the side with a glass of wine and chatting with Lin Xue.

"Hey, I am going to the New World, are you ready? Are you nervous?"

This self-cooked guy made Lin Xue feel very kind, so he chatted with him two times. Obviously, the npc in "Monster Hunter" also uses artificial intelligence, which can make a certain degree of dialogue with the player. What's more, the game is just beginning, Lin Xue is still in the exploration stage, so npc talks endlessly, but it makes the players feel very kind.

"Well? You still haven't handcuffed? How can you be a hunter without a handcuff? Hold it."

The male hunter of Mosi’s head reached out and handed a handcuff.

Lin Xue took the handcuffs, and then the character automatically attached the handle to the left arm. At this time, Lin Xue discovered that his body did not know when he had changed into a hunter's costume, and he had a crisp and neat leather. It seemed to be light and defensive.

In addition, special items are hung on the belt, and there is something like an oil lamp hanging on the left side, which also emits green fluorescence; on the right is a leather bag with a hunter's investigation manual.

"Well? When..."

Lin Xue also wondered when his role was changed, but it didn't matter. She looked at the perspective of the third person and looked at it. Well, the face of the character is the image in Oasis.

Moxi’s head is still chatting with Lin Xue, and the New World, Gu Long and his partner are in a mess.

"That should be your partner? Say hello to her in the past."

Mosi dried his head and looked at the investigator holding a stack of books on the table next to him. This is a lovely girl with a ball head.

But at this moment, the hull suddenly swayed violently!

The lights swayed, and the books, food, and wine glasses on the table fell to the ground, and the decks were constantly tilted, and the hunters huddled together.

The investigator was shocked and rushed to the deck, and Lin Xue’s role automatically followed.


A black and white cat also followed Lin Xue's **** and walked on the deck.

Under the dark night sky, the calm sea suddenly violently undulating, huge white waves rising and slamming on the deck, everyone could only hold the rope firmly and watch everything in front of them in horror.


The black volcano suddenly rises from the bottom of the sea, and the sea boat where Lin Xue is located is also rising!

Unknowingly, the sea boat has been set up at 90 degrees. Lin Xue is holding the hull and feeling the vibrations that have been uploaded by the hand. It seems that he may get rid of it at any time.

Just then, the entire hull suddenly fell down!

In the storm, Lin Xue eagerly looked down, this time she discovered that this behemoth is not a black volcano, but a living thing! Because its body is still moving, the volcano that flows with lava is the back of this behemoth!

As the giants continued to rise out of the water, Lin Xue’s ship slipped from its back, and Lin Xue was involuntarily smashed.

After a while, Lin Xue climbed up from the ground. There are black rocks and flowing magma around. As for the other hunters, I don’t know where to go.

"I am on the back of that big monster?!"

Lin Xue quickly understood his situation. At this time, various tips began to appear in the field of vision, telling Lin Xue what operations he could take, including running, climbing, and so on.

"Well... the climbing system is a bit like the legend of Zelda, but there is no physical limit. However, it seems that only certain walls can be climbed. So far, it seems that there is nothing particularly difficult. The situation is..."

Lin Xue followed the investigator and there was no fighting during this period. Obviously, the beginning of this paragraph is just a plot + operation guide.

After climbing to the top of the melting mountain faucet, Lin Xue used the hook to catch the pterodactyl in the air and fled with the investigator. When she was in the air, she turned and looked, and finally finally saw the whole picture of the hill.

This dragon called the melting mountain dragon is like an island. Its body is black rock, hard and incomparable, and the body is filled with hot lava.

Although it didn't trigger any battle, this opening has already made Lin Xue enter the world of Monster Hunter. This huge melting mountain dragon is like reminding all the players: forget Newton, you are now Come to a brand new world!

The pterodactyl continues to fly forward, and a rising sun illuminates the distance, and the outline of the continent appears in the field of vision.

The investigator looked into the distance and widened his eyes in surprise: "That is...New World!"

Huge trees go straight into the sky, and the thick roots are like giant pythons entrenched on the ground; among the lush jungles, many herbivores are in groups of three, and they are eating the grass on the ground.

Quiet and serene, although all the animals and plants in front of us are not the species that exist in reality, but they are unexpectedly very harmonious and harmonious.

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