Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 927: Teaching (one more)

After all, Lin Xue is a tall student. After getting the knife, he didn't worry about going to the monster. Instead, he came to the training area to familiarize himself with the operation of the knife.

Just now, Lin Xue looked at the video of the weapon introduction for fifteen minutes, but it was still foggy for how to play each weapon. Because in the introduction video, it did not tell the player how to operate, but only showed the weapon's strokes and characteristics, as well as the difficulty of operation, which is convenient for players to choose.

After actually getting the weapon, you still have to go to the training area to get started with it, in order to know the specific method of the weapon.

In the training ground, there are a lot of wooden stakes for training, and there is a wooden box next to it, with 14 weapons inside.

Lin Xue found that after coming to the training area, there was some information in the field of vision. First, there was a continuous watch on the left side of the field of view. Secondly, a hunter was sitting on the stone beside the stake. This hunter would show the player a trick. teaching.

"Wow, can you watch the teaching operation directly? Um... I will try the skills myself!"

Lin Xue came to the stake and pulled out the knife and eagle to try.

The "Monster Hunter" moves and even moves are more complicated than "The Soul of the Dark". Many times like "The Soul of the Dark" is to find a chance to go up and down, as long as you have enough physical strength to evade and fight back; but If you only know cockroaches in Monster Hunter, the damage is very low, you must use a variety of skills, which has a relatively complex output loop.

Take the weapon of Taidao, there are three kinds of conventional output methods, namely, straight, spur and slash.

Among them, the straight knives are the knives and knives, and the spurs are the knives that are lifted forward. When these two attacks cause effective attacks, they will accumulate the air blade slots, while the gas blade 消耗 will consume the gas blade value, which can be regarded as It is a more powerful injury move.

At the same time, there are some special continuous techniques in the Taidao. For example, there will be different moves in the continuous use of the straight, three-stage attack loop; and the use of straight and spurs will make your attack more flexible; in addition, there are special Attack techniques, such as moving the game, the player can launch an attack while evading in any direction, which can well open the monster attack.

The other two are the two strongest moves: see Cut and Deng Longjian.

In the moment of attack, you can use the cut, you can catch the monster's attack and counterattack. If you counterattack successfully, you can add a layer of blade directly. In the hands of the master, you can say that it is the strongest defensive skill + cutting edge skill. The sword can be used in the state above the white blade. When the spurs step on the monster, they fly into the sky and smash down, hurting the instant explosion!

Therefore, relatively speaking, the battle of "Monster Hunter", two players with similar reactions and operations, one familiar with the move, and the other unfamiliar move, then the speed of their two hunting may be different.

"Wow, this air blade flea, also called Deng Longjian, the name is simply domineering! The action is also handsome! Directly step on the dragon to the sky and then cut it down with a knife? It is almost, I really choose the knife is completely ok!"

"Well, it seems that this output loop is very simple. In short, it is through regular output, or it is to see the accumulation of gas blade slots, and then use the gas blade and Denglong sword to explode the damage. It is best to usually Make sure you are always in the red edge state, in order to maximize the output... Well, understand, it's hard to beat me!"

After all, Lin Xue is a high-profile student. After carefully reading the teaching content, he basically understands the output method of Taidao. It is not like a lot of players who don’t read the skill description. They have been playing for a long time, and they don’t understand how to open the blade.

However, it is one thing to understand it. It is another matter if you can use it.

Lin Xue turned his gaze to the hunter sitting on the stone next to him.

This buddy is not a nameless person at first glance. After all, this body is really cool. A white armor, the wings and chest behind it also emit a faint blue light, just like a lamp, it is really impossible to ignore.

This set of equipment is the "Light Hunter" set in "Monster Hunter", and is one of the most handsome suits that many players think.

"So, can you show the battle? Then show me it!" Lin Xue chose the [skills display] option.

I saw this hunter standing up from the stone and pulling out a long knife, and across from him, a behemoth came out of the jungle and screamed at him.

This monster, which looks like a Tyrannosaurus rex, is often seen. Lin Xue knows that it is called a scorpion dragon, and he has seen it in the previous episode.

It's just that this pretty dragon is translucent, which means that it is not a real monster now, just to show the skills.


The savage dragon rushed straight toward the hunter. The huge body was like a hill. The huge claws stepped on the ground. Lin Xue could even feel the ground tremble.

The opposite hunter shook his side to the side, and the knife in his hand slammed out. Every knife slammed into the soft part of the monster. At the same time, he used the mobile cymbal to constantly adjust his position, always avoiding The front position of the dragon.

Pretty cockroach is more violent, it raises the hind paws and wants to kick the hunter, but the hunter lifts the knife directly, see cut! The blow was perfectly resolved, and the hunter's movements were inexhaustible, and soon entered the state of the red edge.

After the red blade, the hunter stepped back and climbed the dragon sword!

The hunter holding the knife is stabbed on the hind legs of the pretty dragon. Even if the pretty dragon has thick skin and muscle, it is also cut by the knife. At the same time, the hunter’s feet are stepping on the huge dragon. The body jumped into the air, and the knife was lifted high, falling like a meteor, and it was cut on the tail of the pretty dragon!


A sharp metal cross, a dazzling knife light on the hunter's knife, from top to bottom, the tail of the pretty dragon is broken!

This knife is crisp and neat.

The close-up Lin Xue can even clearly see the whole process of cutting into the tail of the pretty dragon, cutting off the flesh and cutting the bones, and the huge tail falls directly on the ground, splashing the blood of the ground.

The scorpion dragon once again made a groan, but this time it was more like a whining. At the same time that the tail was losing its balance, the pain immediately spurred its nerves, hitting the rock next to it, and then fell to the ground. The legs are constantly pedaling and trying to struggle.

The hunter's movements are still without pauses. It seems that every attack of the monster will be solved by his use of cut and cut, and Deng Longjian is a knife and a knife!

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