Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 936: Never skip class (one more)

A minute later, a post appeared on the official forum of Monster Hunter.

"Being abused by the horned dragon, ask for a strategy!"

Soon, there are players replying to the posts below.


"Hahaha Axue searched for a half-day Raiders did not find it, can only come to the forum for help."

"The front row contracted A Xue!"

"Come on a soy sauce, I only hit the earth sand dragon, I can help."

"Me too, I haven't hit the horned dragon yet. But watching A Xue live, but it was badly abused!"


This post was quickly put up to more than 100 floors, but none of them said that they were in the front row...

After all, Lin Xue has so many fans. After watching her posting, one person will occupy a layer. This post will not be able to read...

Lin Xue is speechless: "You don't add chaos, don't reply if you don't understand, otherwise I can't see it when I play back to me!!"

Lin Xue’s first reaction was to search for the "Monster Hunter" horn dragon strategy on the Internet, but it was not found at all. Because "Monster Hunter" was released only a few days later, Lin Xue was basically the fastest. A group of people, everyone is still in the stage of exploration, even if someone has already passed the horned dragon, basically they are pushing the blame behind, and no one has posted a strategy.

Therefore, Lin Xue can only come to the official forum for help.

I have to say that Lin Xue is a big anchor, and there are still some faces. Soon a group of players will leave a message and provide her with a plan to push down the horned dragon.

"Rescue signal! Ah Xue, don't stick to it again, don't you say that the team mode is the correct way to open this game? The front of the dragon is called the water friend, now the horn dragon is going to brush it. ghost!"

"Yes, the sun base of justice is here, I have just started to play the horned dragon. A snow, do you still need teammates? No matter what the monster, the super solution will be finished!"

"It’s really hard to play with this knife. It is recommended to use long-range weapons. Bows or scorns should be much better."

"A Xue, you are not willing to save money! What big bang barrels, small blast barrels, paralyzed traps, flash bombs, sonic bombs... all that can be used for it, but the melee beats us to play yin!"

"I strongly recommend a tricky game here: splitting the cult! This gameplay is a little bit less hurt, and it's a bit more troublesome, but it's really easy to use! Escape the exclusive weapons and sneak a peek! I have a video, just click on the link. Go in and have a look!"

There was nothing in the post, and Lin Xue looked at it for a long time and noticed the last one.

Although the teammates feel good, but Lin Xue has already boasted that Haikou said that he wants to brush his own, even if it is a single brush, it must be done.

As for other weapons, such as shield axes, bows and arrows, and so on, Lin Xue himself also wants to change weapons, because it is too difficult to play with the sword.

There are no videos for other weapons, but the buddy has posted a video address.

As a result, Lin Xue points in and looks at it for five minutes, and he is filled with indignation.

"What's the matter? Is it a bug to crack the bullet?"

"The whole process is from the monster to the old man to cast a splitting bomb? Then the splitting bomb will explode and cause damage to the monster? That is to say, as long as you keep the distance and avoid the dragon car, you can have no brain output. Already?"

"With a cracked and cracked fruit, if the bullet is not enough, it will be made. If the fruit is not enough, go back to the camp?"

"Shameless, too shameless! This is a special escape class, this is not even the exam!"

"No, I can't do this. As a technical anchor, I have to rely on my own strength to defeat the Horned Dragon! I am going to the cat car ten times, being poked by the horned dragon, going to the dragon, and never going to skip the cult. !"

"Hey, I want to try the shield axe!"

Three minutes later.

"Oh, mother, this shield axe is too complicated, can't play, I have to try the giant sword."

Two minutes later.

"This special sword attack speed is too slow, can't stand it! Try a long shot."

Three minutes later.

"The whole process of the long shot is a poke. If I count, I still try the bow and arrow."

Lin Xue almost has to try all the other 13 weapons all over again, and there is no way, because the weapons are always being upgraded. If you want to change weapons now, it means spending a lot of resources to do, some special resources still I have to brush, so there is a cost to change weapons.

Lin Xue tossed for a long time, still chose the bow and arrow.

"Well, use bows and arrows. They all say that bows and arrows are easy to play horned dragons, I try... um, this is a slippery step, and there is a big dragon."

As a result, the full screen of the bullet was already floating.

"Is just righteously saying that I will never skip class? Turned and changed the long-range weapon?"

"Cloud hunters don't understand very well. What is the difference between using bows and squats, isn't this all remote?"

"A snow is not awkward, continue to go too far! Or a great sword, the real man is always positive!"

Lin Xue blackened his face: "What is the difference between a bow and a slap? The splitting bomb is a brainless monster. It is different. The bow and arrow are different. The bow and arrow are technical! The bow and arrow must also avoid the horned dragon. Hurt! Bows and arrows... In short, I just want to use bows and arrows. This is not a skipping class, no rebuttal!"

The barrage moment is 2333: "Okay, A Xue, you flat chest, you said everything right!"

Lin Xueqi slammed the bow and arrow with the material that had been smashed down before, and then went to the training area and hit the wooden stakes to familiarize himself with the operation, and then looked at the bow and arrow gameplay.

Moreover, the big hunter in this training area played the horned dragon, which made Lin Xue feel very surprised.

"Wow, it's so elegant! The whole social security!! It hurts so much! And it's also scratched, rubbing, cool!"

"The bow and arrow horned dragon really has an advantage. You can always hit the wings, and the damage seems to be quite high!"

"Can you still sleep the dragon and then use the explosive barrel to break the corner? How do you feel that the bow and arrow are all money?... I will try it first..."

After watching the operation of Daxie, Lin Xue was excited again.

It seems that there is really no difficulty!

The bow and arrow are indeed much more flexible than the knife, or the distance is much more flexible than the melee. The bow and arrow horns are finished with a pair of wings. When you see the horn dragon, you will give a sonic bomb. When I slept, I could zoom in on the explosion barrel and it looked a lot easier.

Lin Xue set off confidently.


Three minutes later, Lin Xue’s cat returned to the camp and fell into meditation.

"What is the situation? What is the problem?"

"Why doesn't my bow and arrow hit people? It's not the same as saying good!"

"And the remote is not safe at all! The horn dragon hit me more hard!!"

Lin Xue was silent for a long time, and finally silently opened the task menu and sent a rescue signal.

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