Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 938: Not the same as saying good! (three more)

In Chen Mo's past life, the splitting of the gods was also prosperous for a while, but it was later cut very badly, and most of the players went to the Divine Church.

In fact, this thing is quite fun, and it’s a bit too much to cut a waste. So Chen Mo didn’t cut it so badly, the damage basically remained at a normal, slightly weak level, which meant leaving the players with a skipping class. Small back door.

As for the team experience... Anyway, this gadget is similar to the diffusion gods. It is equivalent to having no friends by default. The single brush is comfortable and the team is definitely affected.

Unless the teammates are like you, they are all gods...

The splitting of the gods and the subsequent proliferation of the gods are all a simple and brainless, but the problem is that this thing will interrupt the output of the teammates, so it can be called a team cancer. Now the players' equipment is far from enough to support the diffusion of the gods, so the splitting of the gods has become very cost-effective.

If the damage is concerned, the output of the splitting gods is basically the bottom, so the **** players who can really play the later stage will definitely choose another genre. To put it bluntly, the routine of splitting the gods is to give the handicapped players some lessons, so that they will not be lost by the game.

Some people may worry that the splitting of the gods has been skipping classes, will it make the game unhappy?

Of course not, the players who skip the class will fill the class one day sooner or later. If the players have been using the splitting gods, they will not mind the boss skills, the reaction speed and operation, etc. will not be exercised. In the early and middle stages, when the middle and late encounters stronger monsters, that is I have to suffer more.

After all, the vr version of "Monster Hunter" is not the same as the previous life, the monsters are all very advanced ai...


Lin Xue silently went to prepare for the ceremony.

If you want to play a cleavage cult, you don't mean to play and play. First of all, you have to have a contempt for strength. Second, do you have to lick the cracked fruit?

After all, the output of the split cult is basically relying on splitting bullets, sometimes a dozen is a dozen, these have to be slowly taken.

Lin Xue also knows that it is impossible to play the horned dragon at this level, so I silently brush the previous materials and want to have a better equipment.

On the forum, the first batch of players who entered the pit "Monster Hunter" basically had the same progress as Lin Xue, all of them were stuck in the Horned Dragon and the Heroes!

There are a number of **** players, either operating well, or able to liver, or skip classes, it is hard to beat, but after all, it is a minority.

A large number of players are stuck in the horned dragon here.

Players have said that what is going on, is this different from saying good?

Say, is this a mowing game?

Say that the monsters are very fragile?

Aren't they all slaughtered like the fierce dragons?

Chen Mo, you explain to me what is the problem with the horn dragon and the male dragon!

At the beginning, the players thought that the way they opened it was wrong. They suffered a lot. As a result, they went to the official forum to see that everyone is the same, and they are all stuck in the horned dragon here!

"Rely! This is the case, the **** of Serent!"

"Conspiracy! The conspiracy is waiting for us here!"

"Does this specially belong to fishing? Give a bait in front of you, you can just bite it if you want to eat it!"

"Yeah, I also said why the monsters in front were so weak, it was warm boiled frogs!"

"Refund! Refund!"

A group of abused players are simply indignant, and they all said that they were deceived and refunded!

But... I have already had a refund time limit!

This game has been playing for a few days, and the plots are almost halfway up. Which game company in the world will give players a refund in this case?

This is not finished.

Many players didn't feel it too much before, but when they hit the Horned Dragon, the difficulty of the game went up, and the gap between the weapons was reflected.

The most large number of swordsmen have said that the damage of the knife is what it means? Why did we use the knife for twenty minutes to beat the horned dragon, and the result was that the double knife was played in the next ten minutes? ?

And what about the smashing gods? Keeping the distance with the horned dragons all the way to him, Xia Jier’s shots on the line?

Say the balance between good weapons? Why do numerical designers eat? ?

Taidao players have expressed strong protests! Ask to strengthen the knife! Too weak to play!


On Chen Wei's Weibo, he can receive private messages and messages from players every day, or complain that the game is too difficult, or complain that his weapon is too weak.

Of course, it’s useless to complain, because Chen Mo doesn’t even look at it...

Chen Mo himself is quite calm, but Qian Hao can't sit still.

In the office, the money frowned and said to Chen Mo: "The store manager, I don't know how many people are designing the weapon value of "Monster Hunter". I have no knees lying on the gun! The whole value is the same. The architecture can be set by you, my pot is back!"

Chen Mohe smiled: "Nothing, the players have not figured it out, the value is very balanced, don't worry. Right, your "Elves World" is busy?"

Qian Qianxu squinted: "Do you still remember the "Elves of the World" in the store manager?! "Monster Hunter" has been researched and finished, and no one is sent to help me. This is exhausting me!"

Chen Mo stood up and patted his shoulder: "Young people, that is, to be able to do more work, you see that your progress is not very fast, have done more than half, continue to cheer!"

Qian Hao almost squatted: "The manager! Others are good to say, I also recognize the "Elves of the World" thing, can you help me to unload the pot?"

Chen Mowangtian: "But you are a numerical designer. You don't have a pot. Oh, no, this is your job!"

Qian Yan looked at the black line: "Then I have to increase the damage value of the knife!"

Chen Mo smiled slightly: "Oh, young people don't want to be so impulsive. Let's go, so we are arranging a live broadcast in the fish. I personally come forward and help you to smash the pot."

Qian Xinxin said: "Really? Wow, the manager, you are such a great person!!"

Chen Mo Lehe said: "Nothing is ok, I am so helpful."

Qian Qianmei has arranged for it, and Chen Moken’s live show is rare.

What's more, Chen Mo's live broadcast, there are also factors promoting the "Monster Hunter" in it, certainly can not just take a mobile phone to open a live broadcast, the various processes still have to arrange.

However, Qian Qian did not think so much. Anyway, he first unloaded his own pot and said that it would not be a problem for the players to feel too weak. There is also a metamorphosis of the horned dragon, which is what Chen Mo himself wants to do!

However, Qian Qian is still very curious. What should Chen Mo say in order to calm the anger of the players? These people are all unclear by the horned dragon and the male fire dragon...

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