Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 941: No problem at all (three more)

Lin Xue: "???"

No wonder the length of all the weapons just now is almost the same, it is here waiting for me!

Lin Xue was a little embarrassed: "No, we didn't like this when we played!"

"That's not my problem. You run the blame on me." Chen Moyi spread his hand. "You see, the standard length of ordinary players is like this. Certainly some people compare dishes so they play slower."

"!" Lin Xue found that he was almost fooled into by Chen Mo. "You look at the damage of the knife! Open the damage number!"

Chen Mo: "The number of damage to the knife is low. I know, what happened?"

"You see that you all admit it! The number of damage to the knife is low! This does not mean that it is too weak?" Lin Xue asked.

Chen Mohehe smiled: "First of all, the damage figure does not completely represent the actual damage the monster receives. Some parts are low when the damage is low, but once the special effects such as armor and tail are triggered, the damage to the monster will be Soaring, so it is very unreasonable to use the damage number to judge the actual damage. It is best to carefully observe the injured part of the monster and the feedback."

"Secondly, how can this weapon with such a knife be so elegant? How can you use regular play? You have to use the cut and the dragon sword, you have to open the edge. I will give you two big tricks that you don't use well, then Said that this weapon has low damage?"

"Hey..." Lin Xue didn't think that Chen Mo was so arrogant. "But, it's really hard to use it for you to see and cut the dragon sword! See the cut, not attack, or rush to send Cat car, Deng Longjian just jumped up and the monster ran away, what happened!"

"Oh, this is the case... This is all that can be practiced. Whoever comes up is a master? Right?" Chen Mo explained. "You see that there are fourteen weapons in Monster Hunter, each with its own characteristics. It is for the novice, and some is for the master. The weapon like the sword is so elegant, like the Assassin and the robbery in the League of Legends, or the master can show it, you see the players of League of Legends. Didn't complain about the weakness of Yasuo at 1/10?"

Lin Xue was speechless. After thinking about it, he said: "But there is still a question. Why is there a punishment mechanism for the knife? This is a mischievous, why do I directly cut a blade when I cut it?"

Chen Mogan coughed twice: "You are not very accurate. You can reduce the amount of blade if you cut it. It doesn't matter if you cut it."

Lin Xue was shocked: "Is that special?"

Chen Moyi spread his hand: "Oh, the mechanism of this weapon is like this. Do you think this is scientific and reasonable? Do you want to use a little energy?"

Lin Xue: "But there are other weapons!"

Chen Mo explained: "It's not the same. Other weapons haven't seen it yet, right? Too knife, this weapon, how to maintain the red edge state is an important factor in distinguishing the player's level. If you hit the ball, you will not only damage the explosion but also add a layer of blade directly, or you can open the blade if you cut it. Even if you deduct it, you can add it back soon."

Lin Xuefu amount: "God is really coming back soon! Are these two skills thieves difficult?"

Chen Moyi spread his hand: "That... you operate too blame me?"

Lin Xue: "..."

Chen Mo explained: "This, for the novice, we have prepared a lot of simple weapons, such as this double knife, scorn, stun guns, everyone can change the weapons as appropriate."

Lin Xue said: "No, it’s too handsome!"

Chen Mo rolled his eyes: "You know that it is handsome, if the weapon is handsome, simple and strong, is there anyone else to play with other weapons?"

Lin Xue: " said it makes sense, but I still want to fight you!"

Chen Mo coughed twice: "This, let us finish watching the mainstream weapons first."

It didn't take long for Li Jingsi to demonstrate the weapons other than the hunting flute and then came out of the game compartment.

Chen Mo asked: "Okay, let's ask the average player representative. How do you feel the balance of this weapon?"

Li Jingsi: "It's perfect. You see that all the weapons beat the horned dragons in about 10 minutes."

Chen Mo asked again: "What do you think of the difficulty of weapons?"

Li Jingsi: "There are some relatively simple weapons, and there are some more difficult weapons. Simple weapons are more secure, but they are slower; difficult weapons play faster, but require a certain degree of proficiency. In general, the design It is still very reasonable, and most players should be able to pick out the ones they like from the fourteen weapons."

Chen Mo nodded happily and said to Lin Xue: "You see, the eyes of ordinary players are bright."

Lin Xue was speechless and gave Chen Mo a contemptuous look.

You obviously are the official support!

God special ordinary player representative! The handicapped party refused to be represented!

However, Lin Xue looked at the barrage, as if the wind direction had been successfully taken away...

"Wow, Miss Sister is so beautiful, ask for contact!"

"Miss sister is so strong, I feel that this weapon is still very powerful, but my food will not be used!"

"Yeah, I found that many of the unpopular weapons that I have been ignoring before are also very strong. It turned out that I was wrong with Chen Mo!"

"I feel that this horned dragon is playing very simple. I will try to split the gods!"

Lin Xue is speechless, and your position is too easy to shake it? !

Just because the beautiful girl played a very strong knife, do you think that you can become so strong? Who gave you the courage! That Ningxia people? !

Suddenly, Lin Xue found a very appreciative barrage!

"Why is there a lot of skills in "Monster Hunter" that will interrupt the output of teammates! Explain!"

Lin Xue asked: "Hey, I saw that there is a barrage here. It is very good. Why are there many skills in the game that will interrupt the output of teammates? You say this, scornful mines, splitting bullets. Ah, there are guns, it seems to hit teammates!"

Chen Mo explained: "It is like this. You also know that our physics engine is very real, right?"

Lin Xue nodded: "Yes, so?"

Chen Mo: "You think about it, in the real world, teammates hold you a scorn, will your output be interrupted?"

Lin Xue: "...So are you doing this deliberately to show the real weapon engine?"

Chen Moli said bluntly: "That is of course, in fact, the Pangu system in order to restore the real physics engine, the default is teammates hurt, if everyone feels dissatisfied, we can consider the teammates to open the damage, It wouldn't be strange to interrupt the teammate's output. Qian Qian, remember, the next version..."

Lin Xue hurriedly stopped Chen Mo: "Don't stop, have something to say! I told you that you changed the players and really sent you a blade!"

Chen Mo smiled and said: "So you see, we are already thinking about the players very much, but also deliberately shut down the teammates, you still do not know enough?"

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