Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 943: Oasis Plan (Second)

With the continuous expansion of the Thunder game platform, more and more independent game designers have joined the Thunder and Entertainment.

These independent game designers can maintain their creative independence, and Chen Mo will not impose any restrictions on them. The Thunder game platform has a complete recommendation and selection mechanism, and always adheres to the lower draw. As long as these independent game designers can make good games, they will definitely stand out on the Thunder game platform and get good income.

Among these long-term independent game designers, Chen Mo has selected a group of designers to carry out more in-depth cooperation.

The so-called deep cooperation is more than just "they can come to the Thunder to exchange entertainment headquarters."

At this time, all the independent game designers working at the Thunder Entertainment Headquarters, a total of 219, are watching the display in front of them.

These indie game designers have grades a, b, and c, but none of them are designers with relatively comprehensive capabilities and good potential.

The entire office area is silent, because Chen Mo will announce a very important thing.

On the screen, Chen Mo’s face is filled with a faint smile, some of which are self-confident, and some of which are prospects for the future.

“First of all, congratulations to you and become the first independent designers of the Oasis Program.”

“Everyone has had a great representative work on the Thunder game platform, and they are all very comprehensive designers. There is no doubt about it. To be honest, I didn’t even think that I could make so many excellent designers. We gathered together and we worked together for the same goal."

"Next, I will tell you in detail about the contents of the Oasis Plan."

"Up to now, 'Oasis' has become the bridge between the main games of Thunder and Entertainment, and has become the hub of the entire Thunder game world. It is called 'Oasis' because it is like an oasis in the desert. The transit station for all travelers to rest can also be seen as the main city, or node of the entire huge game world."

“In the past few years, Thunder Entertainment has created a number of differently different game worlds, as well as many world-class super ips. For example: Azeroth World, Dark World, League of Legends, Watching Pioneer, Dark The soul, the original form, the mysterious sea, the end of the United States, the Assassin's Creed, Silent Hill, the legend of Zelda, the monster hunter, and so on."

"And [Oasis Plan], it is to continue to open up more ip, and all ip together, and jointly develop."

"Independent game designers, from now on, you will be free to use all the Thunder's games ip for secondary creation. The results of the second creation are still owned by Thunder, but you can get up to 70% of the income. Divided into, praised works will also receive additional rewards. You can understand the concept of 'parallel universe', you can use these ip to create completely different stories."

"For example, you can create a "Dark Soul" world different from the previous plot. Here, the first fire is extinguished, the world is in the night, the king of darkness rules the world, and the player must return to the past timeline to stop the king of darkness. An attempt to extinguish a fire; or to kill the king of darkness and replace it with oneself."

"That is to say, you can use all the ip resources of Thunder and Entertainment to create your own game and your own story."

“In addition, the excellent independent games that have been reviewed can also be included in the Oasis Plan. If you don’t like the Thunder’s ip, you can also create your own world, as long as the players like it.”

“In the process of creation, I prepared three tools for everyone.”

“The first is the Thunder’s library of art resources. Here, you can find almost all the necessary art resources and get it free.”

“The second is the physical system built by Pangu Engine, which has a large number of ready-made template parameters.”

“The third is the latest artificial intelligence system, and even allows the npcs in the game world to set their own missions, so that every time the player enters, the story will be different.”

"It's not just about improving the efficiency of making games, it's also about making each game no longer follow a single script, and there are more possibilities."

“That is, the ultimate goal of the Oasis Program is to create a large, complex, and closely connected parallel universe made up of countless small game units.”

“The most important point is that the player is no longer just a spectator in Oasis, but a real player. The gains in each small game unit of the Oasis Plan will enhance the player’s The strength of the game character in Oasis."

"For example, after the player clears the "Soul of Darkness", he can bring out a certain weapon or prop in the game according to certain rules, and even follow the help of a certain npc."

"The more game units the players have cleared, the stronger the character in Oasis. The Oasis will become the hub of countless parallel universes, where all the children of the planes are the players. They will compete, cooperate, and climb to more dangerous peaks under the unified rules of the game."

"After enough small game units, the [Oasis Plan] will be officially launched. I will give you a year, that is, next November, everyone will develop an independent game unit for the Oasis Plan. Players will be free to enter more than 200 game units to experience different games. After the official launch, the Oasis Program will continue to be updated continuously, and it will become an incomparably huge game system, all inclusive."

"The above is the main content of the [Oasis Plan]. If you have any questions, you can always ask me. So, I wish you all a smooth job!"

Chen Mo’s words have already been finished, but the entire office area is still silent. All the designers are trapped in an extremely shocked mood. After recollecting Chen’s words, I have not responded for a while.

After a while, the entire office area exploded instantly!

All indie game designers are discussing the significance of this Oasis program.

Is it difficult to develop independent games?

Of course it is difficult.

It's a very difficult thing to create a game world from scratch and let most players like it.

Many independent game designers have been grinding a sword for two years, grinding a sword for three years, and for a large part of the time, they are spent on the core gameplay design of the world architecture and games.

But now, Chen Mo is equivalent to giving everyone a "world generator."

Thunder and all entertainment success ip, casual use.

Art resource library, the most complete physics engine, the most cutting-edge artificial intelligence results, just use!

This means that these independent game designers don't have to rack their brains to create a world from scratch. With the things that Chen Mo gave, even if they just make a ready-made ip, they can guarantee the game. The level is above a lot of games!

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