Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 960: Big data balance (two more)


Qian Qian and several numerical designers are monitoring the battle in "The Rivers and Lakes".

At the same time, there are hundreds of battles in progress, and they are constantly increasing. Qian Qiang only chooses any one here, and a large map will appear on the screen to show the details of this game.

On the big map, the decent players are represented by green dots, the evil players are represented by red dots, and the npc is represented by blue and orange colors respectively. It can be clearly seen that the players at this time are distributed in various areas of the map and are searching for their own adventures.

There are also frequent battles on the map, especially in places where the two sides of the righteous and evil sides often break out. The evil faction players are arbitrarily killing people. Before the invasion of the Emei School was a martial art battle, but the preparation of the evil faction was not sufficient. Was repelled.

From the current situation, it is still too early to infer the final result, but there has been more and more infighting between players.

Qian Qian took the view closer and carefully observed a battle in the vicinity of Wudang Mountain in one of the games.

The time for this game has passed 1 hour and 20 minutes and has entered the late stage. The healing herbs of the Wudang faction were robbed by two players of the evil faction, so the Wudang head has basically lost its fighting power. And several players of the evil school sneaked into Wudang Mountain, and took advantage of the opportunity of Wudang disciples to directly take Wudang to the slaughter.

Although the Wudang faction still has some good npcs, but after all, the game has entered the late stage, and the evil players have already surpassed these npcs. The Wudang disciples rushed back in the first time when Wudang was attacked, but it was too late. When they came back, only the bodies of the land were left, all the resources were swept away, and even the town of Wudang’s town was Bao Chunyang sword was also robbed.

This battle directly led to a serious degeneration. As a result, there are still a few twenty-five aberdeen in the decent, and the martial arts conference has not yet been held. The decent has basically been gg...

In another battle, the evil players were not familiar with the game routines. As a result, they gave a lot of development time. After the tasks of the three major factions were all completed, the time for the martial arts conference was very advanced, and the evil players They are still in a state of arrogance, and the decent coalition forces have already slammed into the door of the martial art...

In other games, the evil faction has already been on the verge of gg. As a result, in the crucial battle, a decent player who has been developing in the head suddenly turned over, throwing a dozen pieces of thunder fire bombs among the crowd, the martial arts lord. They were killed on the spot, and the heads of the three major factions were also seriously injured.

This anti-water player directly joined the evil faction, and at the same time he quietly developed, he even got the magical combination of Yi Jin Jing + Du Gu Jiu Jian + Ao Tian Shen Jian, directly opened in the crowd unparalleled, the two sides of the right and the evil The players were all slaughtered, and then happily became the martial arts overlord.


In this game of hundreds of games, the players' processes are completely different, because the choice of players and npc are not fixed, so each time the script progresses, there are countless different choices, sometimes a little different. There will be a chain reaction that will make the game's ending move in a completely different direction.

"How, the game process is still normal?" Chen Mo asked after Qian Qian.

Qian Qian nodded: "It is completely normal. The eye of God is monitoring all the games. There are no abnormal data reports at present. The big data about these games is also being collected."

Chen Mo: "Well, it’s still a beta version, and the subsequent data balancing work is handed over to you."

Qian Xiao smiled: "Do not worry, the store manager, properly!"

In "The Rivers and Lakes", Chen Mo also put in the same eye system as "Jesus Survival", through artificial intelligence to monitor a series of events in the entire game.

The purpose of the God's Eye system is to prevent cheating players and prevent the appearance of plug-ins. However, the battle system of "Jianghu" is different from "Justseeing Survival". The probability of plug-in is relatively low, and it is relatively easy to monitor or ban. . Therefore, for "Jianghu", the anti-cheating system of the Eye of God is just a plus, it is a icing on the cake.

The more important role of the Eye of God is to collect all kinds of big data in "Jianghu", generate data analysis reports for numerical designers to analyze, and adjust some settings in the game.

Although the entire map is full of different adventures, the adventures are also very random, but there is a risk of homogenization when the player makes a choice. If the player finds that a location often refreshes a cost-effective adventure, then the player's opening choices may be homogenized.

Although this homogenization is not fatal, it will ultimately have a bad impact on the player's gaming experience. Through the big data collection of God's Eye, you can dynamically balance those adventures whose cost performance is far lower than the original set level, so that players can have more fun and balance in the game.

If this work is handed over to humans, then the light is the most basic balance can give people similar. But with the introduction of artificial intelligence, the balancing of related values ​​becomes very easy.


After an hour and a half.

Zou Zhuo and Lao Qin are already very fat.

When two people searched in the northwest of the big map, they accidentally bumped into the previous Wudang abandonment, and the goods were searching with their Tianlong teaching teammates, apparently just after the battle.

Zou Zhuo and Lao Qin made a decisive shot and killed the two men in extreme limits. They were almost killed.

Fortunately, the materials of the two of them were relatively rich, and the old Qin suddenly was the possession of the black soul. The crazy singer died and the Tianlong teaches the disciple. Otherwise, it is really hard to say who is eating.

There are more resources to get this time. In addition to many weapons, medicinal herbs and martial arts cheats, there are several very important items.

The internal strength of the Zangjing Pavilion, "Yi Jin Jing", is the seven-color flower that Wudang sends to the head to cure the wound.

Originally, Zou Zhuo was still wondering, this product has already become a twenty-five, joined Tianlong, why not directly throw these two props? So the martial art missions of the Wudang and Shaolin factions are not forever impossible?

The results look at the description of these two props again, Zou Zhuo understood.

"Yi Jin Jing" is the best internal skill in the game, so the speed of learning is very slow. If it is destroyed, it means that this martial arts can not learn, it is not a blood loss.

The same is true for the seven-color flower. This thing is not only a task prop, but also can be eaten directly as an herbal medicine. The effect is that life and physical strength are full, all negative states are lifted, and the internal power property is temporarily increased by 20%.

This kind of good thing, who is willing to destroy...

Like other medicines, the seven-color flower is also used to read the strip, can not eat in seconds, and is very easy to be interrupted. Otherwise, Zou Zhuo and Lao Qin are estimated to be killed by this martial law martial artist named Zhuo Fanfan...

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