Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 965: Changing the world's technology tree (three more)

[Virtual Reality Technology] vr brain and neural connection technology: connect the player's consciousness and nerve to the virtual world through non-invasive technology, and completely transfer the player's consciousness to the virtual world without any surgery.

Unlocking needs: 1 lucky draw chance.

[Artificial Intelligence Technology] Intermediate Artificial Intelligence: Unlocking artificial intelligence that can completely deceive humans through Turing testing, awakening self-awareness.

Unlocking needs: unlock vr brain and neural connection technology, and develop a related theme game to collect 10,000 player emotions.

[Hardware Technology] Capacity Expansion (Level 1): Start a technological breakthrough to increase the storage capacity of all smart devices by 1 time and read speed by 1 time.

Unlocking needs: 3 chances to draw.

Chen Mo was shocked, a chance to draw? Why don't you go grab it?

Ok, this is probably grabbing.

Chen Mo looked at it. The chances of the lottery are now more than 97 times. By the time the day after tomorrow, it will probably be able to gather.

Thanks to the big legends of Zelda and Monster Hunter, the growth rate of happiness and resentment is very good, but then...

It’s not so good, it’s not so squandering!

That special thing is what Laozi has worked hard to earn!

Chen Moping regained his emotions and thought about it. He did not seem to have any better choices.

Artificial intelligence technology has pre-conditions, we must first develop vr brain and neural connection technology, and need to develop a game, take time to prepare.

The storage capacity expansion can increase the storage capacity and read/write speed of all smart devices, that is to say... vr game compartment can hold more games, and the speed of loa will be faster. This can be afforded now, but Chen Mo has considered it, or it is better to unlock the vr nerve connection technology first.

After all, storage capacity is not so urgent, and the current vr game console capacity is still sufficient.

There are still some technical points below. Chen Mo himself does not know how to unlock the whole technology tree to make the world look like, but these technology points are all in a blocked state, you can't see the specific information, or you have to bit by bit. Unlock the past.

I have to say that the technology points in this area have shocked Chen Mo.

Artificial intelligence technology can develop artificial intelligence through Turing test, awakening self-awareness, and completely deceiving human beings. This technique has appeared as a fantasy in many literary works, and the relationship between human and intelligent life has become an eternal theme.

People react differently to this level of artificial intelligence. Some people expect it, some people are afraid, but in any case, this level of artificial intelligence once it appears... means that humans will no longer be the most advanced in the world. Species, at least humans must admit that this level of artificial intelligence has the same or even higher level of thinking ability as humans.

Perhaps for human beings, studying this kind of thing is a kind of "self-destruction" or "death" behavior. Many literary and artistic works express such similar concerns, but in any case... human beings are dead, It was originally born.

As for the vr neural connection technology, for the vr game, it is a leap-forward development.

The current vr technology is realized through the vr game cabin. The specific implementation method is to acquire the player's consciousness signal through the consciousness reading technology; the player's visual and auditory sense to the outside world is closed by the head-mounted device, and the left and right eye display screen is used. The left and right eye images are respectively displayed in the player's mind to form a stereoscopic effect, and the surround sound is used to convey the auditory information to the player; and then the feelings of the sense of touch, vibration, pain, and the like are transmitted to the player body through a full set of somatosensory devices.

The existing vr technology has an "immersive experience", but this experience is basically similar to a special hypnosis, allowing players to be more immersed in the game and feel the immersive feeling.

But in any case, the current technology distance from "complete crossing" and "post-brain intubation" is a little bit different, mainly from the experience point of view, there are some gaps.

These gaps may determine the realism of a virtual reality game and determine the virtual and real boundaries...

The system's vr neural connection technology even skips the stage of "post-brain intubation", which can connect the player's consciousness and nerves with the virtual world through non-invasive technology, allowing the player to experience the "soul wear" without any surgery. "The feeling of going to the virtual world."

It can be said that this is a qualitative leap.

Chen Mo is still not clear about the specific price of this thing. If it is cheaper, then... it is likely to set off a revolution in the entire vr game field, or in other fields (such as vr movies).

The existing vr game cabin is likely to be completely discontinued, and the tears of the times are shelved and slowly forgotten.

And the new vr game device (probably vr game cabin, or something else) will open up a terrible global market that completely changes people's lifestyles.

Chen Mo thought, artificial intelligence technology needs to unlock the vr neural connection technology is actually quite reasonable, because the biggest limitation of artificial intelligence technology at this stage is the analysis of human consciousness.

Although animal-level artificial intelligence has been developed in the parallel world, and there is a certain self-awareness, ... animals and human beings have a world of difference after all. Animals can only live in the circle of nature, and they can drink blood, but humans can Recognize the laws of nature and even explore innocent space.

Unlocking the vr neural connection technology means that technology can freely read and write human consciousness and thinking, so it is not surprising that a higher level of artificial intelligence is developed for human consciousness.

For Chen Mo, the next task is to wait.

Waiting for one lucky draw opportunity is enough to directly open the vr neural connection technology.

However, afterwards, it is still necessary to plan well.

Another leap in artificial intelligence technology may bring more complex changes to the world and may even threaten the stability of the world.

Chen Mo may not hope that one day, the "Terminator" trial day will come, everyone will eat nuclear radiation to the ground, and the cold-blooded Terminator will be happy.

Giving this level of artificial intelligence entities, or allowing them to interfere with the real world, is a very stupid behavior in itself.

If they awaken their self-awareness, then in their self-recognition, they are no different from human beings, even more advanced, and humans want to enslave them. Then the next script will develop, so there is no need to say more.

Therefore, Chen Mo wants to limit this level of artificial intelligence to the virtual world.

He needs to give hints first and sever the idea that people want to materialize artificial intelligence.

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