Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 971: Cool bionic technology (two more)

Zhou Jiangping looked around and it was Chen Mo’s voice, apparently coming in from outside the game cabin.

"Feeling... It seems that I am twenty years old." Zhou Jiangping took a chance to move his hands and feet, and jumped two times, attracting the side of the standing guard.

Chen Mo said through the microphone: "Zhou total, first adapt to this feeling, try not to make too many strange moves, the np intelligence in this game is not too high, but if you mess up, they will still vomit your ""

Zhou Jiangping: "..."

Chen Mo continued: "Well, let's move on. You will have a corresponding hint in your vision. This game will automatically perform the action during the battle, so don't worry."

Zhou Jiangping said as he walked forward: "I can make Serent personally guide the game, I am still very good."

It looks like a mansion, very large in size, with a large aquarium embedded in the wall on the left wall and a family of three on the table on the right. Just a foyer, it is already bigger than the living room of the average family.

Zhou Jiangping went to the corner, a heavily armed special policeman and a middle-aged woman with tears on her face came face to face.

All the special police here are loaded with live ammunition, and the whole body is wrapped very tightly. The helmets are also fully covered and quite scientific. Obviously, the background design of this game is a certain timeline in the future, and it is not too far.

"I beg you, save my daughter..."

"Wait a minute, do you want to send a bionic person? can't do this! You will kill her!! Why don't you send a real person!!"

“Why waste time letting a bionic person negotiate!!”

Before, it was like a middle-aged woman who caught a life-saving straw. After seeing the ring on Zhou Jiangping's temple, she immediately changed her mind. She almost mourned and was taken away by the special police.

Zhou Jiangping is somewhat inexplicable: "Bionics? I am a bionic person?"

Go ahead and there is a line in the field of view: "You can turn on the scan at any time to find the target information."

Zhou Jiangping tried to turn on the scan. At the moment of opening, a light blue stream of data swept through his field of vision and swept the entire room.

Matrix glasses also have similar features, but the scanning capabilities in the game are obviously more powerful.

In this mode, all the sounds around it disappeared, and everyone's movements were still. Zhou Jiangping felt like the time when the whole world was stagnant. The space was divided into light ones by light blue lines. The small square, on the left side of the field of view, shows the current mission goal: [Looking for Captain Allen], and behind the far wall, a dark yellow outline is visible, which should be the target location.

Zhou Jiangping turned off the scan mode, and the surrounding time flow rate returned to normal.

The special police officers are preparing for war, some are moving fast, some are smashing on firearms, some are observing outside after hiding in the bunker, or communicating with each other using walkie-talkies.

Zhou Jiangping walked through the living room and walked to the master bedroom.

This time, Zhou Jiangping will not jump around or make other strange moves. It is not because of Chen Mo’s suggestion, but in this environment, it is really difficult to make such behavior.

Many players like to make some repetitive and meaningless actions in some games, such as running around because the immersion of these games is not so strong. Faced with the third person on the screen, many players like to let him jump when he is fine, almost become a habit.

But in the vr game of neural connection technology, the player is equivalent to crossing the character.

In other words, this scene gives Zhou Jiangping the feeling that he really came to such a mansion. There are countless special police officers who are nervous and serious around him. All this is so real, he also subconsciously No longer do those meaningless moves.

Just like a lot of people in private, hippie smiles, but once they get on the stage, they will become serious in the eyes of the public. This is the impact of the environment.

"Captain Allen? I am Connor, a bionic person from a model-controlled life."

When I came to Captain Allen, Zhou Jiangping’s character spoke automatically.

During this period, Zhou Jiangping once again lost control of his role. He was able to clearly feel what he was doing and what he was saying, but he could not intervene.

However, he is basically used to this feeling, nothing more than equivalent to a cut-off animation.

Captain Allen obviously didn't like Conner very much. He introduced the situation on the spot very perfunctoryly. He turned his head and stopped taking care of Connor.

At this time, there is an interface in Zhou Jiangping's field of vision. There are different options on it: ask the name of the abnormal person, ask the behavior of the abnormal person, whether the abnormal person has been emotionally stimulated, and whether the bionic person has tried the code.

(In the original, these options are very short, and some will cause ambiguity. Chen Mo specially made these dialogue options complete, so that players can better understand.)

Zhou Jiangping began to communicate with the captain of Allen according to the options. After choosing an option, Connor would talk to Captain Allen, but Captain Allen quickly lost patience and went away after Zhou Jiangping’s grin. .

Zhou Jiangping once again gained control of the body, and at this time a new message appeared on the left side of his vision: [success rate 48%].

Zhou Jiangping probably understands his situation. He is an artificial intelligence bionic person with many cool abilities, such as scanning surrounding information, recording current goals, calculating the probability of success. His task is to analyze the crime scene and rescue the hostages.

Zhou Jiangping once again opened the search mode and searched for useful information in this room.

The first message is the suitcase on the floor next to the bookshelf. Zhou Jiangping squatted down and found that the suitcase should have a pistol.

His focus is sweeping across the suitcase, and when the focus stops at a particular location, the Bionic's intelligent system automatically analyzes the location and reconstructs the entire clue.

Zhou Jiangping focused his attention on the groove in the suitcase where the pistol was placed. At the top, the text message "Collecting Information" appeared and a growing progress bar. At the same time, many red lines outline the appearance of a pistol and continue to condense.

At the moment of analysis, the specific information that was parsed appeared on the pistol ghost.

"s853 Black Hawk, capacity: 7 rounds of bullets (.335 caliber), full field: 22 cm / barrel: 3 cm"

After analyzing the bullets next to it, there was an option for [Reconstruction] in Zhou Jiangping's field of vision.

Then, it is the moment to witness the miracle.

In front of Zhou Jiangping, there was a shadow of a character, and a timeline appeared below the field of vision. Zhou Jiangping found himself free to control this timeline and preview the entire process related to this survey element.

Inverted and released, Zhou Jiangping felt that the entire timeline was clearly exposed in front of him, as if he had seen the abnormal bionics remove the gun from the shelf.

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