Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 980: The core strengths of Detroit: Changing People (one more)

As the game progressed, Zou Zhuo gradually adapted to the three-lead mode of Detroit: Changing People.

The three protagonists here are all bionics. Connor is a new type of bionics who entered the front line of investigations in order to investigate abnormal bionics. His job is to deal with various abnormal bionics. The content includes talking about collapse, oh not It is a series of difficult operations such as negotiation, search, interrogation, tracking, hunting, etc. Although he is a bionic person, he stands in the human position and fights desperately to prevent the blocs from losing control and riots. In the early stage, he was directly opposed to the other two protagonists.

Cathy is a kind of female bionic person with good heart and full of maternal glory. Her existence was originally to complete the housekeeping service, but in the stormy night, Todd’s emotions were out of control again, and Cathy could only escape with Alice. Come out and avoid all night, protecting Alice from fleeing to Canada to start a new life.

Marcus originally served the bionics of an old painter, Carl. The result was scrapped in the conflict between the old man and the unfilial son. After restarting from the ruins, Marcus embarked on the same pilgrimage as other unusual bionics. Road, go to "Jerigo", which is the gathering place of unusual bionics. After arriving at Jericho, Marcus found that these unusual bionics only gathered here to wait for death, so he took the lead on the leader and led these unusual bionics to fight for freedom.

Although the first person identity switch of the three-lead mode seemed a bit confusing at the beginning, Zou Zhuo quickly got used to it. Because the plot lines of these three protagonists have been very carefully arranged, many times when you look at the surrounding environment, you can know which story line you are in, and when the story begins and the data flow builds the surrounding environment, the player You will also see the role you play.

With the development of the plot, Zou Zhuo gradually understood the core selling point of the game.

First of all, this is an interactive game of storyline. In the same story background, players can make many choices, resulting in many different endings. Just as Connor's performance in negotiating a level, collecting more elements in the scene can unlock more negotiation strategies, and players need to make more reasonable or more appropriate options for the status quo. The different outcomes of each plot will have an impact on the future development of the plot and ultimately lead to different endings.

In other words, this can be seen as a game that tests the player's ability to gather information and double-sellers. Players with low EQ are likely to make some choices and lead to irreparable results; but this is not absolutely correct. The game of choice, although there is a so-called full-live ending, but those tragic endings have their own charm, everyone can determine the fate of the characters in the game according to their understanding of the game.

Secondly, the important selling point of this game is "feeling".

As the default game for the next-generation matrix game console, Detroit: Transforming People brings the power of the matrix game console to the forefront. Players are attached to the bionics in a traversing manner, and have a very cool bionic ability, such as scanning, path analysis, combat skills, etc., especially in Marcus's plot line.

In the section of the [Mechanical Cemetery], Marcus was scrapped and woke up in the cemetery where the bionics were scrapped. His optical components (sight) and audio processor (hearing) are in an abnormal state, and when the player experiences this part of the story, vision and hearing also completely simulate the damaged state of Marcus.

I can't hear the sound of rain in my ears. Every time I crawl, the sound is like coming from a long distance. It is accompanied by a murmur. Everything seems so unreal. In the case of visual impairment, in front of the eyes. The image is blurred, accompanied by strange red light and tearing, and the focal length is also seriously deviated.

In this case, Marcus climbs through a mechanical cemetery covered with mud and bionics and searches for parts that fit his own. In the process, he will encounter some bionics who are still alive, some unconsciously repeat the factory voice, some ask Marcus to end its life, and some ask Marcus not to take away the parts of her. ......

In this infernal environment, the player is suffering every second, and after getting the optical components and audio processor, the visual and sound effects return to normal, and the player will instantly feel like a new life.

Thunder, rain, footsteps... The players feel at this moment that everything is so beautiful.

After struggling to climb out of the mechanical cemetery, Marcus greeted the raindrops and looked at the dark sky and opened his arms as if calling for the advent of freedom. At this moment, the players’ emotions were finally realized. Release.

In the process of searching for Jericho, the players were fortunate enough to experience the next generation of vr's Assassin's Creed.

When passing through some special terrain, Marcus will first analyze the safety and feasibility of each route with an intelligent system, and finally the player chooses a suitable road. After the selection, Marcus will automatically perform operations, flying, walking, parkour, climbing, and even a section of the bridge that is suspected of paying tribute to the "faith of faith."

Players can also follow Marcus to experience this feeling of flying and experience these actions that they can't do in real life.

Moreover, the game also has a variety of elements such as parkour, horror, detective, action, shooting, etc., which is equivalent to a hodgepodge, allowing players to experience a variety of different game styles in this game.

Finally, Detroit: Changing People has its own unique spiritual connotation, and it also presents a unique insight into the topic of "artificial intelligence" in a more humane way.

In the process of investigating unusual bionics, Connor needs to cooperate with the vice captain of Hank Anderson, and the plot option can be called the teaching of high emotional intelligence mode. Hank’s deputy captain has a very strong prejudice against the bionics, but with his cooperation with Connor, his impression of the bionics is constantly changing, and Connor is gradually changing from a cold and ruthless bionic person who only knows how to complete the task. It has become a partner who truly understands human feelings and understands people. Two people become true friends.

Of course, if the player insists on shaping Connor into a ruthless robot, or if the emotional intelligence is really worrying about choosing too many options, then Hank’s vice captain may also shoot Connor with a shot and finally choose to commit suicide.

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