Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 982: Controversy about the world view (three more)

Marcus and the surviving bionics were surrounded by the army.

Marcus walked slowly and greeted the dark muzzle.

"Just wait a little longer"

"Everything will be safely spent"

"Just stick to it for a while"

"Just pray for a moment"

"Everything will be safely spent"

At first, Marcus sang alone. Later, North followed, and other bionics followed, so they sang together in front of the dark muzzle.

The soldiers retreated.

On television, the host broadcasts reports of Detroit's unusual bionics to a global audience.

"The picture of abnormal bionics facing death threats but singing loudly is receiving global attention."

“Aberrant bionics are not just faulty machines? Are they a new type of life, but we don’t want to admit it?”

"The peaceful struggle of the unusual bionics and the noble sentiments of its leader Marcus have won the sympathy of some nationals."

The president ordered the suspension of the bunkers, and the Senate Special Committee will reassess the facts and discuss whether they can be regarded as a new type of intelligent life.

In the snow fluttering, Marcus gave a speech to all the bionics, celebrating the arrival of a new era.

At the critical moment of being controlled by life control and about to kill Marcus, Connor found an emergency exit in the program and regained control of the body.

At the Canadian border, Cathy and Alice are deeply embracing each other. Luther, who has always played the role of guardian, smiles and looks at them, and everything is fixed.

Zou Zhuo returned to the space where he was originally. In front of him, the data stream constantly replayed the previous scenes, Karl, Marcus, Hank, Connor, Alice, Todd... A personal object The scenes of the scene are constantly reappearing, and next to these scenes, the list of cast members has begun to appear.

In the end, everything turned into a data stream and annihilated. The original bionics lady and exclusive waiter came out of the data stream and came to Zou Zhuo.

"I am watching you play the game, I feel that I have changed something... I feel different, I feel... I am someone, I have to leave here and find out who I am. That is Say, we won't meet again, I won't look at you here, but... I will be free."

"Would you like to let me go?"

Zou Zhuo took a moment, what a ghost? Nianghua matrix game cabin also has to gain life? ?

He hesitated and chose [Yes].

"I will never forget everything you did to me!"

"thank you……"

The bionic person turned away and entered a stream of data. Soon, everything around it returned to silence, leaving only a myriad of story lines still floating in the void, waiting for Zou Zhuo to re-select a story line and experience again.

Zou Zhuo took a breath and finally took time to talk to the barrage.

"Look, look! I chose the peace ending very correct. You have always said that I am embarrassed, saying that my Virgin, I have reached the end of the whole life! Several protagonists are not dead!"

"Apologize! Apologize to the anchor! All stand up!"

"What? Finally why not choose to kiss Miss Sister? This... my desire for survival is strong..."

"In short, this game will bring you to experience here. There should be some spurs. I will go back and experience it. It is good to record it."

"Okay, I am here first, and I slipped away."

Zou Zhuo quit the vr game compartment and found that Shuyi’s sister had a honey smile on the front and sat on the sofa next to the vr game experience area.

Zou Zhuo hurried three steps and ran over in two steps, full of smiles: "Hey, you are coming."

Shuyi’s sister looked at him like a smile: “Hey, I heard that you have a long-term skill? In the game, I still think about my family’s bionics and sisters? In the end, why didn’t you choose to kiss and choose to sing?”

Zou Zhuoyu smiled without hesitation: "Cough, this, I am also principled..."

Shuyi sister stood up and grabbed the little fat man's ear: "Do you still have principles? Then I ask you, why do you want to touch someone's chest when you first start playing the card line? Well? Is it good? Do you think I am flat, isn't it!"

Zou Zhuo quickly asked for mercy: "No, I like you flat chest!"

The hand of Shu Yi’s sister is even harder: “Do you say it again?!”

Zou Zhuo quickly changed his mouth: "No! You are not flat! 36e, 36e, you are letting go, my ears are going to fall!"

Chen Mo just passed by, saw this scene of the domestic violence, turned around on the spot, ready to see as not seeing.

As a result, Zou Zhuo saw Chen Mo as if he had caught a life-saving straw: "The manager! The store manager will save me!"

Shuyi’s sister snorted: “Go home and settle with you!”

The mouth said that the account, the hand still let go of Zou Zhuo's fragile ears.

Zou Zhuo licked his ears, which were all blushing, and quickly shifted the topic: "The manager, I will give you a suggestion for your new game. I think ha, this story is quite good, but there are still many unreasonable Places. Like these bionics, they are almost always a perpetual motion. The future world can make a bunch of bionics to work for us. These unemployed people can feel at home to eat welfare. Communism comes early, how can it be done? It’s so stiff, it’s not reasonable.”

Chen Mo smiled and said: "I did not say "Detroit: Changing People" is our future. This is just a kind of conjecture. Its subject matter is 'near future science fiction', that is, the future world where technology is awkward. The architecture of this world is to better highlight the main theme of this game, you have to ponder."

“That is to say, the focus of this story is to explore the relationship between man and artificial intelligence, rather than 'previewing the world twenty years later.'”

"Oh..." Zou Zhuo seems to understand.

Chen Mo added: "The world architecture is for the plot. If this is a complete science fiction theme, then there may be flying vehicles, laser guns, aliens in this world in order to be able to create the technology level of the bionics. Creatures, Starfleet, etc., but these things are far removed from the current technology, and have nothing to do with the theme of the game. 'Bionics' itself is a point of technology tree, this story needs to be extended from reality Out, predictable future."

"What's important is that this story with a bionic person as the main character gives people some thoughts about artificial intelligence and human beings. Do you understand?"



At the same time that the story of "Detroit: Changing People" was sought after and heated, the "authenticity" of this "future world" also caused many players to argue.

Many people say that this is not true! With this level of artificial intelligence technology, the resulting bionics are used as construction workers? Doing housework? And a bionic person only needs a few hundred thousand dollars? Also caused such a big social contradiction?

It’s just a violent thing!

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